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  • Inheritance From A Dying Man Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on May 28, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    Elisha was on his deathbed and Joash was in tears. In this fleeting moment, the prophet offers the King a gift - an inheritance of great value. What did Elisha offer, and what difference can that make to us?

    OPEN: Tomorrow is Memorial Day and it’s a very special day. It’s a day to remember our military - those who’ve died in war. It was originally called “Decoration Day” and it was started shortly after the end of the Civil War, but no one seems to know when the tradition began. One of the earliest more

  • Visionary View: When The Scales Fall Away From Our Eyes Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Sep 13, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    Explore the transformative moment when the scales fall away from our eyes. It's a turning point where we see the truth, and our lives are forever changed.

    Visionary View: When the Scales Fall Away from Our Eyes Today, we gather to explore the transformative moment when the scales fall away from our eyes, a powerful concept found in the New Living Translation of the Bible. Opening Prayer: Let us begin with a prayer. Heavenly Father, we seek Your more

  • What Happens When I Die?

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Jan 28, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The following sermon is going to discuss what happens the moment a person dies. The horrors of hell are described in detail to encourage one to choose heaven and live eternally in the Lord's presence.

    What Happens When I Die? Luke 16:19-31 Online Sermon: While death is not a subject we like to talk about, its rushing guaranteed occurrence forces each of us to consider what will happen to me when I die? While it might be convenient to believe more

  • Uncertainty

    Contributed by Joshua Blackmon on Feb 11, 2023

    We all have moments and seasons of uncertainty. Jesus will walk us through if we stick with him. I modified this sermon from the notes of my friend Pastor Paul Rivero.

    Uncertainty I. TEXT: Luke 8:40-56 (NKJV) "So it was, when Jesus returned, that the multitude welcomed Him, for they were all waiting for Him. 41 And behold, there came a man named Jairus, and he was a ruler of the synagogue. And he fell down at Jesus’ feet and begged Him to come to his more

  • Before Joseph Could Pray Series

    Contributed by Ricky Tuttle Thd on Dec 15, 2023

    I can only imagine this event in Matthew as a shock to Joseph. One moment everything was going just as it should; He and Mary were espoused to be married and in the blink of an eye everything changed.

    “Before Joseph Could Pray” Matthew 1:18-25 Ever had a time in your life when you thought you had it all figured out, only to discover that was not what happened? I can only imagine this event in Matthew as a shock to Joseph. One moment everything was going just as it should; He and Mary were more

  • Encountering Jesus: A Personal Transformation SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 8, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    This sermon explores the transformative moment when Thomas personally encounters Jesus. It highlights the profound realizations and changes we can experience when we truly understand who Jesus is.

    This sermon is about what happened when Thomas saw Jesus after his resurrection. We can learn from this encounter what we truly have in Jesus. The story begins after Jesus was captured in the Garden of Gethsemane, tortured, and crucified. His body was buried, but then he rose from the dead, more

  • Trusting God's Timing Genesis 16:1-6 Series

    Contributed by Dean Courtier on Jul 6, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Genesis 16:1-6 is a passage that presents a pivotal moment in the lives of Abram, Sarai, and Hagar. This story reveals the complexities of human impatience and the importance of trusting God's timing.

    Trusting God's Timing Genesis 16:1-6 Introduction: Today, we delve into Genesis 16:1-6, a passage that presents a pivotal moment in the lives of Abram, Sarai, and Hagar. This story reveals the complexities of human impatience and the importance of trusting God's timing. Let's explore more

  • Resurrecting Hope (Easter Sunday) Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus' resurrection brings hope and new life to our darkest moments, and we can find hope in unexpected places when we keep our eyes open and trust in Him.

    Today, we're gonna talk about hope, which is the feeling you get when you believe something good is gonna happen, even when things seem pretty bad. Easter is all about hope, and we're gonna dive into a story from the Bible that shows us how Jesus brings hope to our lives. So, let's get started! more

  • Thanksgiving: The Transformative Power Of Gratitude

    Contributed by Mark Sparks on Nov 14, 2023

    Today we embark on a profound journey into the transformative power of gratitude. In a world often shadowed by challenges, embracing gratitude becomes a guiding light, illuminating our path through the darkest moments

    The Transformative Power of Gratitude Opening Scripture: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (ESV) - "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." Introduction: Today we embark on a profound journey into the transformative power of gratitude. In a world more

  • The God Who Sees (El Roi)

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Feb 17, 2025

    God is omnipresent and omniscient; He sees all things, whether in the light or in the dark. The name El Roi—the God Who Sees—was revealed to Hagar in a moment of distress and despair.

    THE GOD WHO SEES (EL ROI) By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: Genesis 16:13 "She gave this name to the Lord who spoke to her: 'You are the God who sees me,' for she said, 'I have now seen the One who sees me.'" Supporting Texts: Psalm 33:13-15, Proverbs 15:3, 1 Peter more

  • God's Preparation, Before The Storm

    Contributed by Jm Raja Lawrence on Mar 8, 2025

    Storms are inevitable—physical, emotional, spiritual. Before they strike, there is often a moment of stillness. Revelation shows us this divine pause, reminding us that God prepares His people before the storm.

    Before the Storm: God's Preparation Revelation 7:1-3 Introduction: A Storm Is Coming Storms are a part of life. Whether physical, emotional, or spiritual, we all face times of great turbulence. Imagine a family that has been warned about an impending hurricane. They board up their windows, more

  • Good Friday Meditation

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Mar 25, 2005
    based on 21 ratings

    Jesus quotes the first line of Ps22 but evokes the entire Psalm as an expression of what he’s experiencing at that moment. His experience of abandonment is tempered by his faith in the God who saves.

    This page contains the entire service but without the poems by Nell Hodgson for which I do not yet have copyright release or the Audiovisual Meditation (Powerpoint Presentation) which was too large to be included. Hymn: You laid aside Your majesty (Noel Richards) Sentence of Scripture: more

  • Holy Spirit, Fill Us

    Contributed by Cameron Horsburgh on Mar 10, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    A sermon for the 2003 World Day of Prayer. The reason the Holy Spirit doesn’t seem to be moving on us at the moment may be that he has to renew us before he can fill us.

    ****Introduction**** It is appropriate that the theme for this year’s World Day of Prayer is, in fact, a prayer. It is a prayer that the Church has been praying since Jesus went home to Heaven. It is a prayer that God has been pleased to answer since that first Pentecost. However, it is a prayer more

  • Salvation And The Savior

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on Mar 24, 2002
    based on 7 ratings

    Luke records “Journey Notes” in his gospel that serve to set up this momentous, climactic event that will take place in the city of Jerusalem. Today’s Scripture includes the final two journey notes.

    INTRODUCTION Opening Statement: What an active, colorful, almost hectic, back and forth scene it is. If you want drama, you’ve got it. Part planning, part spontaneity. Full support for Jesus. And unabashed opposition. Great joy. And tears of sorrow. Coats are spread for an improvised red carpet more

  • The Fourth Watch Of The Night

    Contributed by Jim Miller on May 24, 2003
    based on 196 ratings

    Sometimes we find ourselves in life-storms and after exhausting every method of deliverance, including prayer, we despair and give up. Very often Christ comes at just these precise moments.

    THE FOURTH WATCH OF THE NIGHT INTRODUCTION. We’re going to take a little trip with Jesus across the sea of Galilee. Actually, calling it a “Sea” is a bit of a overstatement. It’s a lake. A big lake, but a lake all the same, 15 mi. long and 8 miles wide. TEXT. Matthew 14.22 Immediately Jesus more

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