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  • Part 2 Failure Is A Better Teacher Than Success Series

    Contributed by Dennis Cummins on May 7, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This series is designed to help people understand how God takes our failures and refines us with them, turning them into successes.

    Refined by Failure - 2 Failure is a far better teacher than success. Two great differences between those that fail backwards and those that fail forward. Failing Backwards Failing Forwards Blaming others Taking Responsibility Repeating the same mistakes Learning from each more

  • Our Past, Our Present And Our Future!

    Contributed by Lonnie Erwin on Sep 27, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    God’s forgiveness for past, present and future

    Movie Titled “Karla Faye Tucker” Plot Outline: On February 3, 1998, Karla Faye Tucker was put to death by the state of Texas, the first woman to be executed in America in 15 years. She was a confessed pick-axe murderer. But in prison, her life dramatically changed through a religious conversion more

  • Defining Moment In Our Lives

    Contributed by Lola Olanrewaju on Jul 19, 2020
    based on 4 ratings

    Life is built upon a series of defining moments, including moment of crisis, failure, sadness, success and joy. Although, it is easy to let emotions dictate our response during a defining moment, how we respond will shape our faith, our personality and determine the direction of our life.

    Defining moment is a moment that defines something, such as success, failure, achievement, demise, talent, etc. It is a point at which the glory or character of a person, group, etc., is revealed or identified. Defining moment can be a moment of crisis or a moment of breakthrough that turns a more

  • #7 It's Not A Mustard Seed Series

    Contributed by Robert Butler on Aug 16, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Faith is simply trusting God enough to do what He says. Faith guides our actions and we leave the results up to God.

    "Tell me a Story” is a simple and shorter way to reference Jesus' use of parables. A parable is a relatable way to share a moral or spiritual lesson. While some don’t like parables because they don’t get right to the point. Others love a good story because it forces us to think and more

  • Following In His Steps.

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Jun 24, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    Following in his steps – 1 Peter chapter 2 verses 21-25 – sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: FIRST: Jesus is our Example in Life (vs 21-23) SECOND: Jesus is our Substitute in Death (vs 24) THIRD: Jesus is our Guardian Shepherd in Heaven (vs 25) SERMON BODY Ill: • C.S. Lewis was once asked, “Why do Christians suffer?” • He answered, “Why not? They are the only ones who more

  • It's A Rewarding Race Series

    Contributed by Russ Barksdale on Oct 30, 2018

    Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus Means: Jesus is our source, Jesus is our inspiration, Jesus is our hope.

    It’s a Rewarding Race Hebrews 12:1-3 race(a???a/agona): root word for agony or agonize. endurance (upomone/hupomone): mone—to remain; hupo—under; to remain under; not squirt out; not quit. keeping (?f????te?/aphorontes): to look away from all else Keeping Our Eyes on Jesus more

  • Fighting For A Life PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Seeking security and significance outside of God is futile, and we should instead trust in God's promises and presence to lead us into His best.

    Good morning, church family! Today we are going to dive into two passages from Genesis. We'll be looking at Genesis 25:21-26 and Genesis 28:13-15, focusing on the futility of fighting for security and success without God, the struggle for significance and security in life, and trusting God to bring more

  • Prepared

    Contributed by Grant Adams on Feb 8, 2022

    If there was one word that each of us would like used in describing us would be “success.”

    If there was one word that could be the foundation to success, I feel it would be the word “prepared.” I realize there are a lot of words that could come close to the word prepared in success such as the word work. 1. Work a. Physical work 1) The Bible has a lot to say about work. 2) 1 Timothy more

  • Don't Quit- Real Success Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jun 12, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 103rd sermon in the series "Action". This is the 5th sermon from 2 Corinthians.

    Series: Action [#103] DON’T QUIT- REAL SUCCESS 2 Corinthians 3:1-3 Introduction: How do you measure success? There are many opinions to this question. People have been searching and chasing after true success for years; but most have come up short. 2 Corinthians 3:1 1. The traditional more

  • When We Fall

    Contributed by Nnaemeka Durueke on Jul 9, 2016


    WHEN WE FALL MAIN TEXT: PSALM 37:24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand. PHILIPPIANS 3:14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. God does not shield us from the consequences of our actions just more

  • Sermon On Perseverance

    Contributed by William Meakin on Aug 18, 2023

    Perseverance is defined as doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.

    Denis Waitley, an American motivational speaker once remarked: “Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing.” Proverbs 24:16 more

  • Something To Brag About Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Sep 26, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    This is the 1st sermon in the "Continued Encouragement" series from 2 Thessalonians.

    Series: Continued Encouragement [#1] SOMETHING TO BRAG ABOUT 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4 Introduction: One thing I talk about often is the success of our children. While they are all grown, I love talking about what they are doing and how they are doing. Paul continues in the same theme in 2 more

  • Have You Had Your Wheaties Today?

    Contributed by Dr. Odell Belger on Dec 9, 2021

    For years we were brain-washed to believe that if we really wanted to be a champion, we had to eat a certain kind of cereal. It was later revealed that the card board containers that held these cereals, had more vitamins than the cereal itself.

    Many had been misled by those television commercials with their popular endorsements. They had been told that if they would eat these cereals, they would one day be a champion. So many of the commercials today that we see, are deceiving and misleading. For example, they tell us that if we more

  • How To Have S.u.c.c.e.s.s.

    Contributed by Bob Coulter on Sep 5, 2011

    How to have Success

    2 Samuel 23:5 (New Living Translation) says, “It is my family God has chosen! Yes, he has made an everlasting covenant with me. His agreement is eternal, final, sealed. He will constantly look after my safety and success.” What an amazing promise from God! There are over 7,000 promises more

  • God Believes In You

    Contributed by Gene Gregory on Aug 13, 2012

    Examines the differences between people who fail and people who make a difference.

    GOD BELIEVES IN YOU This past Thursday I performed the funeral for the 5 month old grandson of a friend of mine from the sheriff’s office. It was an especially sad day. Friends, and family were heart broken. Wanting to do everything we could to help, Gladys brought one of the 4-H more

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