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  • Immersions For The Young Messiah-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Aug 22, 2011

    1 of 2. Luke revealed Jesus as Messiah thru showcasing His immersion in God’s affairs. Likewise, the God-sent immerse themselves in God’s affairs. How is this immersion substantiated? Immersion in God’s affairs is substantiated thru...

    IMMERSIONS Of The YOUNG MESSIAH-I—Luke 2:41-52 Attention: There is a TV show highlighting the lives of the Duggar family. They are a family of Conservative Baptists who live in Arkansas. They live debt-free. Jim Bob(father) is a former state legislator who served in the Arkansas House of more

  • A Love That Will Never Stop Shining / Christmas Eve

    Contributed by J Jeffrey Smead on Dec 18, 2015
    based on 45 ratings

    Christmas is the living promise that we are never alone. No matter where we are in life, No matter how far we might stray, or how unfaithful we are, God in all his love, will continue to pursue, a love that will never stop shining.

    For those not familiar with an Anglican Service there are four Scriptures readings proceeding the Message. Today's assigned readings are: Isaiah 9:2-7; Psalm 96; Titus 2:11-14 and Luke 2:1-20. A little boy wanted a watch so very badly ....for Christmas. Each day,...... he would ask about his more

  • Why We Do What We Do - Baptism In Jesus Name Series

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Aug 27, 2015
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon was done after I read "Why my English teacher decided to be baptized in Jesus name" The spirit of God impressed upon me to take it to another level. This is why we Baptize in Jesus Name. Apostolic Teaching.

    “Why We Do What We Do” Baptism in Jesus Name! By Bishop M.L. Maughmer, Jr. 2 Timothy 2:15 “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth”. Acts 2:38 “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be more

  • The Burning Heart Series

    Contributed by Bob Marcaurelle on Mar 2, 2016

    The story of Jesus' encounter with two followers the first Easter on a road; the excitement they received from his teaching of the Word and the message they shared with the Apostles.

    BIBLE MESSAGES ON EASTER Bob Marcaurelle Yahoo to bob marcaurelle Message 8 Annual Sermons: Vol. 12 Sermon 4 Bob Marcaurelle: Easter more

  • Strapped To God (Teffilin/Phylacteries)

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Nov 18, 2011

    Jewish people wore/wear the tefillin (or phylacteries) to remind them of their relationship to God. There are lessons from the tefillin for Christians as well.

    1. Mendel’s Tefillin As the Nazis forced Jews into the death camps in WWII, they stripped their captives of even their most meager possessions. The Tefillin were rare ans precious commodities in the camps. Mendel’s Tefillin were confiscated as soon as he arrived at Auschwitz. Even in more

  • Give Thanks To God Series

    Contributed by Gordon Weatherby on Nov 1, 2016

    This first sermon in the series on the book of Colossians was used on the occasion of Thanksgiving Weekend. It looks at the three things for which Paul was Thankful in almost all of his epistles: Faith, Hope, and Love

    *Give Thanks To God* Col. 1:3-5 (Please note: A small portion of this sermon -- main points and subpoints are from the sermon of another though cannot remember who it was from. Probably 85 % of the message would be my own.) The following link will take you to an MP3 Audio recording of this sermon: more

  • Through The Eyes Of A Prophet: "A Tender Shoot" [part Two Of Five]

    Contributed by Cooper Mcwhirter on Dec 19, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    The Physical features of Jesus

    Sermon Preached at Grace Community Church (EPC) Sun City Grand, Surprise, AZ Sunday, January 2, 2005 by the Reverend Cooper McWhirter Through the Eyes of a Prophet: “A Tender Shoot” [Part Two of Five] Isaiah 53:1-3 In his book titled, The Major Prophets, James E. Smith writes: “For the more

  • "Getting Our Of Jail, Free" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Jan 11, 2017

    I read this week in fact that it is possible that up to 80% of those who are currently hospitalized have a stress related illnesses. 80%.

    “Get out of jail, Free” Matthew 6:1-18 Medical science has been telling us now for years that there is a very close relationship between physical illness and stress. That shouldn’t be hard for us to believe since when you go through a time of extended stress and difficulty, many times we become more

  • "Get Put Of Jail, Free!" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Jan 30, 2017

    When we forgive others we find that we let someone out of jail. But we are the ones who experience freedom.

    “Get out of jail, Free” Matthew 6:1-18 Medical science has been telling us now for years that there is a very close relationship between physical illness and stress. That shouldn’t be hard for us to believe since when you go through a time of extended stress and difficulty, many times we become more

  • A New Beginning With Integrity Series

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Mar 27, 2015

    Integrity is a topic that is seen loosely by many. Is God serious about Integrity?

    A new beginning with Integrity How many of you watch movies? How many of you prefer the “Happy ending” movies than the tragic ending movies? Most of us prefer “Happy Endings” right? Those of you who have followed the last episode of Harry Potter Book and the movie that more

  • Be Holy For I Am Holy

    Contributed by Sam Mccormick on Jul 1, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    The New Testament calls upon Christians to be holy, as God is holy. Is that even possible? Does a single sin nullify our holiness irrevocably? What does the phrase mean, and how are we to respond?

    BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY Note: I have a presentation in PowerPoint 10 to go with the following sermon. If you are interested in the PowerPoint file I will send it directly, along with the sermon text in a Word 10 docx file with cues for slide changes and animations. Email me at more

  • Want Greatness? Don't Let Past Mistakes Define You

    Contributed by Ezekiel Ette on Oct 29, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    Using an example of Moses we can never allow our past mistakes to be our limitation.

    Want Greatness? Don’t Let Your Past mistakes Define You Deut, 34 : 1 _ 12 One of my favorite movies is the Pursuit of Happyness staring Wills Smith. It is a movie portrayal of the story of Chris Gardener. Raised in the United States foster care system because his mother was in jail, he struggled as more

  • 2nd Sunday Of Advent, Year B. Series

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Sep 28, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    DECEMBER 10th, 2023.

    Isaiah 40:1-11, Psalm 85:1-2, Psalm 85:8-13, 2 Peter 3:8-15, Mark 1:1-8 A). COMFORT YE… Isaiah 40:1-11. We have before us a passage which may well be familiar to us: yet please do not allow its very familiarity to breed contempt. This is a little Gospel, a sort of proto-Gospel written by the more

  • A Broken Heart Series

    Contributed by Fred Sigle on May 20, 2024

    A study of the Beatitudes. Jesus begins His sermon on the mount answering the question: "What will it take to make you happy?" His answer, however, is far different from the way most people will answer. In fact, his answers appear to bring sorrow, not happiness.

    PURSUIT OF HAPPYNESS: A BROKEN HEART A. Many people believe that HAPPINESS is produced by EXTERNAL CIRCUMSTANCES or SITUATIONS. 1. The world buys into the “WHEN AND THEN” philosophy: “When I get this...” or “When that changes...” or “When this happens” “. . . THEN I'll be more

  • Called To Be A Light To The Gentiles

    Contributed by John Williams Iii on Aug 14, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    This is the second of four servant songs about the Messiah. This servant song resembles a mission that has both pros and cons. Every mission has an objective with agents for accomplishing the goal of that mission.

    CALLED TO BE THE LIGHT FOR THE GENTILES Text: Isaiah 49:1 – 7 This is the second of four servant songs about the Messiah. This servant song resembles a mission that has both pros and cons. Every mission has an objective with agents for accomplishing the goal of that mission. It is more

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