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  • Coming To Understanding

    Contributed by Zelia Logan-Smith on Apr 24, 2013

    An autobiography correlated to scripture references revealing those peculiar things in The Word as applied to our life.

    A Peculiar Diary By Zelia Logan-Smith Sermon Topic: Coming to Understanding - Spiritual Growth Main Verse: Mark 4 Chapter Note: The numbers indicate references in the study guide at the end of the text. 1-24 I know you have wondered about things; the things that exist in unknown more

  • Extreme Makeover: Living Room Series

    Contributed by David Slone on Sep 7, 2004
    based on 19 ratings

    Series that deals with areas in our home and family life that God wants to makeover. Excellent powerpoint available upon request

    Project Living Room: RENOVATING THE AMERICAN FAMILY EPHESIANS 4:17-19, 23-24 Opening As a nation, we are ignoring God’s ways. And this nation is already experiencing the judgment of God! God will not abandon His people, but life as we know it will disintegrate to a cultural blow up! To a more

  • Snake Conversations

    Contributed by David Ward on Aug 4, 2003
    based on 54 ratings

    A look at the tempter’s tactics from Genesis 3:1-6

    Snake Conversations Genesis 3:1-6 [READ] Introduction: Iron Eyes Cody was the Native American who appeared in the old “Keep America Beautiful” TV commercials. He told an Indian legend from many years ago. Indian youths would go away in solitude to prepare for manhood. One such youth hiked more

  • Partners In Prayer

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Feb 4, 2005
    based on 21 ratings

    In times of crisis we quickly go to the Lord in prayer. The Amalekites attack Israel and Moses took Aaron and Hur with him on a hill to pray.

    Partners in Prayer Exodus 17:8-13 One night in 1968, the pilot of an airline bound for New York realized that the landing gear of his jet would not engage. Traveling ever closer to his destination, he continued to work the controls, trying to get the wheels to lock into place, but he had no more

  • How To Persevere In Prayer

    Contributed by Leo Launio on Oct 19, 2003
    based on 187 ratings

    Five points on how to persevere in prayer

    How to Persevere in Prayer October 19, 2003 Introduction: Survey on Prayer: On March 31, 1997, Newsweek magazine published the result of a survey on people’s prayer beliefs and habits. The title of the survey was “Is God Listening?” 87%--of the people believe that God answers prayers. 54%--say more

  • A Proven Strategy For Increasing Your Happiness Series

    Contributed by Dave Weidlich on Apr 21, 2005
    based on 14 ratings

    "You and I were created for joy, and if we miss it, we miss the reason for our existence.” The findings of "Positive Psychology" researchers are remarkably similar to what the Bible teaches about finding happiness.

    "You and I were created for joy, and if we miss it, we miss the reason for our existence.” That’s what it said in the book I pulled from the bookstore shelf, You Gotta Keep Dancin’. The subtitle really intrigued me. It said, "In the midst of life’s hurts, you can choose joy!" Well I wasn’t very more

  • To Bring Good News To The Poor Series

    Contributed by R. David Reynolds on Jan 27, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Based on the quotation of Isaiah 61:1-4 by Jesus, this is the first in a series of messages that outlines the mission of the Church today as expressed by Jesus in Luke 4:14-21.

    His Mission and Ours: Bring Good News to the Poor --Isaiah 61:1-4; James 2:1-7; and Luke 4:14-21 I won’t ask for a show of hands, but I wonder how many of you recognize the name Y. C. Jones. Y. C. is one of the nearly 100 persons that are homeless in Kankakee. Lee Provost featured him more

  • Life Verse Series

    Contributed by Keith Andrews on May 23, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    Opening Sermon to the "From the Heart" Series. Discusses my life verse.

    Life verse All scripture listed NKJV: The New King James Version. 1996, c1982. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. As we are winding down the year here, I wanted to do a series of messages that to me are very important. I believe that God call all of us to do and to teach different areas. 1 Corinthians more

  • Onesimus Series

    Contributed by Keith Andrews on Jun 13, 2006
    based on 20 ratings

    Sermon about the man called Onesimus.

    As we begin a New Year, many of us are looking to do something new. Even while we are in Iraq, we want to take the opportunity of the New Year and have a fresh start. I always enjoy a fresh start. I enjoy writing in my journal and it is always exciting for me to complete a book and begin a new more

  • Spiritual Disciplines Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jan 15, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    An introduction sermon for a 13 week series on exploring various Spiritual Disciplines, designed to help the church draw closer to Christ and grow in Christlikeness.

    Spiritual Disciplines: Introduction January 6, 2008 1 Timothy 4:7-8 John 10:10 {Video of me shooting free throws and talking about spiritual disciplines} Not a bad basketball player, even when the camera is on me. I was hitting in crunch time, the pressure was on and there were no retakes. Just more

  • Know Thyself Series

    Contributed by Mark Eberly on Oct 26, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    This week we turn the focus on understanding ourselves and gaining emotional awareness so that we may know God. Four competancies will be shared to help us become emotionally aware so that we might be emotionally healthy spiritually.

    Back to School Know Thyself Psalm 55:1-5, 16-17 October 25, 2009 This week and next week we are going to look at several emotional health competencies. These are qualities that emotionally healthy people cultivate and display. These give us plenty of things to work because none of us have all of more

  • Feeding On The Word Of God Series

    Contributed by Chad Garrison on Mar 30, 2009
    based on 7 ratings

    God has called us to be constantly fanning the spiritual flames inside us, and it is up to us to train ourselves to make the Spiritual Disciplines part of our routine, or lifestyle.

    Spiritual Disciplines Feeding on the Word of God “The Purpose of the Spiritual Disciplines is the total transformation of the person. They aim at replacing old destructive habits of thought with new life-giving habits.” -Richard Foster Today we continue our series on Spiritual Disciplines with more

  • Are You Too Busy To Pray?

    Contributed by Glenn Newton on Dec 16, 2005
    based on 16 ratings

    A simple challenge to Pray, we are not to busy to do the most important thing in our spiritual lives.

    Are You to busy to Pray? Pastor Glenn Newton 11-13-05 How many of you had a busy week this week? Is there really any week that doesn’t feel busy? Many of you work many hours during the week, plus you give time to your children, to the events and ballgames that seem to never end, right? Many of more

  • Running The Marathon

    Contributed by Sterling Franklin on Jun 21, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    The Christian walk is a long marathon -- don't grow weary, pace yourself, and keep your eyes fixed on our model and Savior Jesus!

    “Running the Marathon” Text: Hebrews 12:1-4 © 2007, Sterling C. Franklin Free for your use and encouragement Story/Illustration: In high school, I ran several years of track. At the end of each season, there was a conference meet – a big gathering of schools racing against each more

  • The Justice Of God In Condedmning Sinners Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on May 5, 2012
    based on 1 rating

    in Genesis 19 we find the first mention of the sin of homosexuality. Genesis 19 stands as an important lesson concerning God’s Justice: He will punish sinners for their sins.

    Today, we find another FIRST in Genesis. Here in Genesis 19 we find the first mention of the sin of homosexuality. Genesis 19 stands as an important lesson concerning God’s Justice: He will punish sinners for their sins. Sodom Represents the Justice of God in Punishing the Wicked The sin more

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