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  • What's In Your Master Suite?

    Contributed by Jeffrey Payne on Dec 21, 2014

    A re-imagining of the role of the innkeeper in the nativity story of Christ.

    Then she gave birth to her firstborn Son, and she wrapped Him snugly in cloth and laid Him in a feeding trough--because there was no room for them at the lodging place. Luke 2:7 Now, that’s our verse and it comprises, so far as I know, everything we know about the lodging arrangements, and more

  • When The Time Comes

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Dec 30, 2014

    We are just slaves to Satan but when the time comes for us to accept Christ we become adopted children of God

    There was a small volunteer fire company just on the outskirts of a big city. Well the big City dept. had a huge warehouse fire and called the small volunteer fire company in for help. Now this warehouse was burning up. Flames could be seen from the space shuttle. The Big City Dept. was doing all more

  • New Beginings

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jan 3, 2015

    We don't have to remain focused on the past. We need to trust God for our future and begin to live our lives in the present

    (Read Genesis 1:1) In the beginning God created this big old world that we call Earth. He created this world we live on from nothingness, what it was before the beginning is all but forgotten, it is insignificant really. The truth is it doesn’t really matter what this great big mass we call more

  • Get Closer To God

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jan 20, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    How we can get closer to God and become attached to the True Vine through Prayer, Study, and Worship

    Do you want to bear fruit in the coming year? You should if you’re a Christian. Bearing good fruit is all about staying attached to the true vine, hopefully today we can get some insight on how to stay attached to Jesus and begin some new growth in our physical as well as our spiritual more

  • Gone Fishing

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jan 23, 2015

    A sermon about Jesus calling four fisherman to follow him and how we also are called and equipped to be Fishers of People.

    When I was a little boy I used to slip off and go fishing in a little clear pond in a gravel pit behind my uncle Leon’s house, it was a nice little pond with sand and pea gravel around the bank and this gravel pit had long been abandoned so it was peaceful and quite. What I liked about it more

  • 35 Days To An Harmonious Life

    Contributed by Jeffrey Stratton on Feb 5, 2015

    A word study that can lead to transformation

    Chapter 1: Life in the Key of A Day 1:agape Day 2: Annointing Day 3: Atone Day 4: A flat:Apathy Day 5: A sharp: Anger Chapter 2: Life in the Key of B Day 6: Balance Day 7: Believe Day 8: Body Day 9: B flat: But Day 10: Bondage Chapter 3: Life in the Key of C Day 11: Confession Day 12: Call Day more

  • What Is Love? Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Feb 8, 2015

    A sermon geared toward finding out what love really is and how we are called to Love others

    Hadaway Asked what it was, Tina Turner wanted to know what it had to do with it, Mickey Gilly was looking for it in all the wrong places, and Aerosmith found it in an elevator. In cased you haven't got it yet we are talking about love. Love, there are songs about it, poems about it, and even a more

  • Do What Your Told Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Feb 8, 2015

    How we have been Commanded to love God as well as our neighbor and how we can only perfect this love through Jesus Christ within us

    Last week we started a series called “How to improve your Love life” our scripture was 1st Corinthians 13 and we talked about what love isn’t and what love is. So why do we need to improve our love life? I believe the way we love goes hand in hand with our salvation. Lets look more

  • Forgiveness Is Difficult

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Mar 2, 2021

    The calling for "forgive, just as Jesus has forgiven you," and the quote from Jesus in the Model Prayer, "Forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors," makes forgiveness a command, not a good thought or request.

    Forgiveness Is Difficult (Col. 3:12-14) Intro: A. He was betrayed by Judas and openly denied by Peter. At his trial no one stood beside him to defend him. He was accused based upon lies and misrepresentation of his words. Pilate knew he was innocent, but as a politician his position in more

  • Easter People

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Apr 13, 2020

    We are more than just Easter proclaimers, we are Easter people. Yes, it's important to share Jesus on social media, but it is more important to be people who live out the Easter story every day of our lives.

    Easter People (Rom. 6:1-4) Intro: A. There was a truth that was known, yet not believed. Jesus had been very clear to many that he would rise up from the dead on the third day. This truth was known to the religious leaders who hated Jesus so they went to Pilate with a request. Listen to more

  • Bumpin Into Jesus Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Nov 27, 2018

    This sermon is about making an effort to encounter Jesus in an intentional way instead of just bumping into him on occasion. It should cause us to look at our relationship with Christ and evaluate whether we are in a relationship with Jesus or if he is just a casual acquaintance.

    In our scripture today we find Jesus surrounded by a large crowd on His way to the home of a synagogue official named Jarius’ whose daughter is dying. Now in the whole of the scripture today we learn of two separate miracles but I want to focus on just one today. I want to focus not on the more

  • Turning The Ordinary Into Extra-Ordinary Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Nov 27, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    This is the beginning of a series on the Miracles of Jesus. In this sermon we look at how Jesus can take something as plain as water and turn it into something much greater. In this same way He can take us and turn us into more than we ever imagined.

    In our scripture today we find Jesus and his disciples along with His mother Mary at a wedding. More than likely everybody who was anybody in the town was there. Now weddings were a little different then than they are now, this wedding would have lasted all week and the host would have been more

  • When Pigs Fly Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Nov 27, 2018

    We take a look at Jesus and His encounter with the demonic called Legion. Through this encounter maybe we can find out what Jesus wants with us and how sometimes finding freedom can make us uncomfortable. We also can find that we need a relationship with Jesus in order to change

    In today’s Scripture we find Jesus in the country of Gerasenes, where He encounters a man possessed by many demons. I think this guy would have probably been a frightening site, he ran around the tombs naked and cut himself with stones, we are told that when they tried to chain or shackle him he more

  • Let Down & Lifted Up Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Nov 27, 2018

    This sermon shows us that our faith matters as much or more than the faith of those that need Jesus. We also learn that sometimes we have to be let down before we can be lifted up.

    Everywhere Jesus went there was always a crowd and in the scripture today we find Jesus teaching in a house and it is packed. We read that a paralyzed man is of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. These guys went out of their way to help a friend because they knew that an audience with Jesus was more

  • Who Do You Trust ?

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Dec 1, 2018

    This sermon begs us to look at ourselves and decide who we really trust. Are we putting our trust in ourselves or other people or do we put our trust and Hope in God

    We all have to put our trust in someone or something. It might be God, or it might be another person, or it may be material things. We all give some sort of trust to others we trust that the car we are meeting will stay on there side of the road. But that’s not the kind of trust that we are more

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