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  • A Snake In The Sand

    Contributed by Mark Aarssen on Jan 26, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    What Jesus does in the desert puts right the wrong that was done in the garden. Satan had been waiting for this as he watched Jesus grow day by day. Jesus restored the beauty and perfection that was the Garden of Eden while in the desolation of the desert

    A Snake in the Sand The greatest battle between a man and Satan is the one recorded here concerning Jesus temptation in the desert. Jesus has just been baptized by John the Baptist and as a result Jesus is revealed as the Lamb of God as John puts it. The Holy Spirit has come upon him like a more

  • How To Succeed In Life Series

    Contributed by Dennis Davidson on Sep 8, 2011
    based on 37 ratings

    God says He will guide & direct us. He will led us into a balanced life & proper decisions. The big question though is will we obey God's will if He reveals it to us? Trusting & obeying is what is absolutely necessary to be guided by God.

    PROVERBS 3: 5 & 6 HOW TO SUCCEED IN LIFE [Jeremiah 10:23-24] [This text has a special place in my heart. Since 1977 it has been one of my life verses. I have not always been fully obedient to its injunction, but when I have the promise that He shall direct my paths has proven true.] Does more

  • M16: Reaction To The Reaction Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Jul 9, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    May we remember the seriousness of the suffering of Jesus. May we invite God into our reactions to others. May we take seriously the call to surrender to Jesus.

    M16: REACTION TO THE REACTION MATTHEW 16:21-23 #m16sermons READ MATTHEW 16:21-23 (ESV) From that time Jesus began to show His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things from the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised. 22 And Peter more

  • The Burning Bush Conference

    Contributed by James O. Davis on Dec 5, 2001
    based on 101 ratings

    How to impact our culture.

    James O. Davis is the founder and president of Second Billion (TM). You are invited to learn more about Second Billion by visiting TEXT: Exodus 3 TOPIC: The Burning Bush THEME: How to impact our culture. THE BURNING BUSH CONFERENCE INTRODUCTION: 1. I want to invite you to more

  • Trees Of The Bible

    Contributed by Gary Huckaby on Jan 31, 2003
    based on 150 ratings

    Trees have been an important part in mans existence, and in this message we see how trees have been used in the lives of many of God’s people, as well as in the conversion of a lost man who wanted to see the Saviour.

    A Sermon For You A Ministry of Huckaby’s Evangelism Trees Of The Bible By- Evangelist Gary Huckaby D.D. This sermon was the last message that my dad got to hear his son preach before taking off for heaven. It has been, and still is blessed of God in reaching many souls for our Lord Jesus. It is more

  • Remembering Our Father

    Contributed by Bruce Hindenburg on Jun 19, 2002
    based on 30 ratings

    A Father’s Day message about our Heavenly Father.

    Grace to you and peace from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen. For those of you who came this morning thinking you were going to hear a sermon about dear ol’ dad, well…..not quite. I do want to wish all of those of you who are father’s a Happy Father’s Day and to more

  • Have You Forgotten God?

    Contributed by Warner Pidgeon on Nov 26, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    75% of British people say they believe in God but so few have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. This is an evangelistic sermon given to a congregation where about a third are not christians yet.

    An article in The New York Times in December 1990 told how a group of 50 Japanese engineers held a religious ceremony at a Buddhist temple to pay their respects to ‘old computer chips’. The chief priest dressed in purple robes, bowed low and chanted as a large tray covered in used parts was placed more

  • Getting Jesus Right

    Contributed by Tim Hedberg on Mar 13, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Jesus desires his disciples to "get him right." To understand him more thoroughly. he leads them into understanding.

    Getting Jesus Right Mark 9:2-10 February 26, 2006 For the first 8 chapters of Mark, Jesus had been doing his thing. He had been doing his best to reveal who he is to any who will listen and pay attention. Not limiting himself to the temple - to the religious, not isolating himself among the more

  • “in Times Of Discouragement” Series

    Contributed by Dave Mcfadden on Apr 18, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    God has a word for us in discouraging times.

    In 1 Kings 18, we are told about Elijah’s “mountain top” experience. He had challenged the prophets of Baal to a contest and had won! It had been decided that each would place a sacrifice upon the altar and pray to his God. The God who answered by sending fire from heaven upon the more

  • The Blessings Of Holiness

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Jul 28, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    To be able to grasp and live a holy and pleasing life for God, we have to beable to understand what the Lord is calling holiness.

    Blessings of Holiness 2 Timothy 1:3-12 2 Timothy 1:3-12 Introduction and prayer: To understand and grasp what the apostle Paul is saying here, you have to understand the background of it’s writing. The Apostle Paul is in prison. That is not unusual, more

  • Let Your Light Shine Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Jan 12, 2023

    Jesus taught the beatitudes as the hallmark of the followers of Christ. But how they can relate to the world? Jesus never intended for an isolated and exclusive community but he rather wanted to reach the whole world with his message of love.

    Text: Matthew 5:14-16 Theme: Let your Light Shine Introduction: I was amused to see the reflectors on the highways in the early days of night travel. The reflector was first invented in 1917 by Henry Chrétien to provide the army with a communication system the enemy could not intercept. in more

  • God's Divine Care

    Contributed by Derrick Thompson, Sr. on Jun 29, 2003
    based on 40 ratings

    Throwing all your cares into God’s hands

    Let us pray Welcome.... Our theme this year is, With God All Things Are Possible or With God Nothing Shall be Impossible......elaborate.. I want to thank you all for being so caring and loving. When somebody say they are praying for me, it means something to me....... I would like you to look more

  • The Grace Of God

    Contributed by Dr. Stanley Vasu on Jun 4, 2006
    based on 5 ratings


    THE GRACE OF GOD **************** OUTLINE 1.SURVIVAL 2.SUFFICIENCY 3.SERVICE 4.SYMPATHY 5.SECRET 6.SALVATION 7.SUCCOUR THE MESSAGE THE GRACE OF GOD **************** 1.SURVIVAL The mercy of God helps us to survive in this dangerous world . It is because of His mercies that we are not more

  • God Is Like Scotch Tape: You Can't See Him But He's Always There

    Contributed by Marilyn Murphree on Apr 5, 2007
    based on 16 ratings

    The part that faith plays in our relationship to God when we are not able to see Him at work in our lives or feel His presence.

    April,2007 “God is Like Scotch Tape: You Can’t See Him But He’s Always There” Hebrews 11:1-13 INTRODUCTION: This morning I was going to give each of you a piece of scotch tape when you came in the door. This was to remind you of today’s message, “God is Like Scotch Tape: You Can’t See Him more

  • Goodness And Mercy

    Contributed by Jimmy Stewart on Aug 2, 2007
    based on 29 ratings

    Every I look the goodness and mercy of God is there.

    Goodness and Mercy Psalms 23 I have preached to you a lot lately concerning the life of David. We see him throughout scripture in all facets of life. We can see him on the mountain top moment, such as when he defeated Goliath, and when he was anointed king. But we have also seen David in his more

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