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  • James (Nasb)

    Contributed by Steven W. Satterfield on Oct 16, 2021

    Written around 46 AD (it may be the 1st New Testament book), written by him from Jerusalem. Be a victor, not a victim. It's about spiritual maturity, growing / having patience in the testing of our faith; outside trials

    Footnotes from 1 [a]James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes who are [b]dispersed abroad (FROM ISRAEL TO THE WORLD): Greetings. 2 Consider it all joy, my brothers and sisters, when you encounter various [c]trials (TRY TO HAVE A POSITIVE more

  • James The Slave Series

    Contributed by Darrell Ferguson on Sep 28, 2020

    How do you know for sure that the Bible is reliable? How can I be sure that what I believe is really true? This message summarizes some of the most compelling evidence.

    James the Slave Suffering, Tests, and Temptation James 1:1 8-17-2014 James 1:1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes scattered among the nations: Greetings. Introduction: Doubt Today we begin a study of the book of James, which is a letter that more

  • Introduction To James Series

    Contributed by Guy Mcgraw on Jan 21, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    James introduces himself to his readers

    BIG JOHN COMING TO TOWN: New man made bartender and warned by owner, ‘If you hear Big John is coming drop everything and run for your life’. Months later a white faced cowhand ran in yelling, ‘Big John is coming to town’. Before the bartender could run into the saloon can a huge man riding a more

  • James 4

    Contributed by Kyle Gray on May 20, 2009

    James tells us how to turn hatred into humility, judgment into justice and boasting into belief.

    There is a stark contrast in tone from chapter 3 to chapter 4 Chapter 3 (taming the tongue) closes with words like peace, gentleness, mercy, good fruits…it kind of ends on a good tone…but CH 4 contains words like fights, quarrels, lust, hate, envy, pride and sin. In CH 4 James gives clear advice on more

  • James - An Introduction Series

    Contributed by Bobby Stults on Aug 21, 2013

    The letter that is written by James to the Jews scattered abroad is a letter that is often misunderstood and misused.

    A Study of the Letter of James James 1:1 August 14, 2013 James is a book that has long been misunderstood by many believers! We have seen some great men of faith come to the conclusion that what James seems to teach is in conflict with the teachings of grace from the Apostle Paul. Martin Luther more

  • James Intro Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Haile on May 21, 2011

    A study of the book of James

    Who are these Tribes? Well this is a reference to Israel to the Jews! For the early Church primarily consisted of Jews. These Jews had been scattered abroad because of their Faith in Christ. This word-scattered means that they were scattered like seed. God permitted this test of the Jerusalem more

  • James 2 Series

    Contributed by Steven Devroy on Sep 16, 2024

    Faith without works is dead

    Opener: Well Good Morning Church! We are so excited that you have decided to join us here this morning. What a blessing to be here worshiping the Lord together! We also want to take a moment to welcome our online community as well. Thank you for taking the time to watch and allowing us to be a more

  • James 3 Series

    Contributed by Steven Devroy on Sep 16, 2024

    Words are powerful

    Opener: Well Good Morning Church! We are so excited that you have decided to join us here this morning. What a blessing to be here worshiping the Lord together! Those that are watching online, Welcome, we are so happy that you have joined us here this morning and those that are watching the more

  • James 4 Series

    Contributed by Steven Devroy on Sep 16, 2024

    Following God's will

    Opener: Well Good Morning Church! We are so excited that you have decided to join us here this morning. What a blessing to be here worshiping the Lord together! We also want to take a moment to welcome our online community as well. Thank you for taking the time to watch and allowing us to be a more

  • Unity In The Church Series

    Contributed by Travis Jarrett on Oct 19, 2009

    Part 1 of 7 in our teaching series, "TRUE RELIGION", a section by section study through the letter from James to the early church.

    To watch/listen to this message online go to or contact **NOTE: THIS IS A CONCEPT OUTLINE FOR THIS MESSAGE. GRAPHICS AND MULTIMEDIA ARE AVAILABLE TO SUPPORT THIS SERIES. :: James the Author There is some debate within religious circles as to who James actually more

  • The Son’s Gift Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Dec 9, 2010

    Christ gives every believer the Holy Spirit who delivers us from the penalty and power of sin, dwells within us to give us a different attitude and destiny, and directs us to intimacy with our Heavenly Father. This is the true Spirit of Christmas.

    Just a few days before Christmas one year, a postal worker at one of the main sorting offices found an unstamped, handwritten, messy envelope addressed to God. Curious, he opened it and discovered that it was from an elderly woman who was in great distress because all of her savings – $200 – had more

  • Redeemed By The Son To Be Sons

    Contributed by Gregg Bitter on Jan 11, 2011

    What a marvelous family Jesus was born to bring us into! What a blessing to know God as our Father! A) Rejoice in your Father's plan B) Call out by your Father's Spirit C) Anticipate your Father's inheritance.

    Text: Galatians 4:5-7 Theme: Redeemed by the Son to Be Sons A. Rejoice in your Father's plan B. Call out by your Father's Spirit C. Anticipate your Father's inheritance Season: Christmas 1a Date: December 26, 2010 Web page: more

  • Redeemed By The Son To Be Sons

    Contributed by Gregg Bitter on Jan 11, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    What a marvelous family Jesus was born to bring us into! What a blessing to know God as our Father! A) Rejoice in your Father's plan B) Call out by your Father's Spirit C) Anticipate your Father's inheritance.

    Text: Galatians 4:5-7 Theme: Redeemed by the Son to Be Sons A. Rejoice in your Father's plan B. Call out by your Father's Spirit C. Anticipate your Father's inheritance Season: Christmas 1a Date: December 26, 2010 Web page: more

  • 12 Disciples - James Series

    Contributed by Darren Rogers on Aug 12, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    Study on the lives of the 12 Disciples

    12 Disciples – James – Monday 16th October 06 James is the 3rd disciple mentioned in Matthew 10:3 The name ‘James’ is the English equivalent of the Greek ‘Jacobus’ meaning ‘supplanter’ 2 others called James. The Lords brother Gal 1:19, and the son of Alphaeus Matthew 10:3 1. Occupation. more

  • The Apostle Simon, Called "The Zealot", And Also The Apostle Jude. Series

    Contributed by William D. Brown on Apr 1, 2014

    One reason Simon is called "the Zealot" is to distinguish him from the Apostle Simon Peter. -- He was againts the Roman oppression.

    #10 ~Apostle Simon, the Zealot ~~ 2-8-14 And the Apostle Judas, Thaddeus, Lebbaeus --same person ~ son of James. Today we'll continue with our study of the apostles, more

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