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Sermons on jesus existence:

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  • Jesus Existed Before Christmas

    Contributed by Rich O' Toole on Dec 3, 2024

    The LORD said to my Lord

    Jesus Existed Before Christmas Psalm 110 Good morning Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. NKJV Around the Christmas more

  • Did Jesus Exist Before He Was Born? Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Dec 8, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This message examines how Jesus existed before he was in Mary’s womb.

    Traditionally, people have always enjoyed celebrating birthdays. Even as a nation we celebrate the birthdays of individuals who throughout history have made an impact on the United States. In January we will honor the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on His birthday. In February we will honor more

  • The Word

    Contributed by Dennis Lee on Jan 28, 2018
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon is part of the Names of Jesus series. In this sermon we're looking at the title/name the Apostle John uses in describing Jesus as "The Word."

    Names of Jesus “The Word” If you want to express yourself, you could use actions, or as they say, “Actions speak louder than words.” Or, you can use your words to convey your thoughts. Actually, the best way would be through both, allowing both your actions and words to speak to your intent. more

  • Jesus' Christmas Names

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Feb 6, 2019

    Jesus existed for eternity, but “became flesh” as a baby

    A. THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). 1. The greatest verse: For God The greatest Being So The greatest degree Loved The greatest affection The more

  • Did Jesus Really Exist? Series

    Contributed by Timothy Peck on Apr 23, 2001
    based on 58 ratings

    Four non-Christian historical witnesses to the existence of Jesus.

    Every child grows up believing in imaginary characters. Whether it’s a character associated with a holiday or cartoon characters like Mickey Mouse, childhood is filled with imaginary people. We can see it in how many kids think superheroes like Superman are real. We can see it in how many kids have more

  • Did Jesus Really Exist? Series

    Contributed by Dr. Randy Croft on Nov 15, 2002
    based on 38 ratings

    Evidence for the Existence of Jesus.

    Did Jesus really exist? by Randy A. Croft BigFoot In the summer of 1924, Kelso, Washington. According to the Sunday Oregonian on July 13, five miners encountered the ``mountain devils’’ in the wilds of Mount St. Helens. One of the men, Fred Beck, shot one of the creatures and watched its more

  • The Pre-Existence Of Christ

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Aug 3, 2005
    based on 74 ratings

    How can we witness to others of the Life of Christ, unless we are sure that we know it for ourselves. Christ did not life for only 33 years on earth. Christ was and is still alive today.

    The Pre-existence Of Christ John 1:1-5 INTRODUCTION 1. The gospel of John was written for a simple purpose... a. To produce faith in Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God b. To share the "life" that comes through such faith 2. To encourage us in such a faith in Jesus Christ John begins his more

  • We Exist To Exalt Jesus Series

    Contributed by Billy Ricks on Feb 25, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    Sermon 1 in a series Why does the Church Exist. The church Exists to Exalt the Savior, To Evangelize the Lost, To Equip, Encourage, and Edify The Saints.

    Intro: What is the most important question you should ask in your life? Why am I here? Many struggle with the reason they are alive. Some wonder if they are some cosmic coincidence. Often people fall prey to the false teaching that we are nothing more than a freak combination of chemicals that more

  • Who Is This Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Randy Hamel on Jan 21, 2008

    Examines the external evidence (historians, early church fathers, matryrs) and the external evidence for Jesus existence. Teaches us to be humble and serve like Jesus did.

    What we Believe Series – Part 3 Who is this Jesus? – Phil. 2:3-11 NLT (Acknowledgement: Dr. Henry Schorr, Centre St. Church, Calgary AB - His What We Believe Series) . We have been in a series the last couple of weeks called ‘What we believe.’ The last couple of weeks we have looked at God the more

  • Why Jesus Part 4 - The Empty Jar Series

    Contributed by Rodney V Johnson on Apr 12, 2015

    Part 4 focuses non-biblical sources of Jesus' existence and why we need Him in our lives!

    Why Jesus – Part 4 An Empty Jar Scriptures: Revelations 20:14-15; 21:3-4; Psalm 23 Introduction: This morning my message is part four of my series “Why Jesus.” In parts one through three, I reviewed prophecies pertaining to the Messiah that only Jesus fulfilled. I shared more

  • If Hell Exists...

    Contributed by Rusty Tardo on Dec 8, 2008

    This is perhaps the most unpopular subject in the whole Bible. It is so unpopular, many ministers avoid the subject. But if Hell exists, shouldn’t we sound a warning?

    If Hell Exists M-1093 / 13 July 2008 Dr. Russell K. Tardo The Bible’s Most Unpopular Topic The text today is from Luke, chapter 16, and I’ll be speaking about the most unpopular subject in the Bible. Several topics probably come to mind -- trials, suffering, holiness, or the call to more

  • He Exists!

    Contributed by Michael Westacott on Sep 28, 2002
    based on 115 ratings

    This sermon is based on my outline "Is there really a God?" which presents 8 arguments for God’s existence.

    Throughout the centuries mankind has always had some innate sense that there is a divine being. Today, scientists, philosophers and other academics discuss, debate and ponder over his existence. Is there really a God? Today we are going to look at the evidence that God does in fact exist. 1. THE more

  • Heaven Exists

    Contributed by Dennis King on Sep 22, 2021

    Yes, heaven exists but the description of the three (or more) levels of heaven are illusive. Also, do we have bodies there? Are we conscious? Do we have tactile feelings similar to what we experience now?

    Heaven Exists Before we get into the existence of heaven, let's consider exactly when do we go? As with numerous Biblical topics, many churches, under Christianity's umbrella, have different beliefs on these topics. The following are my thoughts as reinforced by the specified verses from more

  • Angels Exist Series

    Contributed by Dennis King on Sep 30, 2021

    The subject of angels has certainly become very fashionable. Bookstore shelves hold a plethora of books depicting the appearance of angels and their powers. Angels are never referred to in any gender other than masculine, never is an angel referred to as “she” or “it.”

    The subject of angels has certainly become very fashionable. Bookstore shelves hold a plethora of books revealing authored expressions depicting the appearance of angels and their powers. Nor is angelic subject matter confined just to books. Many of us remember watching "It's A Wonderful more

  • Satan Exists

    Contributed by Dennis King on Sep 15, 2021

    Where and what was the first sin against God committed? Who did it?

    Satan Exists Where and what was the first sin against God committed? Who did it? When most Christians are asked those questions, they think of the Garden of Eden, eating the forbidden fruit, and naming Adam and Eve. You may have guessed correctly, but—those answers are wrong. For you, what image more

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