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Sermons on John 1:2:

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  • Do You Believe In God

    Contributed by Jesse Norris on Nov 22, 2001
    based on 20 ratings

    Many people believe in god but what god are they talking about, their god of the God of ceration.

    DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD Let me ask you a question. Just one question. Do you believe in God? That question has been asked of hundreds of millions of people around the world. Do you know what the answer has been most of the time? “Yes, I believe in god.” But the god that a lot of people say more

  • An Invitation To Life

    Contributed by Will Cornwell on Apr 23, 2002
    based on 64 ratings

    Jesus knows your hearts deepest longing. Come and join in on abundant life by responding to His open arms.

    The text that I want to look at this morning is verses 35-39 of the first chapter of the gospel of John. In order to preface the chosen text I also read verses 1-18. I chose these scriptures as a preface for one reason. For the message I have prepared for you this morning, it is important for more

  • 33 Years -- Eternal Impact

    Contributed by Ed Wood on May 2, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    A sermon on the impact that Jesus made upon the earth.

    INTRO: The dictionary defines Impact as: “To drive close, fix firmly, pack, wedge.” History has had men who have made an impact upon the world. Hitler made an impact as an insane politician. Lincoln made an impact as a great statesman. He was the first president to be assassinated. Clinton, more more

  • His Own Did Not Recieve Him

    Contributed by David Berthiaume on May 3, 2002
    based on 34 ratings

    Learning how stubborn we are from the O.T. Prophets

    Since the beginning of sin it has been man’s nature to fall away from God. If it were not for God’s persistence and mercy, none of us would have a chance. If we go back to the Garden of Eden, we see Adam and Eve, God’s people, in the garden. A paradise set up for them both with everything they more

  • The Word Made Flesh

    Contributed by Tyranne Mcmillan on May 5, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    As words is a form of communication when we speak to one another, Jesus Christ is God’s word communicated to us.

    (1) In the O.T., God’s glory dwelled in the tabernacle and in the temple. But the glory had left disobedient Israel. (2) The glory of God came back to His people again in the person of Jesus Christ. (3) The Gospels give us a picture of our Lord’s life on earth: Matthew wrote to the Jews saying more

  • Introduction To The Gospel Of John Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Davis on Sep 19, 2001
    based on 50 ratings

    First in Series in a detailed study of the Gospel of John. An Introduction to the Gospel of John, The Prologue is a part of the first "P" in the Gospel of John. The Three P’s found in the Gospel of John.

    Note to reader: This is the first lesson in a series of Bible study on the Gospel of John. The Gospel of John Introduction to the Bible study on the Gospel of John: The Gospel of John is a document written for a first century audience. The stories that Jesus told in His ministry were not more

  • Divinity Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by Eddie Snipes on Oct 2, 2001
    based on 28 ratings

    Does the Bible plainly state the divinity of Jesus?

    Doctrine of the Trinity Why didn’t the apostles plainly state doctrine such as the Trinity? In epistles, we only get a snapshot of doctrine. The apostles spent most of their energy planting and building churches and discipling leaders. Their primary method of teaching doctrine was personal more

  • One Unusual Message Series

    Contributed by Darren Ethier on May 21, 2002
    based on 21 ratings

    Part 1 of 5 of the series, Christmas Perspectives. It all began with the unusual message. An angel visited Mary and then an angel visited Joseph. This "unusual message" speaks to us today as well. A message that leads to a journey, and finally, the mom

    ONE UNUSUAL MESSAGE Part 1 of the Christmas Perspectives Series READ AT BEGINNING OF SERVICE: John 1:1-5 (NIV) 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that more

  • The Deity Of Jesus Christ

    Contributed by Dennis Deese on Jun 6, 2002
    based on 168 ratings

    John clearly identifies Jesus as God.

    "THE DEITY OF JESUS CHRIST" By: Dr. Dennis Deese JOHN 1:1-12 Who Do You Think Jesus Is? In a 1983 Gallup poll Americans were asked "who do you think Jesus is." 70% of those interviewed said Jesus was not just another man. 42% stated Jesus was God among men. 27% felt Jesus was only human but more

  • Shine The Light!

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Oct 26, 2002
    based on 51 ratings

    A message encouraging us to not just "rail against the darkness" but to be active in bringing the light of God’s Word to society.

    Shine the Light Matthew 5:14-16 October 27, 2002 Introduction You’ve probably noticed that the days are getting shorter. Actually, the days are still the same length. They are 24 hours long, just like they’ve always been. But the darkness is getting longer. Night falls earlier, and the light more

  • Wdjd? (What Did Jesus Do?)

    Contributed by Tommy Hames on Oct 29, 2002
    based on 54 ratings

    What did Jesus do for us?

    INTRODUCTION It has almost become cliché to ask, “What would Jesus do?” This question that was taken from Charles Sheldon’s book, "In His Steps", has become a common household phrase. It is a good question to ask and one that we need to ask ourselves every single day, but before WWJD can mean more

  • The Glory Of God Series

    Contributed by Tom Cooperider on Dec 18, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus came to show us the Glory of God

    Introduction In the beginning God said “Let there be light, and there was light” • And God saw that all that He had created was good and He walked with Adam in the cool of the day in the Garden Then with one act of disobedience sin entered in the world and there was DARKNESS • First came Abraham more

  • Out Of Darkness - Light Series

    Contributed by Stephen Colaw on Dec 21, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Out of the darkness that surrounded the first Christmas, God brought the LIGHT.

    Introduction: [“Flicker” video from] In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life, and that life was the light of more

  • Getting Jesus For Christmas Series

    Contributed by Mark Haines on Dec 22, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    The truth that we receive or reject Jesus in every choice we make must replace the idea that receiving him as Lord and Savior in a one-time event (i.e. baptism, church membership or sinner’s prayer).

    Visual/Sensory Illustration(s) Pictures from A Christmas Carol movies Clips from A Christmas Carol movies Chains – actual chains hanging around or pictures; perhaps sound clips of rattling chains IDEAS for Other Illustrations Quotes from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens IDEAS more

  • Jesus The True Light Of Christmas

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Dec 24, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Ever since the brightness of heaven flooded the hills of Bethlehem; and the far off twinkling star guided Eastern wise-men to the new born King…Christ has been the Light of the world, and we have celebrated Christmas with colorful lights.

    Jesus the True Light of Christmas John 1:1-9 Isaiah 9:1-2 The Apostle John in his Gospel the first chapter gives us a description of the person and work of Jesus Christ. :”In the beginning was the Word, (Jesus) and the Word (Jesus) was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the more

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