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  • 2 Kings Part 5 Outline

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Nov 18, 2023

    Chapters 21-25 NASB

    Chapter 21: The reigns of Manasseh and Amon Chapter 22: The reign of Josiah Chapter 23: The reign of Josiah Chapter 24: Attack and Deportation Chapter 25: Jerusalem destroyed and 2nd Deportation Daniel Grothe and Andrew Arndt of New Life Church, CO Springs, CO said People rise and fall on the more

  • An Outline Of Acts 19:8-12

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Nov 21, 2023

    Paul arrived at Ephesus and tried to share the Gospel with the Jews in the synagogue. After they rejected him, Paul found another place to teach. He also found a ministry of healing in Ephesus, too.

    Introduction: Paul had just arrived in Ephesus and had finished ministering to a group of men who claimed to be disciples of John the Baptist (verses 1-7). Now he’s moving on into his pattern, “to the Jew first, and also to the Greek (or Gentile, Romans 1:16)”. There’s another pattern, so to more

  • An Outline Of Acts 19:13-20

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Nov 23, 2023

    Evil spirits have affected people for many years. A group of seven men, claiming to have power to cast out demons, came to Ephesus and got a lot more than they bargained for! Then look at what happened next.

    Introduction: This episode took place after Paul had begun a healing ministry, sending aprons or handkerchiefs to people who needed them (Acts 19:11-12). Note, this was a one-time occurrence, never repeated anywhere else in the Bible so far as I can determine. Someone once remarked that what the more

  • An Outline Of Acts 19:21-41

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Dec 1, 2023

    The loss of one's livelihood might well cause normal people to do some strange things. When Paul was in Ephesus, one man's speech to his co-workers led to a riot! How it started and ended is strange indeed.

    Introduction: These last verses of Acts 19 show some of the opposition Paul faced as he taught the Truth of God and God’s Word to the people in Ephesus. Paul had seen the Lord work in a number of ways; now, he was going to experience some of the hatred the devil had for him and for all those who more

  • An Outline For The One-Sentence Prayers Of Nehemiah: Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Sep 2, 2024

    There are seven one-sentence prayers in the Book of Nehemiah. This outline lists each one and provides some thoughts about each one, followed by a conclusion.

    Introduction: The Book of Nehemiah has a number of Nehemiah’s prayers, but certainly not all. Some, like the first, were several verses long; others, a little shorter, and then there were a number of one-sentence prayers. This outline cites the half-dozen or so of these very brief, very terse, more

  • An Outline Of Acts 28:1-16

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Feb 14, 2024

    Paul, Luke, and several other people had been shipwrecked on Malta. After staying there, these men and possibly others made the last leg of their journey to Rome itself. The journey wasn't always easy, though.

    Introduction: this last chapter of Acts begins with Paul and others on the island of Malta, and closes with Paul arriving at Rome, just as the Lord had promised (Acts 23:11, 27:24). Luke summarized nearly 30 years of church growth in one volume, from Jerusalem to Rome and then to other parts of the more

  • An Outline Of Acts 28:17-31

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Feb 16, 2024

    These last verses of Acts describe Paul's ministry to the Jews of Rome and their reaction. Luke gives a summary of what he did for two years. May we always be faithful even as Paul was!

    The Dialogues: Paul’s Messages to the People His Meeting with the Chief of the Jews Text, Acts 28:17-31, KJV: 17 And it came to pass, that after three days Paul called the chief of the Jews together: and when they were come together, he said unto them, Men and brethren, though I have committed more

  • "Is This The King? On A Donkey!” (Plus Outline)

    Contributed by Clarence Eisberg on Mar 21, 2024

    There is nothing normal about “parades.” There is always preparation. God has prepared since Adam and Eve. 3 Words: Launch. Membership. Culture of the King 1st Launch Egypt Membership =Passover Culture Palm Sunday=Launch 2nd Membership 3rd new culture

    In Jesus Holy Name March 24, 2024 Text: Luke 19:11b Palm Sunday Redeemer “Is This the King? On a Donkey!” There is nothing normal about “parades.” There is always preparation. Anticipation is in the air. So it was in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. more

  • An Outline For An Armed Forces Day Message

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on May 27, 2023

    Armed Forces Day is celebrated the third Saturday in May. This outline reminds believers that every one of us is engaged in a never-ending conflict with various enemies.

    Introduction: According to Wikipedia, Armed Forces Day was established in 1949 and first celebrated in 1950. Since then Armed Forces Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in May as a way to honor all branches of the military. As a military retiree myself, I rejoice in seeing some of our best take more

  • An Outline For "What Makes A Good Father?” Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on May 30, 2023

    Scripture describes many fathers, some good and many that weren't. There is no guarantee any man will be a good father but if he follows the Lord and the Word, he'll have a better chance than those men who don't.

    Introduction: With few exceptions, every man has the opportunity and privilege of becoming a father. Whether a man becomes a good father or a bad one, really, depends on him and several choices he makes. No man will ever be a perfect father but if he follows the Bible’s guidance, he’ll have a more

  • An Outline Of Acts 9:1-31

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Oct 27, 2021

    Most of this chapter revolves around Saul of Tarsus and how he met the Risen Lord Jesus on the Damascus Road. This outline could be expanded into a series or condensed into a single message.

    Introduction: Acts 9 contains two sections. Verses 1-31 contain the conversion of Saul of Tarsus, the ministry of Ananias of Damascus to Saul, and Saul’s early ministry to the people of Damascus. He then fled Damascus, made his way back to Jerusalem, but returned to Tarsus because people wanted to more

  • An Outline Of Acts 9:32-35

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Oct 29, 2021

    Peter was in the city of Lydda, when he met a very sick man. What happened next? This outline could be used for a devotional or expanded into a sermon or part of a sermon.

    Introduction: The event in this passage took place, most likely, after Peter and John had gone to Samaria, returned to Jerusalem, and preached the gospel to many other villages of the Samaritans (Acts 8:14-17, 25). Later, as stated in Acts 9:31, the churches “had rest throughout Judaea and Galilee more

  • An Outline Of Acts 9:36-43

    Contributed by Jonathan Spurlock on Oct 30, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Simon Peter was in Lydda, after he had healed a man of a serious disease. Two men from Joppa came there and asked Peter to go to Joppa with them. At Joppa, Peter was able to perform another miracle!

    Introduction: Peter had come to Lydda and apparently stayed there after Aeneas had been healed (Acts 9:32-35). Peter was still there when two men from Joppa came to him and asked him to come to Joppa. Once he arrived, Peter found out why he was asked to come there and was able to perform another more

  • The Man God Uses

    Contributed by Daniel Whetstine on Apr 2, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    What qualifies a man to be a man God uses?

    There are four principles that legitimately qualifies a person to claim the title of "God's man" Let's see what they are. Romans 15; 14-20 The Man God Uses I. His Performance Is For The Lord (In our text we see two objectives) A. To bring glory to God (9-11) more

  • The Sparrow

    Contributed by Wes Gunther on Mar 19, 2019

    God knows when even the sparrow falls

    The Sparrow Matthew 10 1. God knew when the Sparrow fell 2. God knew BEFORE the Sparrow fell a. Rev 1:8 b. Does not go against our free will c. God is outside of time and space 3. God did not prevent the Sparrow from falling a. Sometimes calms the storm b. Sometimes more

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