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  • Faith That Works Series

    Contributed by Archie Norman on Oct 27, 2014

    study in James

    Faith that Works James 2:14-26 1. The evidence of faith - vs. 14-16 *Profession is not faith 2. The element of faith - v. 17 *life and works 3. The explanation of faith - vs. 18-19 A. Faith is not mental assent B. Faith is not emotional assent C. Faith is not more

  • Perscution Of The Church In Jerusalem

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 25, 2013
    based on 5 ratings

    The world will always fail in its endeavours to destroy Christianity.

    HEROD’S PERSECUTION OF THE CHURCH IN JERUSALEM. Acts 12. Baruch the son of Neriah was given a prophecy by Jeremiah which contains a very personal message for ourselves: "Thus says the LORD: I am going to break down what I have built, and pluck up what I have planted-- that is, the whole more

  • Reflection B.17 / Does God Have A Purpose In Coronavirus? / Isaiah 65:17-25. Heaven, Or The Millennium? Either Way, It’s Good.

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on May 11, 2020

    The description of 'End Times', and prophecies of judgement may seem gloomy and depressing. No doubt these will be difficult times. But having gone through that, we will come into a very, very good situation.

    In today’s Reflection I’m looking at why we can be encouraged, even as we think about ‘End Times’ and God’s judgement. We don’t know if we are in such a time, but suppose we are? Jesus described the various signs that will accompany ‘End Times’ as ‘the beginning of birth pains.’ Painful, but the more

  • Demonstrated By Paul’s First Post-Conversion Visit To Jerusalem Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Mar 31, 2018

    The church at Jerusalem did not immediately admit Paul to their fellowship, because they were afraid of him and thought he was not a disciple, until Barnabas took him to Peter and James, and related his conversion and his boldness in preaching the Gospel

    September 1, 2013 The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Galatians Tom Lowe Chapter II.B.2 Demonstrated by Paul’s First Post-Conversion Visit to Jerusalem (1:18-24) Galatians 1.18-24 (KJV) 18Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days. 19But more

  • "Tale Of Two Selves"

    Contributed by J. Douglas Duty Jr. on Sep 22, 2001
    based on 125 ratings

    #6 in a series through James. James 4:1-10

    “The Tale of Two Selves…” James 4:1-10 There is a Charles Dickens book called "A Tale of Two Cities", it is a classic story of the French Revolution. It concerned a family caught up in those turbulent days, as it affected them in their lives, in both London and Paris. It’s the tragic story more

  • Blessings And Curses! Series

    Contributed by Michael Deutsch on Jul 1, 2023

    Looking at the practical wisdom of James. James 3:1-12

    Blessings and Curses James 3:1-12 July 2, 2023 A "minister, priest, and rabbi" lived in a small town and became good friends. They decided to go on a fishing trip together. While they were there they began to share their innermost thoughts and secrets. The priest explained he enjoyed more

  • Simple Speech Series

    Contributed by Paul Barreca on Aug 18, 2014

    In a world of complex communication, James reminds us to keep our words simple, trustworthy and positive!

    Kim’s nephew came home from second grade in her Christian School and told his mom and dad that one of the kids got in trouble for saying the “F” word. Tom and Clara were quite surprised, and asked him, “Thomas, what exactly did the boy say?” Thomas whispered, more

  • Do Not Be Deceived! Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Feb 14, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Deception is all around us. How do we overcome? James has great counsel from God to help us.

    Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren! These are the opening words of today’s text in James chapter 1:16. As I worked through this text over and over this week both to memorize it and to understand it, I realized that James speaks of being deceived three times here in the last part of more

  • Precious Lord, Take My Hand

    Contributed by Joel Pankow on Feb 20, 2020

    Jesus shows His true color in the Transfiguration

    2.23.20 Matthew 17:1-9 Six days later Jesus took with him Peter, James, and John the brother of James; and he led them up onto a high mountain by themselves. 2 There he was transfigured in front of them. His face was shining like the sun. His clothing became as white as the light. 3 Just then, more

  • Prayer Of The Righteous Series

    Contributed by Matthew Kratz on Jul 28, 2014

    1) Comfort (James 5:13), 2) Restoration (James 5:14–15), 3) Fellowship (James 5:16a), and 4) Power (James 5:16b-18).

    Iraqi Christians were forced to flee the northern city of Mosul under threat from Islamic extremists described on Tuesday leaving behind all their possessions. Signs emerged that the crackdown on the minority was causing tensions between the radicals and Sunni allies in the insurgency. The more

  • Pressure Cooker Living

    Contributed by Curry Pikkaart on Jan 28, 2014

    How do you handle the pressures of life? How can we make sure the pressure cooker of life doesn't cause us to explode?

    “Faith That Works: Pressure Cooker Living” James 1:1-12 Pressure cookers are wonderful. They are manufactured to help bring food to a proper tenderness and fitness. It’s an amazing process in which the pressure inside the cooker is intense – so much so that if the cook is more

  • Money Matters Series

    Contributed by Rodney Coe on Feb 19, 2015

    What is our attitude about money?

    Money Matters James 5:1-6 The first Labor Day holiday was celebrated on Tuesday, September 5th, 1882 in New York City in accordance with the Central Labor Union. In 1884 the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday and the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other more

  • Controlling The Tongue

    Contributed by Floyd Steverson on Feb 23, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    Sermon from James 3:1-12

    PRACTICAL CHRISTIAN LIVING #6 - Controlling the Tongue James 3:1 Not many should become teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive a stricter judgment, 2 for we all stumble in many ways. If anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a mature man who is also able to control his whole more

  • How To Understand & Defeat Temptation Series

    Contributed by Buffy Cook on Jan 25, 2015

    "For Dummies" books are a raging success! Why? Full of practical wisdom and simple "How To's" Wouldn't a "Christianity for Dummies," a book full of practical wisdom & simple How Tos on how to live out our faith, be great? James & this series is JUST THAT

    Christianity For Dummies: How To Understand & Defeat Temptation James 1:13-18 I. Introduction A. Well, we've just started our series "Christianity for Dummies" based on the Book of James. We talked about the fact that this series title is not meant to insult but is rather a term of more

  • Christian Trash Talk Series

    Contributed by Pat Damiani on Aug 25, 2014
    based on 4 ratings

    James describes the difference between unrighteous condemnation and righteous discernment.

    This week AP sportswriter Jon Krawczynski wrote an article about the NBA playoffs that began with these words: Talk is cheap in these NBA playoffs, and it seems as if everyone wants in on the act. As the stakes grew in the first round, the venom being spewed became ever more toxic. Superstars are more

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