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  • Miscellaneous Items

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jul 20, 2018

    A study in the book of Deuteronomy 23: 1 – 25

    Deuteronomy 23: 1 – 25 Miscellaneous Items 23 “He who is emasculated by crushing or mutilation shall not enter the assembly of the LORD. 2 “One of illegitimate birth shall not enter the assembly of the LORD; even to the tenth generation none of his descendants shall enter the assembly of the LORD. more

  • Values Voting

    Contributed by David Welch on Aug 6, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This message explores the role of government and the governed. What Biblical values should we embrace and consider when exercising our responsibly to vote.

    “Values Voting” Introduction Two subjects illicit more heated discussions than any other; religion / politics. Today religions get a pass in our culture, Christianity does not. It seems there is an all-out war on Christianity; especially evangelical beliefs. There is even an organization dedicated more

  • It's Time To Wake Up! Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Feb 17, 2020
    based on 2 ratings

    At the end of Romans 13, Paul reminds Christians of the debt of love they owe and warns them to wake up and put off the deeds of darkness because the return of Christ is nearing.

    A. One of my favorite things to do as a father when our daughters were growing up, was to wake them up in the morning. 1. I loved seeing their sweet, sleepy faces as I woke them with a gentle voice, saying, “It’s time to wake up.” 2. What is your attitude when you wake up? a. I’m a morning more

  • More Truth Series

    Contributed by Greg Lindsey on Mar 15, 2020

    When it comes to stewardship, giving, generosity, our finances, our money it really isn't truth or dare with God it's truth and dare.

    Okay, alright, whether that song is your jam or not let’s give it up for the band one more time...why, because that was awesome, all of worship today has been awesome but the good news is that the best is still yet to come. Having said that though, my guess is that there might be a few questions more

  • Which Jesus Do You Follow? Series

    Contributed by James Wallace on Mar 4, 2025

    There's only one true Jesus, but there are many false concepts of Jesus whom people follow. Do you follow a religious Jesus who requires rituals and works for salvation. Then, think again.

    As we mentioned in our bulletin this morning, we begin a new series of messages today entitled "Meet the Real Jesus?' And I'm going to begin this morning by asking each of you here, "Which Jesus do you follow?" Now, yes, I'm anticipating some questions or comments which more

  • Take Your Burdens To Jesus

    Contributed by Rev. K. Michael Bryant on Dec 15, 2002
    based on 51 ratings

    We all have troubles in our life. We have times when things just seem to go against us, but it is at these times...when our faith is tested..that we must be strong. Instead of turning to self or turning to man...we need to turn to Jesus.

    Jesus Is Our Burden Bearer? Father the task of preaching your Gospel is once again in my keeping. I commit myself to do the very best that I can. Clear my mind of distractions, warm my heart with compassion, and fill my soul with faith in your goodness and power. Speak to me that I may speak for more

  • Money Is The Root Of All Evil Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Oct 11, 2006
    based on 13 ratings

    The ABCs of a Biblical understanding of money.

    INTRODUCTION We’re in the middle of a series entitled, “No, that’s NOT in the Bible!” There are many clever witticisms people quote as coming from the Bible–and they aren’t found in the Bible. Next week we’ll be looking at perhaps the most popular Bible misquote: “God helps those who help more

  • A Recipe For Contentment

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Nov 19, 2008

    The world will never give us true lasting contentment. What will?

    “A Recipe for Contentment” Contentment, inner peace, serenity, terribly elusive but desired states of mind in our culture. Often sought after through worldly pursuits, which may bring fleeting glimpses of it, but ultimately are temporary. The New Testament word for contentment in it’s different more

  • 10 Termites That Can Destroy Your Home Series

    Contributed by Harold Hansen on Jan 6, 2009
    based on 19 ratings

    Helps for a Happy Home

    LESSON 4 10 TERMITES THAT CAN & WILL DESTROY YOUR HOME: Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. more

  • Freedom From Debt – I Owe, I Owe, It's Off To Work I Go Series

    Contributed by D. Greg Ebie on Nov 16, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Discover real financial freedom as we break free from the gip of debt in our lives.

    FREEDOM FROM DEBT – I Owe, I Owe, It’s Off to Work I Go Luke 12:15-21 (NIV) [15] Then he said to them, "Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions." [16] And he told them this parable: "The ground of a certain rich man more

  • Managing Money Series

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Jun 16, 2010

    What is practically more important to us in this society than money and the things it can buy? Oh we might say that our family, or friendships, or health are more important, but is that what is seen in the way we live our lives day to day?

    What is practically more important to us in this society than money and the things it can buy? Oh we might say that our family, or friendships, or health are more important, but is that what is seen in the way we live our lives day to day? Do our lives not look like they are more often devoted to more

  • The Sermon On The Mount (Part 1)

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Mar 16, 2015

    The Sermon on the Mount (part 1) - PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: (1). The Listeners (vs 1) (2). The Method (vs 2) (3a). The Sermon (vs 3-6) (3b). The Beatitudes (vs 3-6) SERMON BODY: Ill: • Zach Zehnder, is a 31-year-old pastor from Florida. • His claim to fame is that he recently broke one of the Guinness world more

  • Be Radical For Jesus! Or Other Radicals Will Fill The Void!

    Contributed by Kelly Durant on Apr 12, 2015

    Too many radical people are rising up and attacking Christians! This is in part due to radical ideals sewn in the 1970s. Communism also plays a role. If we are not radical for Jesus then other radicals will take over.

    Be Radical for Jesus! Or Other Radicals Will Fill The Void! by Kelly Durant Acts 2:44-45 Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, 45 and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. 2. The disciples of Jesus were more

  • Complete Forgiveness Series

    Contributed by J.d. Tutell on Feb 24, 2012

    Do we have a heart of forgiveness or fault finding? How we answer this question reveals if our heart is fully committed to God.

    A lawyer was reading the will of a rich man. All of the people who were mentioned in the will were required to attend: “To you, my loving wife Rose, who stood by me in rough times, as well as good, I leave her the house and $2 million.” “To my daughter Jessica, who looked after more

  • Will You Work Until Jesus Comes?

    Contributed by Kevin L. Jones on Dec 14, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    A sermon about the importance of service and stewardship.

    Will You Work Until Jesus Comes? Mark 13:34-37 One of my favorite TV shows as a child was Magnum P.I. One of the main characters of the show was Jonathan Higgins. He was the "majordomo" of Robin Master's estate. A majordomo is a person who speaks, makes arrangements, takes charge and/or acts on more

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