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  • What Judas Missed-10

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Mar 7, 2019

    10 of ? Judas missed the entirety of that which took place from the time of his leaving the Lord’s supper(13:30) until he arrived in the Garden of Gethsemane, with those who would arrest Jesus(18:3)! Judas Missed...

    WHAT JUDAS MISSED-X—John 13:31–14:11(John 13:18--17:26) OR--‘WHILE YOU WERE OUT/AWAY’ Attention: Early in February 2019, our church was given two boxes of green bananas & three cases of ‘Silk’ brand Soy Milk with an expiration date of March 10, 2019. We announced that both were available to more

  • When Is Christmas?

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Dec 27, 2023

    Solomon built a temple for the Lord to dwell in a special way, and God appeared. How did God appear at Christmas?

    12.31.23 1 Kings 8:6–13 (EHV) 6 The priests brought the Ark of the Covenant of the LORD to its place in the inner sanctuary of the house, to the Most Holy Place, under the wings of the cherubim, 7 for the cherubim were spreading their wings over the place for the ark, so that the cherubim more

  • Jesus The Bread Of Life Series

    Contributed by Revd Dr Ruwan Palapathwala on Jan 6, 2025
    based on 1 rating

    When God the Father draws us to Himself by reminding us of Home through the taste of Heaven's food, Jesus, the Bread of Life, we come to know that our Father is with us always

    You heard me say last Sunday that our son left the nest in May and moved into his own house. We miss him very much at home. However, because he lives only about twelve minutes away, we do not experience the separation as much as we would have otherwise. About two times each week, he comes home in more

  • Merely Managers

    Contributed by Bob Joyce on Nov 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Everything we have are gifts from God. Our time, talents, and resources are all gifts from God. Like beauty and brilliance, we are not responsible for having them, but we are very responsible for what we do with them.

    The interviewer had traveled all the way to New York to interview him about preaching. Sitting in his living room, the young man was thrilled to be visiting with one of the most effective media ministers of all times. When television was young, he appeared in prime time on Sunday evenings, teaching more

  • Key For Excellence. Genesis 39-40 Series

    Contributed by Shine Thomas on Jul 17, 2017

    Key for excellence post covers 5 areas from Joseph’s life that propelled him to success and excellence. Read this post and be on your way to excellence.

    Follow us on: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube: Introduction: Do you go about your everyday activities with passion or just more

  • #14~ Eleven~ Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Jan 21, 2012
    based on 3 ratings

    ELEVEN is found 47 times in our KJ Bible; the number ELEVEN is associated usually with JUDGMENT AND DISORDER all through the Bible.

    #14~ ELEVEN~ BIBLE NUMBER MEANINGS 1-21-12 ~~ NUMBER ELEVEN USUALLY DENOTES JUDGMENT AND DISORDER ~~ ELEVEN is found 47 times in our KJ Bible; the number ELEVEN is associated usually with JUDGMENT AND DISORDER all through the Bible. Let me more

  • God Uses Problems In Our Lives To Bring Us To His Place

    Contributed by Terry Vaughan on Dec 19, 2001
    based on 41 ratings

    How does God use our problems to bring us to His place? Learn how he Directs us, Discerns us, Defends us and Develops us.

    WESTSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH PASTOR: TERRY VAUGHAN SERMON TITLE: GOD USES OUR PROBLEMS TO BRING US TO HIS PLACE “For God so Loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to more

  • Rededicating Your Home To God. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on Aug 8, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Today, we gather to reclaim and rededicate our homes to God. Perhaps your home was once a place of evil, idolatry, or sinful practices.

    Today, we gather to reclaim and rededicate our homes to God. Perhaps your home was once a place of evil, idolatry, or sinful practices. But I declare to you, that God can transform and redeem any space for His glory! Have you ever wondered if the home you live in or the property you own was more

  • God's Favorite House Part 4: The Importance Of His Name Series

    Contributed by Randy West on Mar 13, 2002
    based on 117 ratings

    Whatever you name is tonight it can be changed to Child of God. Names are important. What’s your name tonight?

    God’s favorite House part 4 The importance of His name Text Genesis 32:24-32 The importance of a name can easily be understood when we look back to the early 1980’s. In that time frame a new revolutionary diet control candy hit the market. The candy was gaining popularity nationwide and was more

  • God's Favorite House Part 5: Knowing God By Giving? Series

    Contributed by Randy West on Mar 13, 2002
    based on 134 ratings

    There are 7 laws of Seedtime and Harvest they are ...

    God’s Favorite House Knowing God--- by giving? The 7 laws of seedtime and harvest Text: Galatians 6:7-9 Malachi 3:7-12 Genesis 1:11-12, 8:22 There are certain laws that were set in order from the beginning of time i.e.…. The law of gravity… We can’t live outside of it. It holds us to this more

  • God's Favorite House Part 7: To Know God As A Friend Series

    Contributed by Randy West on Mar 13, 2002
    based on 50 ratings

    Intro: Some people are very reluctant to develop new relationships, because of past experiences, but while our relationships in this life can cause our greatest grief, pain and sorrow they can also be the source of our greatest joy and pleasure and withou

    God’s favorite house part 7 The house of a friend “TO KNOW GOD AS A FRIEND” Proverbs 18:24 Intro: Some people are very reluctant to develop new relationships, because of past experiences, but while our relationships in this life can cause our greatest grief, pain and sorrow they can also be the more

  • "How To Make My Church A House Of Bread” (Sourdough Spirituality)

    Contributed by Don Hawks on Jul 31, 2002
    based on 80 ratings

    A Communion message with Discussion on how to build a strong church family so that the church might be the body and blood of Christ for the world.

    [This sermon ws inspired by Lonard Sweet’s "Sourdough Spirituality" and Rick Warren’s article on building a stronger church] (Have bread baking in church kitchen before service as people are entering building sot hey can smell the aroma of fresh baked bread.) Bring a sourdough starter into more

  • Psalm 23 Part Ix "In The House Of The Lord Forever" Series

    Contributed by Brad Henry on Aug 11, 2011

    Psalm 23 has been about the story of God's salvation. This lesson ties together the past 8 lessons to show of God's salvation and how He prepared a way for us to enter heaven.

    Psalm 23:6b “and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” As we close our series on the 23rd Psalm we end with the best passage of all. The 23rd Psalm is about Salvation. We see where we are born into this world lost just as sheep. We are blind and need a shepherd. But the Lord more

  • U Can Build God A House Like Solomon Did

    Contributed by Darren Sirmans on Aug 29, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Draw a line in the sand, and know this you can build God a house with anything if you’re not ashame

    2 Chronicles 2 1 - 6 Solomon was determined to build a house for the name of the Lord; he made a choice and it was hot like that tornado fire the world witnessed during the month of August 2010. Man has chosen to work the same way twice but not with his eyes. It’s time to get over - ourselves; more

  • Let's Go To God's House

    Contributed by David Nolte on Aug 18, 2019

    There are fine dwelling places in this world but none as fine as God's House

    Let’s Go To God’s House” John 14:1-6 David P. Nolte Here are some pretty posh hotel rooms. They show extravagance of comfort, convenience and cost. They are fine examples of interior decoration and imagination. But because of Jesus we can all lay claim to an infinitely finer more

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