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Sermons on Leviticus 20:12:

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  • How To Honor Parents Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on Aug 2, 2004
    based on 27 ratings

    3rd in a 5 part series applying Biblical answers to family concerns. Using the 10 commandments as the Biblical basis.

    HOW TO HONOR PARENTS EXODUS 20:12 & EPHESIANS 6:1-3 INTRODUCTION: Minister Dave Gable tells the story of Jill, their 6-year-old, who was “helping” him in the front yard of the parsonage. She chattered away about her Sunday school lesson on Adam and Eve. Dave thought he’d test her. “Did you more

  • Justified, Qualified, Glorified Series

    Contributed by Anthony Smith on Oct 21, 2004
    based on 18 ratings

    The Qualifications of a marriage. Part 1 of 3 part sermon on the state of marriage.

    Justified, Qualified, Glorified. This sermon is considering these three words in marriage. The scripture is perfectly clear on marriage, between a man and a woman. All else is sin and an abomination in the sight of God. First lets look at the Biblical meaning of each word. more

  • Burn It - Part 2 Series

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jul 16, 2012

    God clearly mentions the punishment, so that we stay away from such wickedness...

    Burn it! Part 2 Leviticus 20:14”If a man marries a woman and her mother, it is wickedness. They shall be burned with fire, both he and they, that there may be no wickedness among you.” Though Leviticus may not be one of your much loved book but still it holds some extremely more

  • What Is Holiness? (Leviticus 19-20) Series

    Contributed by Garrett Tyson on Aug 27, 2024

    Holiness is a common, fuzzy word. But basically it comes to the idea of "dedication." God is dedicated to his people; God expects them to mirror Him, and be dedicated to Him the same way.

    Today, we are going to rabbit trail for just a week, and talk about holiness. One of the hardest things to explain in the entire Bible, in my opinion, is the idea of holiness. The Bible often tells us that God is holy, and when the Bible tells us this, it tends to be in very serious, weighty more