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Sermons on magisterium:

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  • Pentecost Sunday

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on May 10, 2019
    based on 3 ratings

    There is a saying: If you have the Word without the Spirit, you dry up."

    PENTECOST intro to Penitential rite— The Spirit sanctifies. There is a saying: If you have the Word without the Spirit, you dry up." If we don’t let air in or fan the embers or charcoal until they glow, no BBQ. 2 Timothy, Chapter 1 Verse 6 mentions: “That is why I am reminding you now more

  • Matthias And Our Witness To A Culture Of Death Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on May 11, 2019

    Our mission, through prayer, fasting and almsgiving, and through a constant witness to the Truth of Jesus Christ, is to share the love of God with as many as we can, so that we will all be together in eternity at the awesome banquet of the Lamb of God.

    Tuesday of the 4th Week in Easter 2019 St. Matthias Today we remember the outcome of one of the great human tragedies–the treason and suicide of the apostle Judas. Now we don’t know from the magisterium what happened to Judas after he died. Did he have a moment of clarity that caused him to repent more

  • The Epiphany Of The Lord

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Dec 8, 2018

    Allowing oneself to be invaded and rearranged by objective value is what makes life worth living.

    The Epiphany of the Lord is when Christ was made known to the magi, who represent all the nations. Today, when we say that someone has had an epiphany, we mean that the person has had a moment in which they have achieved a realization, an awareness or a knowledge of something. An AHA! MOMENT, more

  • Fourth Sunday Of Easter, Year B- We Are All Sheep And Some Of Us Are Shepherds

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Mar 22, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    There are problems with sheep too

    Problems and challenges for shepherds and sheep-- Timothy Laniak in 2007 tells the story of a Bedouin Arab and an American scholar sitting under a tent discussing what it takes to be a true shepherd. The Jordanian shepherd insisted that the heart is the most important thing. He lamented, “My more

  • Tradition! Tradition! Tradition!

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Aug 24, 2021
    based on 1 rating

    Does tradition have any role in the Christian life?

    Tradition! Tradition! Tradition! Mark 7:1-23 I can remember many years ago seeing Fiddler on the Roof. My mind has gotten a little foggy concerning the details, but I remember a hit song which came from it called “Tradition, Tradition, Tradition. I was about an orthodox Jewish community facing the more

  • Mariology Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on May 10, 2022

    Therefore, all the members of the Church are capable of sharing in spiritual goods and graces. The fact of physical death is no barrier to this; just as Christ overcame death by His perfect love, so in Christ, death is no longer a barrier for the believer.

    Mariology As a protestant, I must say that I have never seen this word before - Mariology - and I am struggling with beginning the study of Mariology – How to start? Will my comments be relative? How can I help others and myself gain knowledge and understanding of Mariology? On this website, we more

  • As One Having Authority: Summing Up The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Series

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Aug 16, 2014

    Why did the common people perceive Jesus' authority as being greater than the Scribes and Pharisees?

    As One Having Authority: Summing Up the Greatest Sermon Ever Preached Matthew 7:28 What is authority? Or as some of the Postmoderns today ask: “Is there any authority?” Is authority the mere power to impose values on others by force? Is authority someone who is knowledgeable about a more

  • The Golden Compass

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Nov 20, 2007
    based on 14 ratings

    A compass is defined as, “a device used to determine geographic direction; as by means of a freely rotating magnetized needle that indicates magnetic north.” Based on that definition, there is nothing ‘golden’ about this compass.

    NOTHING GOLDEN ABOUT THIS COMPASS: A CRITICAL RESPONSE (By Pastor Chris Jordan – November 2007) HARRY WHO? For over 10 years, I served as the Youth Pastor and Christian Education Director at Bible Fellowship Church in Surrey, BC. During that time, I had the privilege of partnering with parents more

  • Divorce Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jul 15, 2022

    The only countries that do not allow divorce are the Philippines and the Vatican City. The Vatican City is a state ruled by the head of the Catholic Church, a religion that does not allow for divorce.

    Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5:31-32 (Divorce) 31 "It has been said, 'Anyone who divorces his wife must give her a certificate of divorce.' 32But I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, makes her the victim of adultery, and anyone who marries a more

  • Did The Catholic Church Give Us The Bible + Doctrine? - Part 1 Series

    Contributed by Dr. Craig Nelson on Mar 23, 2024
    based on 4 ratings

    A Look at Early Church History, the Bible Alone as the Final Authority, the Canon of Scripture, Sola Scriptura, Apostles, and Pastor-Teachers, Papal Infallibility, Pentecost, Absolution

    PART ONE When I was young, God called me into ministry, so I went through Catechism and prepared to enter the priesthood. However, over 50 years ago, I had a radical encounter with Jesus and became Born-Again, which changed everything! I am not a Catholic or Protestant. I am a Born-Again Christian more