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  • How Does The Holy Spirit Work In Me?

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on May 2, 2023

    Sometimes Christians wonder if they have the Holy Spirit because they have not had some overt experience or do not speak in tongues or have an outward miraculous gift. This sermon is for those believers.

    The Spirit's Work and Mind Intro: A. Luke writes a gospel account of the life of Jesus, and then gives us the sequel, the early beginning of the church. It is in the book of Acts we are introduced to the Holy Spirit at work guiding the church leaders and be at work in all disciples of more

  • Ressurection Victory

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Apr 11, 2023

    Because of the resurrection of Jesus we have victory over sin and the joy of living for eternity. The resurrection is central to the Christian faith, yet, on that day the believers didn't believe and the unbelievers faced truth.

    Resurrection Victory Intro: A. It really is amazing to me. There was a truth that was known, yet not believed. A truth that was told yet seemed to remain hidden. A truth that enemies feared more than followers believed. The same people that went to Pilate to seek him to put Jesus to death, more

  • Would You Know Him?

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Apr 16, 2023

    Would we know Jesus if He came up and sat down beside us?

    Would you know Him? Luke 24:13-32 The journey to Emmaus tells the story of two disciples walking seven miles from Jerusalem to their village of Emmaus, after the crucifixion of Jesus and on the evening of His resurrection. But it also reminds us of the journey we all take from not recognizing more

  • The First Advent

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Dec 19, 2023

    The first coming of Jesus brought to us "the Word which became flesh," We beheld His Glory," and "Grace upon Grace. This is a different way to talk about why Jesus coming in the flesh is so important.

    The First Advent (John 1:14-18) Intro: A. Its a time of year when some Christian denominations talk about “Advent.” The word simply means “the coming of someone or something important.” Traditionally “advent” is the four Sundays prior to Christmas Day, in which people celebrate the coming of more

  • God's Requirements

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Dec 19, 2023

    What does God require? What's the MINIMUM? What Does God want?

    God’s Requirements (Micah 6:1-8) Intro: A. I have been a dad to four children, a father-in-law, a grandfather, a child to my parents and in all of the family situations I have been in there comes a time, the terrible two that last until 32, where the child says to the parents, “What do you want more

  • Dry Bones, Live!

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Dec 19, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon speaks to what God can do, but questions is we believe God will do. This sermon is a part of our 2030 vision for our church family.

    Dry Bone Live! (Ezk 37:1-14) Intro: A. When a rich young man asked Jesus what he needed to do to be saved the end result was, “go sell all that you have, give it to the poor and come, follow me.” The young man went away sorrowful, for he had great riches. Right after that the disciples said more

  • Do You Even Have To Ask?

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jan 9, 2024

    If we have been baptized with the Holy Spirit then there should be evidence of its work in our lives.

    Do you have to Ask? Acts 19:1-3 Introduction, Scripture tells us that when we repent and are baptized that we will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit... If that's the case, why aren't we showing the fruits and gifts that come with it? Fortunately, we’re not the first ones to wrestle more

  • Immediately

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Dec 13, 2022

    What causes us to respond to something immediately? In this sermon I will examine that Jesus CALLS, Jesus COMMISSIONS and They CAME.

    Immediately (Mark 1:17-20) Intro: A. It may have happened in your life. You get a phone call and drop everything to leave. There isn’t time to plan. What you just heard calls for immediate action. It may have been upsetting news like an accident or death, or it may have been exciting news more

  • Seen And Unseen Sin And Good Works

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Dec 13, 2022

    Some sins are seen by all, others are able to hid their sins all their life. Some good works are seen by all, others are private and only seen by God.

    The Seen and Unseen (1 Tim. 5:24-25) Intro: A. I am sure most of us have seen headline news where a spiritual leader is caught in some type of scandal. Their picture is plastered all over the front cover of the newspaper or brought up one radio or TV news. As Christians we hurt when our more

  • Love Your Enemies

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Mar 6, 2025

    This sermon is about loving others in a way that goes completely against Human nature. It's about Loving like Jesus no matter how we feel about the individual or what they may have done.

    Loving Your Enemies Introduction I want to start today by telling you an unbelievable story from World War II. An American bomber pilot named Charlie Brown, was flying a heavily damaged plane back to base. He and his crew had come under attack and were barely alive and were struggling to make it more

  • Into The Wilderness: Tempted But Not Alone

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Mar 8, 2025

    This message is about the temptation of Jesus and how in our lives we are tempted but never alone. It helps show that the wilderness isn't about punishment but about testing and growth. It also helps us realize that when we are under attack God's word is our defense.

    Into the Wilderness: Tested, but Not Alone You never really know if you’re ready until you’re tested. I remember the first Certified Volunteer Firefighter class that I ever taught. We spent months training … running drills, studying techniques, learning how to handle the heat and smoke, how to more

  • Joy In The Middle Of The Journey

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Mar 8, 2025

    A sermon that encourages us to choose Joy not only because of who God is, but because of what He has done for us

    Today I want to talk to you about choosing joy because of who God is and what He has promised. “Let me start by asking you a question —have you ever been in a season where it felt like life hit the pause button? You’re praying, you’re waiting, you’re doing everything right, but it feels like more

  • Who Do You Say I Am ?

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Mar 14, 2025

    This is about the most important question and answer ever. Who is Jesus to you? This message begs us to ask the question Who is Jesus? It also explains that the answer shouldnt just be voiced but should be shown ny action...

    Who Do You Say I Am? Mark 8:27-30 ________________________________________ The Power of the Right Answer Some questions in life are routine and easy to answer. Like "What’s for dinner?" that’s easy you just check the fridge. Or "What’s the weather today?" That’s easy, just ask more

  • Nursing Home - Loving Your Neighbor Pt. 1 Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Billhimer on Jan 9, 2025

    I’d like to Start with a few questions: ● Was it difficult for you to move into this care home? ● How difficult was it? A Little? Very difficult?

    (These questions can be conversational if there is time. Many residents will want to share how their experience went. Listen closely and take note. Otherwise they are simply relational to inspire residents to act based on their compassion and empathy having been through the same process as new more

  • Aligned For The Kingdom

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Feb 13, 2025

    This is a sermon to prompt us to look at our lives and determine if we are in line with where God would have us be. It begs the question of what standard or measure helps us to align with God's will in our life. (Please feel free to use my personal illustrations if you like)

    Aligned for the Kingdom Amos 7:7-9 Visual: Hold a plumb line in hand, letting it sway gently in the air. Ask, “Does this look straight to you? This simple tool might not seem like much, but it’s a builder’s best friend. Without it, entire structures can fail. Now, let me ask you—what tool is more

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