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Sermons on mental toughness:

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  • Tough Enough Series

    Contributed by Quint Pitts on Dec 22, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Discusses the commitment and spiritual, mental, emotional toughness required to fulfill our wedding vows. Ends with renewal of vows option.

    TOUGH ENOUGH Desperate Households—Part 1 Does one of the following describe your marriage? You fell in love, the question was “popped”, the wedding was a wonderful success, and marriage is now a continual joyride for both of you. You fell in love, the wedding was a mixture of stress and success, more

  • Don't Lose Heart! Series

    Contributed by Joe Dan Vendelin on Nov 14, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    It is very possible to lose heart in times of injustice and suffering. This brief outline highlights six uses of the Greek word ekkakeo (to be faint/weary), and provides antidotes to counteract the effect of spiritual, emotional, and physical weariness.

    This is an outline of a word study on the Greek word translated as losing heart and growing weary. There are antidotes given as a remedy to not lose heart. The word for “lose heart” is used 6 times in the New Testament. The word is–ekkakeo–Strong's G1573. Here they are In Biblical Order: Luk more

  • Tough Times. Tough Men. Tough God.

    Contributed by Reylourd Reyes on Jan 23, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon on Daniel 12:1-13. Project for the class The Book of Daniel.

    Reylourd P. Reyes 2nd Sermon on the Book of Daniel Title: Tough Times. Tough Men. Tough God. Keytext: Daniel 12:1-3 Introduction: In our class last week, we have learned that the chapters 10-12 of the Book of Daniel form a unit with three element. Other scholars would treat this last unit more

  • Mental Discipline

    Contributed by Rick Thiessen on Apr 7, 2008

    Jesus called us to love God with all our MINDS... when we fall for mushy thinking about God, morals and religion, we’re not exercising mental discipline. Jesus called people to earnest seeking and intellectual honesty.

    SE030208 THE D WORD 1. Mental Discipline Many of us, when we think of the “D” word, we think about physical discipline and what comes to mind is the epidemic of flabby bodies today. But the truth is there’s another flabbiness epidemic in our day – but it’s of the MIND. Flabbiness is being driven more

  • Ministering Mentality

    Contributed by Duke Jeffries on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 8 ratings


    A. INTRODUCTION 1. In the preceding chapter Paul acknowledged a condition in the local church which will never change: every congregation is made up of individual persons, each of whom comes complete with a personal history, unique character traits, and a set of highly opinionated convictions. ( more

  • The Mental Maxtix

    Contributed by Paul Newell on Jun 23, 2003
    based on 87 ratings

    The MATRIX is not just a movie it’s a tool! Long before MATRIX the movie, there was matrix the tool, a sort of a shovel-hoe-in-one. A matrix is also a mathematical design, a system of columns and rows that relate to each other. It doesn’t matter which

    The Mental Matrix A Message On Dealing With Our Mind Presented by Pastor Paul Newell June 22, 2003 The MATRIX is not just a movie it’s a tool! Long before MATRIX the movie, there was matrix the tool, a sort of a shovel-hoe-in-one. A matrix is also a mathematical design, a system of columns more

  • Grasshopper Mentality

    Contributed by Dean Morgan on Sep 10, 2004
    based on 61 ratings

    When they saw the Nepthalim they said they became like “grasshoppers.” We want to look at this “grasshopper” complex later in the message.

    TEXT: Joshua 14:6-15; Numbers 13:26-33 TITLE: GRASSHOPPER MENTALITY Throughout this message I will be referring back to Numbers 13. In Numbers 13 we have the report of the spies as they returned back to Moses and the Children of Israel. None of the 12 that went could deny that the land of Canaan more

  • Ataques Mentales

    Contributed by Serafin Contreras on May 5, 2002
    based on 531 ratings

    Satanas ataca nuestra mente para hacernos retroceder en nuestro avance espiritual. Necesitamos entender y confrontar esos ataques.

    EL PELIGRO DE LOS ATAQUES MENTALES INTRODUCCIÓN. A.- El trabajo principal de Satanás es engañar. B.- Engañó a Eva y a Adan en el Eden. C.- Engaña diriamente a la gente y trata de engañar a los cristianos. D.- El engaño satánico se da cuando logra hacer creer a la gente algo more

  • Mental Health

    Contributed by Jb Hall on Jul 2, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon will help you diagnose the problem that is causing your mental or emotional problem.

    Mental Health Philippians 4:1 – 9 Preached by: JB Hall • According to I Thessalonians 5:23 a person is made up of spirit, soul, and body. These three are inseparable components. In Genesis 2:7 we are told that “…the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and more

  • Mental Health

    Contributed by Roy Harris on Oct 13, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon on Mental Health: It may be a good idea to plan a special Sunday event, invite and honour mental health organisations in your community for doing great work.

    A sermon on Mental Health: It may be a good idea to plan a special Sunday event, invite and honour mental health organisations in your community for doing great work. World Mental Health Day: Today: 10/10/2010 This sermon can be used any time of the year, or on World Mental Health Day, 10/10 each more

  • An Owner's Mentality

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Oct 24, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Focuses on the differences between having an owner's mentality versus a renter's mentality.

    An Owner Mentality Scripture: John 10:11-13; Revelations 3:20; Matthew 9:37-38 Introduction: Today we celebrate the first step in our transition from this place to the place where God has chosen to plan us. We will leave this place and not return. We have been renters since the inception of more

  • The Overcomer's Mentality

    Contributed by David Ibeleme on Jul 8, 2008
    based on 18 ratings

    Having a mindset of continual victory

    THE OVERCOMER’S MENTALITY Rom. 12:1-3; Eph.6:10-12; 1 Cor. 10:13 Bishop David Ibeleme We are in warfare, whether we are aware of it or not. Bible says we have an adversary - 1 Pet. 5:8. The Devil has never been and would never be our friend or ally. He will do everything to make our more

  • Entitlement Mentality Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 19, 2009
    based on 5 ratings

    Humans by nature feel a sense of entitlement, that by our very existence we are owed something - and that includes by God. Romans 9 is controversial in that it totally blows the entitlement mentality out of the water, but also surprising when we learn of

    The word “entitlement” has become a part of the public discourse in America these days. Some people suggest that the United States is becoming a society of entitlement, where everything we need or want is owed to us. When we don’t get what we want we feel we have been treated unfairly. It’s a more

  • Mental Pornography Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on Apr 15, 2014

    (1) The Letter of the Law - You shall not commit adultery (2) The Spirit of the Law - Lust is the root of sexual sin (3) The Application of the Law - Remove the things which feed your lusts

    The Letter and the Spirit: Adultery Matthew 5:27-30 One of the most interesting stories in the Old Testament is that of Samson and Delilah. It has been retold in Sunday School classes, in sermons and even in film. The story captivates our imaginations, as it gives insight into just how far a more

  • Greater Mentality

    Contributed by Dr. Amen Howard on Aug 5, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    K1 John.4:4 “You are of God, little Children, and have overcome them, because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.” (NKJV)

    Greater Mentality. None of us are going to make through life without ever facing a problem, test, trials or tribulations. But when we face the challenges of life, we need to maintain an attitude that recognises “Greater” Mentality! Some times we face so many challenges that our more

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