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  • The Oldest Game In The World Series

    Contributed by Brian Bill on Mar 7, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    The shame of our sin often leads us to shift the blame. Don’t play the blame game; own it by name and avoid the shame.

    The Oldest Game in the World Genesis 3:11-13 Rev. Brian Bill March 4-5, 2023 Do you know what the most popular game is right now? Could it be World of Warcraft, Minecraft, Warzone, or Fortnite? Or for another generation, maybe your guesses would be Monopoly? Risk? Bunco? Scrabble? more

  • Three Of The Oldest Church Traditions Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Nov 9, 2015

    Because the disciples were very human, and because human nature hasn’t changed, they exemplified three established traditions that are every bit as common in the church today.

    Three of the Oldest Church Traditions (Mark 10:32-45) 1. We all live within the boundaries of routines and patterns; but they do not always hold true. 2. Two old friends bumped into one another on the street one day. One of them looked forlorn, almost on the verge of tears. His friend asked, "What more

  • The World’s Oldest Man

    Contributed by John Lowe on Apr 13, 2016

    Methuselah has become the biblical symbol of longevity. His life was long but thin as a string. The two Q's of life are important, quantity and quality. A certain quantity of years is important in order for a person to develop quality.

    6 April 2016 Title: Aging—the World’s Oldest Man (Genesis 5:1-32) Who would you identify as the first senior adult? The Scripture text will give you a clue. You may have had the question when playing Trivial Pursuit, "Who is the oldest person in the Bible?" Now you know where I am more

  • If A Man Die Shall He Live Again ?

    Contributed by Mike Turner on Oct 8, 2005
    based on 136 ratings

    Answering the oldest question in the world !

    If A Man Die, Shall He Live Again ? Job 14:1-15 Introduction: Most of us are aware of the suffering of Job. Never has a man lost so much in such a short period of time. In just one day, probably only a matter of hours he lost most all of his material possessions, but even beyond comprehension is more

  • God's Word Protected

    Contributed by Ralph Andrus on Jul 13, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    The oldest bible ever found is now made available for anyone on line to study.

    An American made the discovery of a lifetime while digging through documents at London’s National Archives. The antiquarian book seller stumbled across an original, poster-sized copy of the Declaration of Independence, while doing unrelated research. The document valued at over $8 million had been more

  • The Oldest Hymn, Part 1- Humility And Unity Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Jan 27, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    So- you’ve been incredibly blessed by God? Now what?

    The oldest hymn part one- Humility and unity. WBC 29/01/06 am Philippians 2:1-11 (esp vv 1-8) Well- did I get the cream, today, or what? - one of the most fantastic passages in the Bible - tremendously practical. Tremendous Christology o Jesus: nature/form God. Nature/form servant/human o The One more

  • Aging—the World’s Oldest Man Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jan 13, 2019

    Methuselah has become the biblical symbol of longevity. His life was long but thin as a string. The two Q's of life are important, quantity and quality. A certain quantity of years is important in order for a person to develop quality.

    6 April 2016 Title: Aging—the World’s Oldest Man (Genesis 5:1-32) Who would you identify as the first senior adult? The Scripture text will give you a clue. You may have had the question when playing Trivial Pursuit, "Who is the oldest person in the Bible?" Now you know where I am more

  • Reubin Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 23, 2022

    In the Torah, Reuben is briefly described as having had sexual activity with Bilhah, his stepmother's maid, and father's concubine. On his deathbed, Jacob declares that Reuben "will no longer excel, for you went up onto your father's bed, onto my couch and defiled it."

    Reuben Pronunciation R??uven Born 1569 BCE Paddan Aram Died 1445 BCE or 1444 BCE (aged 125) Resting place Tomb of Reuben, Israel 31°55'46?N 34°44'02?E Children · Hanok (son) · Pallu (son) · Hezron (son) · more

  • The Oldest Hymn Part 2- The Way Up Is Down Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Jan 27, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Want to get promoted? Get what you feel is yours ’by right’? The way up is down.

    The oldest Hymn part two- the way up is down. Phil 2:1-11 WBC 29.01.06pm RECAP Paul’s really concerned about Christian character, consistency and fruit - He’s particularly concerned because he knows he might ’go to be with the Lord’… and there are factions in the church… and striving for more

  • Who Will You Believe?

    Contributed by Jack Russell on Dec 26, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    The message addresses the oldest question in the world, "Did God really say that?"

    If I were to ask one of our teenagers this morning what the most important question of their life is, in all probability I would get something like, “What will I become?” “Where will I go to college?” If I were to ask the same question to someone who was already out of college, they would likely more

  • End Of The Year 2020 Reflection

    Contributed by Benjamin Utomo on Dec 30, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    2020 will be remembered as one of the most challenging years for many people. But God has been faithful to us. He never leaves us nor forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5). Therefore, like Moses, we can also say, "Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations." (Psalm 90:1).

    Soon we will leave 2020 and enter 2021. For many people, 2020 has been a hard and challenging year. Covid-19 has infected millions of victims. The latest data shows Cases: 81.5M, Recovered: 46.1M, Deaths: 1.78M. Many people lost their parents, spouses, children, relatives, or friends this year due more

  • Worms With Intestinal Fortitude!

    Contributed by Thomas Mccracken on May 29, 2012
    based on 8 ratings

    the oldest sin, pride, remains our oldest enemy and is not confined nor limited to the unsaved but has crept its way into Christianity even to the precious, once revered, pulpit. It is pride that asks “what about me? It is pride that demands “do somet

    WORMS WITH INTESTINAL FORTITUDE! Or Man vs. God ACTS 12:20-24 Introduction: What you just witnessed is a parody on pride. (I entered the sanctuary with "Eye of the Tiger" playing over the sound system, high-fiving a few members hands as I made my way to the pulpit) This is not too far off of more

  • Away In A Manger

    Contributed by William Mouser on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 1 rating

    Christmas Eve sermon; Develops the spiritual impact of the first Nativity by comparing the oldest nativity scene with a modern nativity scene.

    Psalm 96, Isaiah 9:2-7, Titus 2:11-14, Luke 2:1 - 20 Away in a manger The gospel lesson for the Feast of the Nativity shows us a scene that has become immortalized in Christian culture over the past 2,000 years. the nativity scene. Jesus is there in a manger, Mary and Joseph, the shepherds. more

  • Facing Your Giants Of Fear Series

    Contributed by Mark Perryman on Jun 5, 2008
    based on 16 ratings

    We all face fear at one time or another. One person writes that fear is the oldest and strongest emotion of mankind.

    INTRO: I read this week that at least 322 unique phobias have been identified. Phobia comes from the Greek word for fear, and refers to a panic that is completely out of proportion to the perceived threat behind it. Extreme cases of a phobia can result in escalated anxiety and a full-fledged more

  • The Greatest Force On Earth Is Love Series

    Contributed by Efe Oluwatosin on Aug 13, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Love is a universal desire that every human heart craves for. From an infant to the oldest man, we all desire to love and be loved.

    Love is a universal desire that every human heart craves for. From an infant to the oldest man, we all desire to love and be loved. Solomon put it this way: Song of Songs? ?8:6-7? ?GNT?? “Close your heart to every love but mine; hold no one in your arms but me. Love is as powerful as death; passion more

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