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  • There Is Something Above Me Series

    Contributed by Guy Glass on Sep 5, 2003
    based on 16 ratings

    The eigth message in a series looking at what keeps us from really dreaming great things for God. This message challanges us to have an awareness and desire for the plans of God, to love biblically, and to accept personal responsibility in the body of Ch

    THERE IS SOMETHING ABOVE ME William Bennettt has said, “we live in a society that “values self-expression over self-control.” Pollster Daniel Yankelovich has reported that our society now places less value on sacrifice and moral good, less value than before on what we owe to others as a matter of more

  • Do You Touch Feet?

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 18, 2002
    based on 28 ratings

    Jesus evidenced humble service toward His disciples. He calls us to do the same toward one another.

    March 26, 2000 John 13:1-17 “Do you touch feet?” INTRODUCTION [quietly sit down on the edge of the stage, and proceed to take off your boots. Take a whiff of the smell in your boots after you take them off. Then, proceed to take off your socks. After taking off your socks, begin to clean more

  • The Kiss Of Betrayal

    Contributed by Chris Talton on Jan 18, 2002
    based on 125 ratings

    While pretending to kiss Jesus, we may be betraying Him without even thinking about it.

    April 8, 2001 John 13:18-30 “The Kiss of Betrayal” INTRODUCTION What do you think of when I say the word “kiss”? Now, I’m not talking about the rock group by that name, and I’m not using it as an acronym (Keep It Simple Stupid). I’m talking about that thing that two people who are in more

  • The Revelation Of Betrayal Series

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Feb 12, 2002
    based on 61 ratings

    How Jesus reveals different things about himself and us as he reveals who the traitor would be.

    The Revelation of Betrayal John 13: “I am not referring to all of you; I know those I have chosen. But this is to fulfill the scripture: ‘He who shares my bread has lifted up his heel against me.’ 19 “I am telling you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe that I am more

  • Curling: Some Things We'll Never Understand Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Feb 26, 2002
    based on 40 ratings

    The fourth in my Winter Olympics Series, Looks at some things that we don’t understand.

    It just wasn’t right. Peter had done a lot of weird and wonderful things over the past three years but he wasn’t going to let Jesus wash his feet. That was a servant’s job, and besides Peter had feet like a hobbit’s and while Jesus had certainly touched the fisherman’s heart, Peter didn’t want more

  • Foot Washing Love

    Contributed by Eric Sellgren on Mar 4, 2002
    based on 108 ratings

    A Story for Maundy Thursday.

    I want to tell you a rather strange story.It`s the story of a man called Peter (not the Peter we see in the Bible - it`s the story of a modern day Peter and his wife called Mary). Peter loved Mary very much indeed. He was always telling her how much he loved her - showing her too, in lots of more

  • A Humble Servant Series

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Mar 5, 2002
    based on 114 ratings

    This is the 4th sermon in the "Who Is Jesus Christ?" series. This sermon identifies Jesus as a Servant.

    Sunday Morning March 10, 2002 Bel Aire Baptist Church Series: Who Is Jesus Christ? [#4] A HUMBLE SERVANT Philippians 2:5-11 Introduction: 1. In our series “Who Is Jesus Christ?” we have seen Jesus as Life Giver, Minister to sinners, The Lion, The Lamb, King of kings, Lord of lords, High more

  • Jesus Washed The Disciples Feet Series

    Contributed by Robert Galasso on Mar 6, 2002
    based on 70 ratings

    Jesus modeled the role of a servant for us to continue with one another.

    Introduction: How could the very Son of God stoop to wash the dirty feet of men? What would motivate him toward such an action of humility? Are there any lessons from Christ that we need to apply to the way we approach ministry? Did those present fully understand what was going on? Jesus more

  • Swollen Heads Vs. Smelly Feet

    Contributed by Ted Sutherland on Nov 4, 2001
    based on 148 ratings

    Maybe our problem is that our egos have been inflated by the position that we hold that we have become not servants but members of a serve-me-please pharisaical class of clergy.

    After a minister had preached a searching sermon on pride, a woman who had heard the sermon waited upon him and told him that she was in much distress of mind, and that she would like to confess to a great sin. The minister asked her what the sin was. She answered, “The sin of pride, for I sat more

  • Can We Pass The Test?

    Contributed by Melvin Newland on Nov 9, 2001
    based on 354 ratings

    I wonder how we would score if there were a test available that could reveal just how faithful & devout a Christian we really are - that really measured the level of our spirituality?

    MELVIN M. NEWLAND, MINISTER RIDGE CHAPEL, KANSAS, OK A. Not long ago I preached a sermon entitled “The Love Test” in which we mentioned that passage of scripture where Jesus asked Simon Peter, “Do you love me? Do you really love me?” And we talked about that subject. Now today, let’s go a more

  • An Example To Follow

    Contributed by Tammy Garrison on Nov 11, 2001
    based on 21 ratings

    When reflecting on serving Christ with our effort and time, we are called to do so in the way Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. This is our example to follow.

    Yes, our focus on making a commitment to serve God with our hands begins with a story about feet. Our Bible story takes place at a time shortly before Jesus would give up his life for us. Jesus and the disciples were making arrangements to celebrate a special holiday meal together called the more

  • Servant Leaders Series

    Contributed by Damien Spikereit on Nov 27, 2000
    based on 142 ratings

    What the church needs are leaders who will follow the example of Christ and be an example themselves of what it means to be a servant.

    - You've heard from Katie, Annie and Darren... but now it's my turn. Why am I thankful for Berean CC? Well there are many reasons, I am thankful for the love and support that you have all shown us over the past 2 and a half years. In our moments of discouragement, and frustration you have more

  • Footwashing - Example Or Ritual?

    Contributed by Frank Gallagher on Nov 29, 2000
    based on 168 ratings

    Footwashing was an EXAMPLE for believers to follow, not a ritual to observe like the Lord’s Table!

    FOOT WASHING - EXAMPLE OR RITUAL? (John 13:3-17) [HTTP formatted version of this sermon is located at] The Bible does NOT command New Testament believers to observe foot washing as a Church ritual. 1. The washing of the apostles’ feet by more

  • The Meaning Of The Incarnation Series

    Contributed by Chris Appleby on Dec 30, 2000
    based on 150 ratings

    Jesus’ coming as a servant is highlighted in his washing the disciples feet at the last supper

    Well, it’s the day before Christmas. Tomorrow we celebrate the birth of God’s only Son who came to live among us. As the first chapter of John tells us: (John 1:14 NRSV) "the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and more

  • Hearts Ablaze For Serving Series

    Contributed by Michael Mccartney on Jan 3, 2001
    based on 107 ratings

    Thesis: We need to have hearts that are ablaze and that burn with the passion for serving God and serving each other. Only then will we find fulfillment and happiness in life! Only then will we make a difference for all eternity.

    Hearts Ablaze for Serving? Thesis: We need to have hearts that are ablaze and that burn with the passion for serving God and serving each other. Only then will we find fulfillment and happiness in life! Only then will we make a difference for all eternity. Illustration: While I was helping to more

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