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  • The Gospel According To You

    Contributed by Danny Moss on Feb 1, 2002
    based on 48 ratings

    This sermon stresses the importance of preaching the true Gospel of Christ, and also living it.

    THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO YOU Text: 2nd Corinthians 3:2 Introduction- This message is really for preachers. It can apply to all believers, but specifically, I have ministers of the Gospel in mind in the things that I will say today. It is a great and tremendous more

  • Jesus' Death: A Human Meaning Series

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Feb 20, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In this reflection, we delve into the depth of Jesus' sacrifice and its implications for individuals and society at large.

    Jesus' Death: A Human Meaning Scripture: John 18:1-40; John 19:1-42 Introduction: In this reflection, we delve into the depth of Jesus' sacrifice and its implications for individuals and society at large. Reflection Good Friday, the solemn day marking the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, more

  • Lesson 30: Preach A Label Series

    Contributed by I. Grant Spong on Apr 8, 2018

    Labeling can be abused. But there are correct labels. Let's live up to the labels God gives us.

    Lesson Goal To encourage the correct labeling of things and living up to the labels used in the churches. Lesson Intro Like it or not, we are all labeled. Some of those are false labels and some are true descriptions. Some of the labels which we may not like are true of us as well as some of the more

  • Pelagius Vs Augustine Series

    Contributed by Keith Foskey on May 21, 2014
    based on 1 rating

    The debate between Pelagius and Augustine was over the nature of man and the sin of Adam. The Second Council of Orange condemned even partially holding to the views of Pelagius. This message examines why.

    Church History: Examining the Creeds and Confessions of the Church Through the Ages and Why They Matter. Lesson 7: The Council of Orange (AD529) So far, in our study of church history we have seen: An overview of the last 2,000 years of church history. The creeds which are found within the more

  • What Is The Revolution Of Tenderness? Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Apr 4, 2015

    We are a people called to incarnate the mercy of God.

    Thursday of Easter Octave 2015 Joy of the Gospel Today, as we still enjoy the glow of the Easter celebration–every day this week is a reprise of Easter day–the Church gives us two stories that are “aftermaths.” The first is Peter’s sermon to the Jews of Jerusalem more

  • "An Intelligent Notion Of Charity"

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jun 9, 2018

    I think Thomas of Villanova is a saint for our times. He possessed what some have called "an intelligent notion of charity," getting at the problem of poverty at its root.

    Thursday of 10th Week in Course 2018 Reformation/Revolution The stories preserved in the first book of Kings about the prophet Elijah are some of the most gripping tales in all literature. The Church has been reading these narratives most of this month, and they are most appropriate, because they more

  • Burning The Bulls Series

    Contributed by Jeff Strite on Nov 5, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    When Martin Luther posted his challenge to the church's selling of indulgences on the church door in Wittenberg, Pope Leo X was not pleased. The Pope issue a Papal Bull condemning Luther as a heretic. Luther responded by burning copies of the Bull.

    OPEN: October 31st was Halloween… but it was also the date of something even more significant. Many churches celebrate the last day of October as “Reformation Day” – the day (500 years ago) when Martin Luther nailed a document to the door of a Church building in Wittenberg, Germany that challenged more

  • How God Restores Israel (Ezekiel 37:15-28)

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jun 10, 2024

    Over the course of history, empires and tyrants have attempted to eradicate the name and nation of Israel. God has continued to watch over and protect them, and in the future, make Israel the center of the new earth.

    Ezekiel 37:1-14 describes the nation of Israel as a desolate valley of dry bones, devoid of life and significance. Ezekiel, like most of his fellow Israelites, had given up on the idea of ever being restored as a country. They were now in the land of Babylon, exiled from everything they had held more

  • Present Suffering & Future Glory PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 26, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    Explore and understand the message of Romans 8:18-30, emphasizing the reality of our present sufferings, the hope of future glory, and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit.

    Good morning, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. I am so grateful for the opportunity to gather with you today, as we explore God's Word, seeking His wisdom, guidance, and comfort. Our focus today is Romans 8:18-30, a Scripture passage that addresses some of life's most challenging realities: more

  • The Glory To Be Revealed

    Contributed by Roddy Chestnut on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 9 ratings

    Thesis: Christ's return will vindicate the faithful life we are now living in Christ.

    Thesis: Christ's return will vindicate the faithful life we are now living in Christ. Intro.: 1. Illust. When I was a little boy growing up in Fredericksburg, VA the Second Coming of Christ was something that was very real to me. I'll never forget one hot, Summer Sunday night in June. As soon as more

  • Behold Your King Comes Unto You

    Contributed by Mark A. Barber on Mar 29, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    Palm Sunday is more than cute kids waving palm branches in church.

    Behold Your King Comes unto You Matthew 21:1-11 Palm Sunday, or Passion Sunday begins what we call “Holy Week.” It was a week of very high drama. The entire gamut of emotion was evidenced, great fear, great suffering, great confusion, great sorrow, and finally, great joy. It joins the week of more

  • Transitions

    Contributed by Peter Thelander on Oct 31, 2001
    based on 39 ratings

    A message from the lay leader on the changing of pastors.

    Transitions I. A look at this change in pastors A. Subtitle – Why do United Methodists seem to torture themselves every few years by changing pastors? II. History lesson A. Methodism goes back to a renewal movement in the Church of England in the 1700’s 1. Footnote: Church of England is also more

  • Gaining Wisdom From The Trails Series

    Contributed by Tim Byrd on Sep 12, 2002
    based on 49 ratings

    Part 2 in our study of the Book of James

    A Life of Works Produced by Faith Part 2 “Gaining Wisdom From Trails” Date: September 8, 2002 P.M Service Place: Allendale Baptist Church Text: James 1:5-8 Introduction This morning in the first message of this series on the book of James, he gives this strange charge to the Christian community. more

  • Fifth Sunday Of Easter, Year C- "Sharon Loves You, Jesus Speaking. How May I Help You?"

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Apr 28, 2022

    William Blake poem: “I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see; I sought my God, but my God eluded me; I sought my neighbor, and I found all three.”

    A woman once told of her experience as a Church secretary. When she answered the phone she’d say, “Jesus loves you, Sharon speaking. How may I help you?” But one day she got distracted because she was talking to others in the office. When the phone rang, she answered: “Sharon loves you, Jesus more

  • How To Find The Way Home

    Contributed by Ray Mckendry on Feb 14, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Believing Christ will take you home to heaven.

    “How to Find the Way Home.” OKAY - Do you want to do some theology? John 1:1-14 “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” It’s a dark night and even though your car headlights are on and shining brightly, you notice how dark it more

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