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  • Building And Maintaining A Healthy Relationship

    Contributed by Gregory Thomas on Mar 9, 2009

    Paul makes it clear that the unmarried as well as the married have an obligation and a commitment under God.

    Full Harvest Fellowship Ministries Building and Maintaining a Healthy Marriage March 6, 2009 1 Corinthians 7 1-24 Now concerning the things whereof ye wrote unto me: It is good for a man not to touch a woman. 2 Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every more

  • Maintaining Unity Through Humility Series

    Contributed by Brian Stevenson on Jun 5, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    We must have humility to maintain the unity needed to advance the gospel.

    Prenote: After delivering this sermon, it would have been better as two separate sermons! Too much information! Introduction: I learned of a man who was out on a walk one day when he saw another man about to throw himself from a bridge into the river. He ran over to save him. “Why are you more

  • Maintaining Your Relationship With God

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Jul 2, 2008
    based on 29 ratings

    This brief message was part of a special service called "Summer in the Son."

    [This sermon was part of a service called “Summer in the Son.” In this service, there was also a message on representing Christ shared by another pastor. His church participated in and attended the service. My outline was borrowed from Craig Groeshel of Lifechurch.] Have you ever lost touch more

  • Maintaining Balance In Practice And Doctrine

    Contributed by Richard Tow on Apr 9, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Six areas of balance essential to as successful Christian walk are discussed in this Pastor’s farewell address.

    Maintaining Balance in Practice and Doctrine Eph 4:14-15[1] 1-8-06 Intro This morning and next Sunday will be my last two messages as Pastor of this church. Two opportunities to speak—and then I must entrust you to others. That reality weighed heavily upon me as I sought the Lord for this more

  • Courage To Maintain The Biblical Pattern

    Contributed by Matthew Morine on Jul 18, 2007
    based on 8 ratings

    There is a pattern for the New Testament church in the Bible. But how do you get to it properly. Here are three steps to restore the church of the first century.

    Courage to Maintain the Biblical Pattern Theme: The right way to restore the New Testament Church. It began in the break room, continued down the hall, and ended in the foyer of the church building. This debate took place at the Brown Trail School of Preaching. It was between Tom Pugh and more

  • Maintaining Your Integrity In The Wilderness?

    Contributed by Darryl Klassen on Oct 27, 2005
    based on 19 ratings

    This is a series on the life of David and what made him a man after God’s heart. Here we find David’s faults and weaknesses a puzzling companion to the great title "Man after God’s own heart"

    MAINTAINING YOUR INTEGRITY IN THE WILDERNESS? David is on the run. In this part of the story of David’s life everything has broken loose. Quiet suspicions that Saul is trying to kill him are now loudly in the open. Even Jonathon who struggled to grasp how his own father could possibly consider more

  • Maintaining Your Spiritual Life

    Contributed by Stephen Funderburk on Sep 29, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    keep on keeping on

    Intro: a while back Brother Rushing made this statement about machinery. It will only be as good as the amount of maintenance you put into it. There are many people who have a very rigid maintenance schedule on their mowers, cars, trucks, boats, weed-eaters, etc. They all have long life more

  • Maintaining Your Encouragement Output Series

    Contributed by Sherm Nichols on Nov 20, 2011

    Last in a series through the book. This message is a call for every person to put encouragement as a deliberate act into practice.

    I Thessalonians 5:12-28 Joke – Have you heard the story about the guy who wasn’t too bright who got a job painting the lines down the middle of the highway? His first day, he finished 5 miles. Then his output dropped way off. The next day, he only finished 2; the next day, only one. more

  • Maintaining The Church For Christ's Sake Series

    Contributed by Richard Mc Quinn on Aug 24, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    What in the world are you doing with the Church Jesus built? Are you playing games or taking this very seriously?

    MAINTAINING THE CHURCH FOR CHRIST 08-01-2010 New Liberty Christian Church with Rich McQuinn, Minister TEXT: REVELATION 7:9-17 and ACTS 13:15-33 INTRODUCTION: A brand new music teacher at the Junior High school had just organized a band. It was going to be perfect in every way. more

  • Creativity: Maintaining A Sensitivity To Transcendence Series

    Contributed by Jack Perkins, D.min., Ladc, Csac, Cclc on Nov 25, 2020

    The Star and Stars of Christmas is a series of messages for Advent. Using the idea of a play on a stage. Each message will look at different characters in the Christmas story. The introduction takes a critical look at how many in our society are portrayed as celebrities—bigger than life.

    Often people are attracted to performances based upon the popularity of the performers, or the authors. (My wife’s father enjoyed David Baldacci, James Patterson, Danielle Steele, etc.). A good writer wants to remove his/her personality and have us to focus on the story. The Gospel according to more

  • How To Maintain The Unity Of The Spirit?

    Contributed by Barnabas Park on Jan 8, 2021

    To maintain the unity of the Spirit, the members have to have a clear understanding of the gospel and commitment to Christ, to have a commitment to the body of Christ, and to participate in the scriptural Lord's supper

    Ephesians 4:1-3 How to maintain the unity of the Spirit more

  • Maintaining Happinessduringtrials Series

    Contributed by Jeffery Anselmi on Oct 2, 2020

    God will use every opportunity—good or bad—to spread the message of Jesus.

    Maintaining Happiness During Trials Jeffery Anselmi / General Be Happy / Suffering; Happiness / Philippians 1:18–30 God will use every opportunity—good or bad—to spread the message of Jesus. INTRODUCTION • One of the things we dread in life is facing trials and experiencing suffering. • When we more

  • Complete Joy—maintaining The Glow!

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on May 16, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    Joy is not an emotion, but an attitude—a state of mind or manner of being. Isaiah 61:3, talks about putting on the oil of joy and a garment of praise like you would a healing salve or a protective cloak.

    Complete Joy—Maintaining The Glow! John 15:11NKJV The Lord Jesus Christ fully paid for every believer to walk in complete-lasting-joy. Only God can give you the joy you want. Do you desire a joy that is forever; Not fleeting, not just moments of pleasure, but a joy that goes on and on, with no more

  • My Month Of Maintaining The Anointing

    Contributed by Pastor Amos Dele Dada on Jun 10, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    It is with delight and joy I welcome you to our month of Maintaining the Anointing. We all know that the number eight represents new beginnings, and I pray that God will begin great things in your life in Jesus name. I thank God for the grace of God upon your life.

    It is with delight and joy I welcome you to our month of Maintaining the Anointing. We all know that the number eight represents new beginnings, and I pray that God will begin great things in your life in Jesus name. I thank God for the grace of God upon your life. I want you to know that you are more

  • Maintaining Purity In A Sinful World

    Contributed by Samuel Arimoro on Jan 26, 2025

    Living in a world filled with temptation, immorality, and sin, maintaining purity as believers can feel like a constant challenge. The pressures of society, media, and peer influence often pull us away from God’s standards of holiness. However, as Christians, we are called to live pure lives.

    Title: MAINTAINING PURITY IN A SINFUL WORLD By Rev. Samuel Arimoro Main Text: 1 Peter 1:15-16 "But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy." Supporting Texts: Romans 12:2; Matthew 5:8; 1 more

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