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Sermons on Levítico 11:3:

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  • Parting The Hoof And Chewing The Cud

    Contributed by James May on Apr 7, 2004
    based on 31 ratings

    The Old Testament Laws found in Leviticus still have relevance in our lives today. God still has laws that govern who is acceptable as profitable servants.

    PARTING THE HOOF AND CHEWING THE CUD Leviticus 11:2-4 For some people the only exercise they ever get is when they are jumping to conclusions, running off at the mouth, putting their two cents worth in, raising cane, and I don’t mean sugar cane, walking all over someone, lifting themselves up on more

  • Clean Living Series

    Contributed by Vic Folkert on Oct 3, 2018

    The sermon tackles obscure commandments, with practical implications: 1) All of life matters to God, 2) All of life can be made clean by God, and 3) We can be clean now. Practical applications to live a clean and holy life.

    CLEAN LIVING—sel. From Leviticus 11-15 (Preacher: Begin with “Things Moms would probably not say...” on YouTube or Powerpoint… End the list with… “Let me smell that shirt. Yeah, that’s good for another week.” And, “Don’t bother cleaning your room. It makes the rest of the house more