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  • Eating Humble Pie Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Aug 8, 2016

    Job realizes that he is only mortal and human.

    Job 42:7-17 “Eating Humble Pie” INTRODUCTION The ending of Job reads like it was written by an American screenwriter. American plays and movies almost always have to have a happy ending. For forty-one chapters we have walked with Job through his suffering. The storyteller has more

  • Have A Slice Of Humble Pie Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Apr 9, 2003
    based on 318 ratings

    God doesn’t cause trouble and adversity, but He uses trouble to refine some humility in us. While trouble causes some people to raise their faces to heaven and become bitter, others bow their knees before God and become better.

    Have a Slice of Humble Pie Luke 14:1-11 by David O. Dykes INTRODUCTION Maybe you’ve seen Jeff Foxworthy’s “Redneck” list. He says, “You know you’re a Redneck if…”: 1. Directions to your house include, “Turn off the paved road.” 2. You take your fishing pole to Sea World. 3. You have flowers more

  • How About A Piece Of Pie?

    Contributed by Thomas Bowen on Feb 29, 2004
    based on 28 ratings

    Temptation of Jesus - You can do it, easier and quick and test God. The devil knows how to tempt you, not just a generic temptation. He knows the best time, the best place, the most tempting thing to offer.

    How about a piece of pie? Luke 4:1-13 Today we are talking about temptation. Most of you may remember the Flip Wilson Show and his character Geraldine, Always saying “the devil made me do it!” We tend to think like that don’t we? If we sin and we feel caught or guilty we like to blame someone more

  • Overcoming Adversity Is As Easy As Pie! Series

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jan 16, 2010
    based on 14 ratings

    God wants us to dream big, but every dreamer will experience troubles and trials. Overcoming adversity is as easy as P.I.E: Providence, Integrity and Endurance.

    EXTRAORDINARY DREAMS #2: OVERCOMING ADVERSITY IS AS EASY AS P.I.E. KEY TEXT: “God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or dream, according to His power that works in us.” (Ephesians 3:20). • God has placed within our heart hopes and dreams that He wants to fulfill for more

  • Is Christian Hope Just Pie In The Sky

    Contributed by David Petticrew on Mar 19, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    Christian hope is not pie in the sky but founded on the concrete reality of what has been promised by God.

    Has anyone seen The Postman. It’s a bit old now, it was released a few years ago. And while it comes from a good book, the movie does boil down to a new setting for Kevin Costner to play the same character he played in every other movie he’s ever been in. But in this movie, the self-centred guy who more

  • Eating Humble Pie And Loving It! Series

    Contributed by Ernie Arnold on Aug 13, 2016
    based on 3 ratings

    Jesus teaches a lesson on the Christian Virtue of Genuine Christ like Humility. He tells us that A. We can possess a life of humility. B. First we have to see ourselves realistically C. We have to see ourselves in Him - In Christ.

    Scripture: Luke 14:1-14 (cf. verses 7-11) Theme: Table Talks about Humility Title: Eating Humble Pie and loving it! Proposition: Jesus teaches a lesson on Humility. He tells us that 1. We can possess a life of humility. 2. First we have to see ourselves realistically 3. We have to see more

  • Game Of Thrones - Pt. 4 - The Whole Pie! Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Aug 7, 2016

    We talk, sing, and pray using the language of the Kingdom . . . words like Lord, King, and sovereign. However, citizenship in a democracy keeps us from understanding the throne.

    Game of Thrones Pt. 4 - The Whole Pie Introduction After 1 year we have finally come to the final battle in the attack on the 5 principalities that I identified for us. We have fought isolation, poverty, hopelessness and apathy. Now we square off against compartmentalism. Compartmentalism is more

  • Are We Humble Enough?

    Contributed by The Rev Deniray Mueller on Aug 30, 2019
    based on 4 ratings

    How often do we assume a more exalted position than is warranted?

    One time when Jesus went for a Sabbath meal with one of the top leaders of the Pharisees, all the guests had their eyes on him, watching his every move. He went on to tell a story to the guests around the table. Noticing how each had tried to elbow into the place of honor, he said, “When someone more

  • Only Believe

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Mar 5, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Why in the world, would anyone want to limit themselves to what someone else could give them, Instead of what the God could give them? We don’t have to settle for a sliver of pie, you can have as many pieces of the pie your willing to believe for!

    Only Believe Ephesians 5:8-10,15-17 NIV For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light 9 (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) 10 and find out what pleases the Lord. 15-17 So, then, be careful how you live. Do not more

  • Xxvi Domingo Ordinario, Ano B-- Lecciones De Los Lagartos

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Sep 24, 2021

    ¿En qué está pensando el pensador? Según el artista, "el Pensador" está sentado en mudo asombro mientras contempla a la gente perdida en el infierno.

    Los lagartos se dispersan cuando perciben una amenaza y se auto-amputarán la cola si un depredador se la agarra. Dejará atrás la cola y correrá pero con locomotor y movimientos modificados. El lagarto se dice a sí mismo: "¡Es mejor perder la cola que perder la more

  • It's Due Season"

    Contributed by Gregory Tucker on Jan 30, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    It time for the saint of God to realize, the blessing of God in now. We no longer should be waiting for our pie in the sky, but have my ham where I am.

    "It Due Season" This year the church will move from words to actions, dreams to reality, from promises to possessions. This is the year in that we shall posses Canaan by taking back what the enemy has stolen from us and reaping a harvest that has been planted for years. It’s more

  • Holy Communion: A “humble Pie” Not “black Tie” Event Series

    Contributed by Daniel Habben on Apr 2, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    How does one prepare for Holy Communion? With a humble faith. The parable of the Prodigal Son will illustrate such a faith.

    The Art Gallery of Alberta (AGA) held the grand opening of its hip new $88 million building in January. Were you invited to this black tie event? Neither was I. Then again I didn’t give a million dollars for the construction of the Gallery nor am I a friend of the mayor. Gallery openings are more

  • Vision 2012 – Life Connection

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Oct 11, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    VISION 2012 – Life Connection God’s vision for our church is not about a building program or pie charts. It is about people. Casts vision for the growth of the local church through small group ministry.

    • Proverbs 29:18 MsgB If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; But when they attend to what he reveals, they are most blessed. INTRODUCTION: God has given birds of all kinds eyes so they can see where they are going. Many birds pick and choose their direction as more

  • Nuestra Senora De Lourdes

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Jan 21, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Vi a una señora vestida de blanco: llevaba un vestido blanco, un velo también de color blanco, un cinturón azul y una rosa amarilla en cada pie.

    El 11 de Febrero de 1858, Bernardita rogó que se le permitiera acompañar a su hermana y a una amiga a recoger leña para el fuego. Bernardita se quedó atrás de las chicas y fue entonces cuando ‘esto’ sucedió. "Vi a una señora vestida de blanco: llevaba un vestido blanco, un velo también de color more

  • Be Careful What You Wish For Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Aug 27, 2007
    based on 37 ratings

    We often look forward to eschatological events as wonderful pie-in-the-sky times. While the fulfillment of those events will result in unimaginable blessedness, we cannot forget they are initiated by judgment. Are we ready for how they will arrive?

    Be careful what you wish for. 1. Because it might not be what you expect. 2. Because you might not be as ready for it as you think. 3. Because your memory might not be as good as you think it is. 4. Because you might need to do everything you can in the present grace God gives you. AMOS more

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