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  • There's No Place Like Home

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jul 19, 2018

    This was preached at a homecoming service but could be used anytime with a few modifications. No matter where we are there is no place like Home, and there will be no place like our eternal home that Jesus has prepared for us

    Let me just say that it’s great to be in the house of the Lord this morning and I am so glad to be the Pastor here at Coy, great things are going on here and the spirit is moving. This community of faith that all of you are a part of is still alive and well making a difference in people’s lives as more

  • Seeing Is Believing Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Apr 23, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This sermon focuses on the resurrected Christ appearing to His disciples. Along with us having the ability to see Jesus in our everyday life.

    So, the ladies have been to the tomb and found it empty, they have told the others and Peter and John have seen for themselves. Everyone has left the tomb except Mary and that’s when strange sightings, supernatural sightings, unbelievable stuff, begins to happen. Mary has an encounter with a more

  • Too Good To Be True Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Apr 23, 2018

    We don't notice or believe something at times because we have been offered something that is too good to be true

    Luke 24:36-48 Close Encounters: Too good to be true In the movie “It could happen to you” A New York cop named Charley is having coffee in a little diner. He finishes up and starts to pay and discovers he only has enough for the coffee and nothing for a tip. So he offers the waitress a choice he more

  • Are You "Making Excuses Or Making It Happen?" Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Apr 25, 2018
    based on 2 ratings

    Story of two people with the same problem, one was not seeking an encounter with Jesus and the other was seeking Jesus out. Both were healed after a close encounter with Christ

    Today I want us to look at two different people and two very different encounters with Jesus. As we look at these two people and how they encountered Jesus we should think of how we encounter Jesus. When Jesus is in our midst do we tend to make excuses or do we reach out to Him and make it more

  • Make The Cut

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on May 1, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    In God's vineyard we all get cut, and as Christians to bear fruit we sometimes have to make cuts that prune us and cultivate us in order to become more productive christians

    You know it seems like Jesus always knew how to put things into perspective, He would teach and use words and examples of things used in everyday life so that people would better understand what He was talking to them about, and the way Jesus taught certainly got folks to thinking. You know what I more

  • There Is Power In Faith ! Do You Have Faith In The Power?

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Feb 2, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    This is a sermon that was used for a Healing and wholeness service with anointing with oil and prayer for all who came forward to receive.

    James 5:13-18 There is Power in the faith, do you have Faith in the Power? There is a Power that is available to us that can: 1. Cure our physical ailments 2. Reduce our pain and possibly eliminate it all together. 3. calm us when we are anxious 4. eliminate stress from our lives 5. help us more

  • Five Simple Truths

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Feb 18, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    A sermon about five simple things that we all need to realize.

    Have you ever had anyone ask you how they could become a Christian or if you could explain to them what it meant to be a Christian? Have you ever wondered what you would say to someone that was wanting to understand what it meant to become a Christian? We need to know what we would tell someone if more

  • Do People Still Want To See Jesus?

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Mar 20, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon talks about things in our world but points toward the hope found in Jesus

    You know, things have changed a lot since I was a kid. I remember when everything revolved around the church and these days it seems we juggle church around everything else and I think it causes society to lack something, and sometimes I wonder, do people still want to see Jesus, do folks still more

  • The Influence Of Loving Kindness Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Payne on Aug 1, 2014

    Through the story of David and Mephibosheth Jeff demonstrates the influence of loving kindness in the lives of those who are far from God.

    The Influence of Loving Kindness Luke 6:26-35; 2 Samuel 9; 1 Kings 15:5 This morning we need to talk about putting on something that, when you first hear it may sound full of weak emotions and sentimentality. But it’s actually far more strategic than it is sentimental, weak or soft. But when more

  • How Do You Plead?

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Jul 28, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Starting with the notion that we all have been found guilty of sin and stating what some of the charges are before us, the sermon then leads us to turn to Christ as our advocate in order for Jesus to plead our case so that we may find Pardon.

    Isaiah Was born into an Influential, Upper class family He rubbed shoulders with royalty and gave advice on foreign affairs of the nation. He has often been called the evangelical prophet because he says so much about the redemptive work of the Messiah. The 24th chapter of Isaiah is sometimes more

  • Thank God I'm Not Like.....

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Sep 11, 2013

    Being thankful that through a relationship with Christ we can be changed

    Over the years, we tend to change. The change is primarily physical and requires no effort on our part our hair tends to turn gray or maybe even thin a little or just disappear. We may gain or lose weight, get a few wrinkles and these are just a few changes that we go through. When it comes to who more

  • Dear Paul

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Sep 22, 2013

    Our call as Christians to love others, pray for others, and tell others how to gain salvation

    In Paul’s Letter to young Timothy he wrote many things about how the church should be run and how we should act as Christians and today’s text is part of that letter that was written. Now this letter was written around 64 a.d. while Nero was in power. Nero was a terrible ruler who more

  • Why Cant We Be Content With What We Have

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Sep 29, 2013

    How money and stuff can get a hold and keep us from having a satisfying life in Christ

    How do we find contentment? Well the text talks to us this morning about how great contentment is, it tells us it is of great worth, it is of a great value when it’s paired with godliness. Now I think in order for us to be content we need to look at what makes us discontented. So just in more

  • Catchin Anything?

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Oct 5, 2013

    A sermon about being equipped to be fishers of men and being intentional about winning souls

    I can’t think of any other pastime better than fishing, except maybe hunting. Well either way they run a close race, but you know what they say “bad day fishing beats a good day at work anytime.” You may not know it by looking at me but I know a little bit about fishing. Growing more

  • Rejoice !!!!!!!

    Contributed by Jeffrey Sims on Oct 12, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Making the best of each day and remaining positive no matter what is going on in our lives

    This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24 Sometimes I think that we look at our day all wrong , we get up and stump our toe and maybe burn the toast and the first thing we start to do is complain about how bad the rest of the day is going to be . And more

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