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  • How Does The Holy Spirit Work In Me?

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on May 2, 2023

    Sometimes Christians wonder if they have the Holy Spirit because they have not had some overt experience or do not speak in tongues or have an outward miraculous gift. This sermon is for those believers.

    The Spirit's Work and Mind Intro: A. Luke writes a gospel account of the life of Jesus, and then gives us the sequel, the early beginning of the church. It is in the book of Acts we are introduced to the Holy Spirit at work guiding the church leaders and be at work in all disciples of more

  • Faith Under Fire Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Oct 28, 2024

    This sermon begins a short series of the main stories people know from the book of Daniel. This set up "young Daniel and his 3 friends." It teaches how Nebuchadnezzar changed the minds of children and how Daniel helps us to stand our spiritual ground instead of conform.

    Faith Under Fire (Daniel 1:3-7) Intro: A. The northern Kingdom of Israel fell to the power of Assyria around 722 BC after almost 20 years of a slow demise. The kingdom fell because of sin and God allowed them to be taken into captivity. The southern Kingdom should have taken a great warning more

  • No One But God Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Oct 28, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    Does God still speak through dreams? How do you know truth? There are some things that can only be done by God and we need to make sure we follow no one but God.

    No One But God (Daniel 2:9-11) Intro: A. I love when a writer of the Bible just stops what he is writing and beings to praise God. But it is even more impressive to me when someone who is not connected to Jehovah see the work of Jehovah and has to praise Him, even if that person still does not more

  • Fourth Man In The Fire Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Nov 6, 2024

    Three went in and three came out, but there was a fourth man in the fire with them. Who is that fourth man? Whoever the fourth man is, God got the glory.

    The Fourth Man In The Fire (Dan. 3:24-25) Intro: A. Quick show of hands. How many of you are familiar with the incident where Shadrach, Meshack and Abednego were cast into a fiery furnace? Anyone remember that in your Bible? I want to start by telling you that we are around 15-20 years into more

  • Nursing Home - Loving Your Neighbor Pt. 1 Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Billhimer on Jan 9, 2025

    I’d like to Start with a few questions: ● Was it difficult for you to move into this care home? ● How difficult was it? A Little? Very difficult?

    (These questions can be conversational if there is time. Many residents will want to share how their experience went. Listen closely and take note. Otherwise they are simply relational to inspire residents to act based on their compassion and empathy having been through the same process as new more

  • Aligned For The Kingdom

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Feb 13, 2025

    This is a sermon to prompt us to look at our lives and determine if we are in line with where God would have us be. It begs the question of what standard or measure helps us to align with God's will in our life. (Please feel free to use my personal illustrations if you like)

    Aligned for the Kingdom Amos 7:7-9 Visual: Hold a plumb line in hand, letting it sway gently in the air. Ask, “Does this look straight to you? This simple tool might not seem like much, but it’s a builder’s best friend. Without it, entire structures can fail. Now, let me ask you—what tool is more

  • All Things New Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Feb 13, 2025

    This sermon talks about the power of a fresh start, focusing on the aspect that anytime can be a time to start fresh.

    (Hold up a new, unopened journal or planner.) “What is it about a new year that makes us feel like we get a fresh start? There’s just something about blank pages—they hold possibilities, dreams, and hope. But what if I told you that God’s mercies aren’t just new on January 1st? They’re new every more

  • Abiding In The Vine Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Feb 13, 2025

    This sermon is all about bearing fruit for the Kingdom of God. It encourages us to stay connected to the true vine which is Jesus Christ

    Imagine this: You’re walking through a vineyard early in the morning. The air is crisp, the sunlight filters through the vines, and clusters of grapes hang heavy, waiting to be harvested. But as you walk, you notice something —a branch has been broken off from the vine. The leaves are shriveled, more

  • Walking In Step With The Spirit Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Feb 13, 2025

    This sermon is about recognizing and aligning our steps with the Holy Spirit and overcoming the obstacles and distractions that come our way

    Good morning, church! Ya’ll ever watched a marching band in action? The way they move in precision can be mesmerizing. Every step is calculated, every movement is synchronized. But what if just one person decided to go their own way—it would throw everything off. Walking in step requires focus, more

  • Living With Expectant Hope

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Feb 23, 2025

    This is a sermon I used during advent but could be modified for any time of year... It's all about living with the Hope of the return of Jesus.

    “Stay Awake: Living with Expectant Hope” Mark 13:24-37 Imagine it’s a dark and stormy night. Rain is pounding against your windows, and thunder rolls in the distance. You’ve just settled into a deep sleep when there’s a loud knock at the door. Startled you sit up, heart pounding, who could be more

  • The Grand Invasion

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Apr 28, 2011

    God began a "grand invasion" of the world 2000 years ago with the birth of Christ, and He wants to invade the hearts of people, as well.

    Let’s turn in our Bibles to Luke Chapter 2 because Linus [ph 0:00:42.9] just read the first 14 verses of Luke Chapter 2. We’re going to pick up the story, the story of the Birth of Jesus in verse 15. And also turn to Revelation Chapter 12 if you want because I’m going to go to more

  • A Naked Man And A Bunch Of Crazy Pigs

    Contributed by W Pittendreigh on May 12, 2005
    based on 51 ratings

    Which is more disturbing -- holiness and righteousness, or immorality?

    Those who had seen it told the people how the demon-possessed man had been cured. Then all the people of the region of the Gerasenes asked Jesus to leave them, because they were overcome with fear. So he got into the boat and left. When I was in high school, there was a local legend about the more

  • Thy Will Be Done Series

    Contributed by W Pittendreigh on Jul 10, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    Do you live a God centered, or self centered life?

    I’ve heard lots of graduation speeches in my time. Some have been good. Most, I’m afraid, were a bit boring. I remember one, however, was disturbing. The speaker was the valedictorian. He stood up to the podium and he thanked his father. Which sounded good -- at first. “My father taught me more

  • "It's My Life And My Body!"

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Apr 3, 2002
    based on 109 ratings

    Christians have been caught up in an attitude of don’t tell me what to do. What does the Word of God say about that view.

    Quite often, we hear individuals espousing libertarian philosophies of unbridled personal freedom. The pro-abortionists cry out that a woman has a right to her own body and that no one should interfere with what she does to her body, with little regard to the rights of the unborn child and its more

  • The Games People Play - Sorry Series

    Contributed by Jeremy Houck on Feb 19, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    Using Board Games as a jumping off place we looked at our Christianity. This sermon deals with repentance.

    The Games People Play Sorry – Repentance CHANGING THE HEART INTRODUCTION: ILLUSTRATION: Towards the end of the nineteenth century, Swedish chemist Alfred Nobel awoke one morning to read his own obituary in the local newspaper: “Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, who died yesterday, more

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