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  • Counting The Cost

    Contributed by Davon Huss on Nov 5, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon on finances and stewardship from Luke 14:25-33, especially vs. 28-30 (Outline and material adapted from a transcript of a message by Gene Appel with Willow Creek)

    HoHum: Pass out Children’s Bulletins From Sermon4Kids at: How many of you would like to play the piano? Wait! Not so fast! Before you raise your hand and say "yes" to that question, let's see what it would cost to be able to play the piano and more

  • Are We Doomed? Get Real? Time Mangement

    Contributed by Wade Martin Hughes, Sr on Apr 8, 2017

    Let us address a real problem, time management. Many budget their money but few hold themselves to a Godly time management system. We will be accountable. He who kills times, kills himself.

    DOOMED? GET REAL? WE ARE BUT STEWARDS OF TIME... By Wade Martin Hughes, Sr. He who kills time, kills himself... LET US ADDRESS OUR PATTERNS OF TIME MANGEMENT? In Greek there are two words pertaining to time: 1. CHRONOS: this is seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, more

  • Tomorrow Matters Series

    Contributed by Steve Bond on Feb 16, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    . We need is to learn how to manage the finances we already have in a way that acknowledges God’s wisdom and leads to financial freedom.

    Introduction I’d like to begin by making an observation. There are people in this room who live in comfortable homes and drive nice cars and eat in good restaurants who are not doing as well financially as they appear to be doing. We all like to think that we’re good at crunching numbers…but more

  • Fast & Furious Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Tommy Jackson on Aug 26, 2014

    Running wide open financially will get you there fast, but is it worth it? Or is it time to slow down and be a little more careful with your finances?

    Fast and Furious EASING UP TO CREATE MARGIN Luke 5:16 AFTER OFFEERING PLAY VIDEO: “Go For Broke” Well, welcome to the third week of the series called “FAST & FURIOUS: EASING UP TO CREATE MARGIN”. Today I want to talk to more

  • Part 1 - It's My Time? Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Sep 14, 2018

    A introductory sermon looking at managing our time and resources.

    It's My Time? Ephesians 5:15-17 September 16, 2018 We would like to believe that my time is simply that . . . my time. We believe we control our time. And if that is true, then why are so many people feeling OVERWHELMED, OVERSCHEDULED, and EXHAUSTED. It seems too many people are overwhelmed, more

  • Making The Most Of Your Time SermonCentral

    Contributed by SermonCentral on Sep 12, 2023
    based on 2 ratings

    God has bestowed upon us ample time to fulfill His plan. If we feel short of time, it's not due to God's insufficiency, but our need to better manage and redeem our time.

    Introduction: Many of us often find ourselves saying, "I would be more involved in church, but I just don't have enough time." We use lack of time as an excuse for not doing the things we know we should. However, God has given each of us 24 hours a day to use wisely. Time is a precious commodity more

  • Redeeming Your Time - Let Your Yes Be Yes Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon explores how Jesus managed his time effectively by honoring his commitments and prioritizing solitude for reflection, serving as a model for us to follow.

    Last week, we started a 5-week series called Redeeming Your Time. A quick recap: In Ephesians 5:15-17, God commands us to “redeem the time.” Why? So that we can do “the will of the Lord.” So, now that we know God does care about how we manage our time, how do we “redeem the time”? Where can we look more

  • The Parable Of The Shrewd Steward

    Contributed by Claude Alexander on Aug 22, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    The parables of Jesus are the “open secrets (mysteries) of the kingdom of heaven”. Parables are ‘spiritual’ truths — truths about spiritual things which cannot be seen with the eye of sight, only seen with the eye of faith

    The Parable of the shrewd steward Did Jesus commend a dishonest steward. Luke 16:1-15 The parables of Jesus are the “open secrets (mysteries) of the kingdom of heaven”. Parables are ‘spiritual’ truths — truths about spiritual things which cannot be seen with the eye of sight, only seen with the more

  • Your Emotion Especially Anger Series

    Contributed by Andrew Dixon on May 23, 2021
    based on 4 ratings

    Researchers have concluded that the major cause of diseases that harm mankind are not so much from bacteria or virus, but rather because of the state of one’s mind. The adverse stress and disturbances to the mind leads to break-down in our health.

    Psalm 91 - Study 27 - Your emotions especially anger! We read in Psalm 91:9-10, “You, O LORD, are my refuge! You have made the Most High your home. No harm will come to you. No sickness will come near your house.” (GW) As we continue to meditate on Psalm 91, we have realized that the word of God more

  • Anger: A Biblical Perspective

    Contributed by Sunitha Justin on Jul 2, 2024

    What does the BIble say about anger? Is it okay for a Christian to get angry? How do you deal with issues of anger? 5 Biblical principles to handle anger.

    Sermon Illustration: Viscountess Astor (1879-1964), the first woman politician to sit in the British House of Commons had a long-standing feud with Winston Churchill. The following discourse is an extract from one of their many heated debates. Viscountess Astor shouted in anger: “If I were your more

  • Part 2 - Good Stewardship (Managing Our Lives) Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Sep 29, 2018

    Continuing our look at stewardship - "being good managers."

    Stewardship September 23, 2018 When I’m done with my career as a coach, and someone mentions the name of a kid I coached, I do not believe I will remember if they made a game winning shot, scored the winning touchdown, or missed the shot or tackle and we lost. When someone mentions their name, I more

  • Practices The Necessary Choices - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Steve Malone on Jun 18, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Final Message in our Money Matters Series - in this message we talk about the practice of giving.

    Practices, The Necessary Actions Giving, Do I Have To? #MoneyMatters5 When they grew up, Abel became a shepherd, while Cain cultivated the ground.3 When it was time for the harvest, Cain presented some of his crops as a gift to the LORD. Abel also brought a gift—the best portions of the firstborn more

  • Think Bigger Series

    Contributed by Scott Turansky on Dec 25, 2022

    Every person, every one of us must have a plan for sadness management.

    Every person, every one of us must have a plan for sadness management. Sadness. Sadness comes on a scale. Some things are trivial or minor. I mean, you go to Starbucks and they get your order wrong. You might be sad or disappointed. Or you get on the road and there's traffic, or you have to go more

  • Opportunities!

    Contributed by Lanny Smith on Aug 17, 2021

    Whatever occupies our attention is taking our time. We need to use our time wisely.

    Opportunities! 2021 Summer Series / Ephesians 5:15–20   • “Screen Time.” App to track how much time you spend on on your smartphone . • The average time spent staring at our phones is 4-5 hours/day. • there’s a new metric that measures our “check-ins.” How often we just pick up the phone to more

  • How Much Can God Trust You? Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Apr 4, 2003
    based on 425 ratings

    Jesus used the parable of the shrewd manager to give us lessons about managing the money God gives us, the value of true investments, and a warning about becoming a slave to money.

    How Much Can God Trust You? Luke 16:1-18 by David O. Dykes INTRODUCTION The recent accounting scandals have shaken our economy to its roots. I read about a third grade class in which the students were telling about the jobs their parents had. One little boy shocked the class by saying, “My dad is more

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