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  • Discipleship Series

    Contributed by Matthew Smith on Sep 24, 2002
    based on 25 ratings

    Helping students realize why we exist as a Student Ministry.

    If you have your Bibles, I want you to hold them up in the air and I want you to repeat this after me: This is the Bible It’s the Word of God And it has the power To change my life God help me to understand it And to live it out in my daily life Students, I can remember when my dad was teaching more

  • We Exist To Evangelize Series

    Contributed by Matthew Smith on Sep 24, 2002
    based on 17 ratings

    Helping students realize that we exist as a Student Ministry to evangelize the world.

    If you brought your Bibles, I want you to hold them up in the air and repeat this after me: This is the Bible It’s the Word of God And it has the power To change my life God help me to understand it And to live it out in my daily life In the past several weeks we have been reminded of why we more

  • Lou Costello: Series

    Contributed by Al Schifano on Oct 5, 2002
    based on 237 ratings

    Understanding the essence of the mystery of the Trinity even though we cannot understand the mystery.

    “Who’s on First?” Trinity Sunday By Al Schifano – May 2002 How many times have you had something happen to you, when you simply laughed and said: “God really has a sense of humor.” I think we have all had that experience many times. I am convinced that God must have a wonderful sense of humor. more

  • Christian Hedonists Make Healthy Churches

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Oct 15, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    Discover how Christ’s purpose for the church leads to building a healthy church

    This morning, we celebrate God’s goodness and faithfulness to and through the Marin Community Christian Church for the last 22 years. Biblical Christianity recognizes that church is not a building or an organization. The church is made up of learners and followers of Jesus Christ. So this more

  • The Great Commission

    Contributed by Robert Travis on Aug 10, 2001
    based on 110 ratings

    Committment comes before commission.

    THE GREAT COMMISSION And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have more

  • A Biblical Basis For Church Planting And Missions

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Aug 13, 2001
    based on 119 ratings

    God is a missionary God, Christ is a missionary Christ, and the Holy Spirit is a missionary Spirit! The Lord expects us to be involved in bringing lost souls to him. We should not just spend our entire time solving people’s problems in the church. A Bi

    Using A Biblical Basis For Church Planting The Biblical Basis For Missions and Church Planting Learning Objectives 1. The students will be able to explain five Biblical basis for evangelism and church planting. 2. The students will write three plans for doing evangelism and church more

  • Sacrifice

    Contributed by Craig Fenton on Aug 19, 2001
    based on 50 ratings


    SACRIFICE PT 1 Let me start by saying that without a sacrifice there would be no missions. A sacrifice on whose behalf! Firstly, on Jesus’ behalf, Isaiah 53:3-5, pierced for our transgressions each and every one of us is guilty in our iniquities until we are covered by the blood. That is the first more

  • Baptism: Is It Really A Part Of The Plan?

    Contributed by Joe Bedy on Sep 6, 2001
    based on 45 ratings

    Baptism is commanded by God and God Wants His People to Obey!

    Baptism: Is it really a part of the plan? PRAYER From the Christian reader As teacher of the "20-Something" Sunday school class, I receive information on prospective new members for our group. Recently, one person had noted on his sheet under "Circumstances of Salvation" that he had "Accepted more

  • Church Growth

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Sep 8, 2001
    based on 97 ratings

    More ideas as to what will help the church grow.

    CHURCH GROWTH Matthew 28:18-20 INTRO.- ILL.- A Baptist preacher had the habit of going down to the train station every single day to watch the Sunset Limited go by. There was no chore he wouldn’t interrupt to carry out this daily ritual. Members of his church thought he was a bit nuts and they more

  • "Your Purpose As The Church" Series

    Contributed by Blake Carroll on Sep 14, 2001
    based on 39 ratings

    The purpose of believers as the body of Christ.

    Title: “Your Purpose As The Church” Scripture: Matthew 22:37-40; 28:19-20 Introduction: When it comes to God’s church, every born again believer has a purpose to fulfill. As the body of Christ we have been ordained to accomplish certain tasks, and because of this we need to more

  • God's Answers For Our Excuses

    Contributed by Stephan Brown on Sep 28, 2001
    based on 68 ratings

    A look at the excuses that Moses gave God for not accepting his call and the answers that God gave Moses to those excuses. Parralels the call of Moses with our call to evangelism and shows how Christ gives the same answers to our excuses. This sermon is v

    God’s Answers for Our Excuses Exodus 3:9 –4:13 Introduction: Ex. 3:9-10 – Exodus records God’s calling of Moses to lead His people out of bondage in Egypt. Matt. 28:18-20 – Jesus also calls us to GO and lead his children out of bondage today. Not a physical slavery, but a slavery to sin. Even more

  • Living With A Common Purpose Series

    Contributed by Jim Luthy on Oct 5, 2001
    based on 41 ratings

    The truest community is found in a gathering of people who are learning to become Jesus-trusting disciples and are committed to making Jesus-trusting disciples.

    Living with a Common Purpose: Making Disciples Pastor Jim Luthy Last week we talked about the awakening in America to the problem of individualism. Rising from our slumber after the terrorist attacks, the people of our nation are giving blood, giving money, giving thanks, and giving in to more

  • Tunnel Vision In The Church

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Apr 28, 2002
    based on 29 ratings

    The church must reach beyond it’s walls, to a lost and dying world.

    TUNNEL VISION By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. TEXT: Matthew 9:37 Then saith He unto His disciples, the Harvest is truly plenteous, But the labourers are few: 33. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the Harvest, that He will send forth labourers into His Harvest. Matthew 28:19 GO YE more

  • A God-Blessed Church

    Contributed by Gary Shockley on May 1, 2002
    based on 65 ratings

    What are the qualities and characteristics of a church God is searching for and blesses

    The Church God Blesses- Part One Cornerstone Church Rev. Gary A. Shockley, Pastor March 10, 2002 I believe that God communicates with us in many different ways—but the primary way God speaks to us is through His written word—the Bible. One morning this week as I was reading from the Bible I came more

  • Our Incorporation Of Others

    Contributed by John Knight on May 2, 2002
    based on 7 ratings

    The connection between discipleship and evangelism

    Our Incorporation of Others Matthew 28: 16-20 Week 1: Our Expectations of Others-Do we so quickly anticipate them to maintain our level of morality; living the way we live, acting the way we act? Or, do we prayerfully anticipate that they may come to know Christ as He has made Himself known to more

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