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Sermons on law of the harvest:

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  • It's Harvest Time!

    Contributed by Skillful Shepherd on Aug 4, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    Sermon on Matthew 9:35-38 - It’s harvest time!

    Matt 9:35-38 It’s Harvest Time! - Catch a Vision for the Lost Introduction POLL - When did you become a Christian? (Statistics) 1.CONSIDER - See the crowds (v.36a) - ILL -- Going for a mission trip, home blessing 2.ASK - Ask for compassion (v.36b) - harassed and helpless (distressed and more

  • Come: To A Harvested Self

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Oct 5, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Evil and good live side by side, so we need to accept our sinfulness in order to receive our salvation. God in Christ takes on Himself the penalty we should receive.

    It would seem that the negative things in life grow of their own accord, but that the good things, positive things, take a lot of work. If you are at all a pessimist, you will agree that bad things, destructive things, just happen. Nobody has to make them happen. They happen on their own. But good more

  • White Unto Harvest Series

    Contributed by Jim Drake on Mar 10, 2009
    based on 11 ratings

    Do you have an eternal perspective like Jesus does? Or are you focused solely on temporal needs like health, prosperity, healing, personal comfort and relationships? That’s where the disciples’ perspective was in our passage. That When you deal with people, it doesn’t take very long to realize something. People are different. And because people are different, they can see the same thing in different ways. Police know this. As a matter of fact, they expect it. One of the ways that more

  • Participating In The Lord Harvest

    Contributed by Tim Parsons on Jan 22, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    This sermon deal with the harvest in the feild. And how to get in the feild.

    I want to preach a message to you this morning in title Participating in the lords harvest. Take you bible and turn to 2 opening’s ps 126:5-6 and John 4:35-36 The bible says that they that sow in tears shall reap in joy. lets talk about that! Lets consider The Priority of the Harvest.. more

  • Growth Unto Harvest Series

    Contributed by Mike Rickman on Feb 15, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    We can’t be satisfied with being saved and not see any fruit from God’s work in our lives.

    February 13, 2004 Morning Worship Text: Mark 4:21-29 Subject: Part 2 in the Harvest series. Title: Growth Unto Harvest I believe that we are quickly coming to the end of the age. The Bible clearly states things that will accompany that end. One of the things that I personally believe about the more

  • Its Harvest Time Series

    Contributed by Donny Granberry on May 3, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    90% of people become Christians because personal Evangelism. This series equips and challenges the church in sharing their faith with others.

    Personal Evangelism IV “It’s Harvest Time” Good morning and welcome to Central. If you are our guest, allow me to say thank you for worshiping with us. Profession: “This is my Bible, God’s Holy Word, it is a …” Looking at the news, the threat of World War III, the rising cost of gasoline, the more

  • The Harvest Is Ripe And Ready!

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Sep 24, 2010
    based on 13 ratings

    In this sermon outline we share the importance of the harvest and the need for all of the church to be involved in the harvest of these last days. God's Word emphasizes it strongly.

    THE HARVEST IS RIPE AND READY! In this sermon outline we share the importance of the harvest and the need for all of the church to be involved in the harvest of these last days. God's Word emphasizes it strongly. Gen 8:20 And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and more

  • The Fields Are Ripe For The Harvest Series

    Contributed by Nicky Evans on Jul 18, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Part 3 of a sermon series preached in Anjung, South Korea

    John 4:35 '...Look, I tell you, lift up your eyes, and see that the fields are white for harvest.' What a wonderful verse! Another one is found in Luke 10:2 'The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his more

  • Outreach: The Fruit Of The Harvest

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Jan 20, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    God has given to all believers the Great Commission – to preach the good news and make disciples. It’s time to respond to this call from Jesus.

    OUTREACH: THE FRUIT OF THE HARVEST OPEN – TIM TEBOW: Until the BCS national championship in 2009, Philippians 4:13 was the Scripture verse Tebow kept on his undereye strips. But he said he felt God prompting him to change it two days before big game to John 3:16, He recalled that when he more

  • White Unto Harvest Series

    Contributed by Richard Mc Quinn on Feb 4, 2012

    The Women at the Well served as an evangelist. Jesus loves all of us no matter who we are, what color we are and no matter with what traditions we were raised with.

    WHITE UNTO HARVEST 2-5-12 New Liberty Christian Church, Veedersburg, IN with Rich McQuinn, Minister TEXT; JOHN 4:5-35 INTRODUCTION; We have just finished our Christmas celebrations and many folks are still paying on the presents that they bought for loved ones, In a number of weeks we will more

  • It's Harvest Time

    Contributed by Charlie Roberts on Nov 19, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    Did you know that bringing the good out and someone is a harvest.. and bringing a smile to someone's face is a harvest.. Did you know that Complementing someone is a planting a seed and someone feeling good about themselves as a result of a harvest

    It's Harvest Time! Gal. 6:7-10 Msg. 7-8 Don’t be misled: No one makes a fool of God. What a person plants, he will harvest. *The person who plants selfishness, ignoring the needs of others—ignoring God!—harvests a crop of weeds. *All he’ll have to show for his life is more

  • It's Harvest Time

    Contributed by Bobby Daniel on Mar 4, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    Brief message preached at beginning of week of Prayer for North American Missions after testimony from a NAMB missionary.

    Introduction: Like we’ve been discussing the last few weeks, it is so easy for us to get bogged down in what is going on around us, we can, like the old adage says, “Miss the forest through the trees.” What that means is we live in a world full of lost people and don’t seem to see that we live in more

  • It's Harvest Time

    Contributed by Dr. Abraham Obadare on Oct 29, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon urges all Christians not to delay soul-winning activities. Now is the time to introduce Christ to people all over the world

    John 4:35-37 speaks of Jesus response to His disciples who marveled at Him after He spoke with the woman at the well. In verse 35 Jesus made them realize that we often think and say that harvest time is still in the future, but the truth is that the time of harvest is now. Go ahead, say to more

  • Call Your Harvest

    Contributed by Nnaemeka Durueke on Apr 14, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    We must be positioned to receive His promises! Be diligent, and be rewarded! God bless you! God wants to reward you for being diligent. However, we can’t plead promises and break God’s principles. If we do the Word of God, it will work for us.

    THEME- CALL IN YOUR HARVEST LESSON 1- THROUGH DILIGENCE MAIN TEXT- PROVERBS 10:4-5 INTRODUCTION The year of bumper harvest is also approved by God but if God sends the rain and there is no work done on the land he has provided then there will not be a harvest. When a moving train heads to your more

  • God's Final Harvest Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Aug 16, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    The good news about the parable of the weeds is we don’t have to speculate about the meaning, the Lord gives us a full interpretation. Four personal lessons we can apply to our lives.

    INTRODUCTION In Matthew 13 Jesus tells seven classic parables about the Kingdom of heaven. Last week we studied the parable of the Sower, which also is recorded in Mark and Luke. Today we’re going to examine the parable of the “Wheat and Weeds,” which appears only in Matthew. more

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