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  • The Second Mile Series

    Contributed by Alison Bucklin on Nov 24, 2022

    Responding to sinners with grace imitates God’s own treatment of us.

    Preacher David Hoke tells a great story about a weary truck driver who pulled his rig into an all night truck stop late one summer evening in Broken Bow, NE. He was tired and hungry. The waitress had just served him when three tough looking, leath-er-jacketed bikers of the Hell's Angels type more

  • Having The Right Attitude Series

    Contributed by Andrew Drury on Nov 24, 2015

    Seeing the Church through grace and peace

    This sermon (1 Corinthians 4: 1 - 21) was preached at West Ewell Evangelical Church, Surrey, on Sunday 15 November 2015. Introduction The epistle was written 30 years after Paul had established the church in Corinth. The Corinthian Christians were living in a society where anything goes – more

  • Following Christ

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Jan 22, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    When we consider what Christ desires from us we feel uneasy. Our relationship with Him affects all our other relationships ... For some of us these demands may seem too hard to achieve. We are afraid of whole-hearted obedience to Christ will cost us.

    Opening illustration: S. I. McMillen, in his book None of These Diseases, tells a story of a young woman who wanted to go to college, but her heart sank when she read the question on the application blank that asked, "Are you a leader?" Being both honest and conscientious, she wrote, "No," and more

  • Godly Dads

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Jun 13, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    Being a good father or mother is one of life’s most important privileges. But being a father or mother is also one of life’s most difficult responsibilities. It is easy to become a biological father, but hard to become a really good father. Some of you we

    Opening illustration: Play a video on imitation. Introduction: Now in this text of Scripture Paul compares himself to a father of the Corinthian believers. He was not their biological father, but he was a spiritual father to them. He was instrumental in bringing them to faith in Christ. Through more

  • Thank God For Committed Christians

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Aug 20, 2008
    based on 29 ratings

    In our text, we see something of what a committed Christian is. 1- They receive the Word of God 2- They imitate other Christians 3- They suffer for Christ

    INTRO.- ILL.- How many electrical engineers does it take to change a light bulb? None. They simply redefine darkness as the industry standard. This sounds similar to many things/jobs in life. Many people don’t know how to do the job they are supposed to do or else they don’t want to do the job more

  • Transformed Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Aug 30, 2012

    Christian lives are not modified, nor updated they are changed and transformed. Paul celebrates this transformation in his letter to the Ephesians

    Ephesians 4:26-5:2 “Transformed” INTRODUCTION Enjoying the fall day, a man sat down on a park bench and reflected on the past several years of his life. Just two years ago he didn’t think he would live another day. His heart was giving out on him and his only hope was more

  • Learning Through Examples

    Contributed by Ajai Prakash on Apr 18, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    If we do not heed to Paul's warnings by alluding to the poor examples set by Israel and straighten our path, we are walking on very thin ice.

    Opening illustration: Commercial aircraft carry two flight-data recorders called “black boxes.” One logs the performance and condition of the aircraft in flight, and the other records the conversation of the crew with air-traffic controllers on the ground. These boxes are insulated to more

  • The Power Of Worship Series

    Contributed by Perry Greene on Oct 17, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    We become like who/what we worship. Take care in your adoration!

    1. Quotes on Worship: Ralph Waldo Emerson hit the nail on the head when he said: THE GODS we worship write their names on our faces, be sure of that. And a man will worship something —have no doubt about that, either. He may think that his tribute is paid in secret in the dark recesses of more

  • Like Father Like Son

    Contributed by Sean Harder on Jun 17, 2014

    Let's honor our Father in heaven by being like Him

    That’s a common saying isn’t it? A lot of the time it’s true to some extent, many of us have traits of our parents whether we want them or not, but we’re rarely exactly them. In the case of Jesus, it’s true that the Son is exactly like the Father. Colossians 1:15, more

  • Looking Out For Number One Series

    Contributed by Isaac Butterworth on Mar 23, 2015

    Jesus Christ deserves to be your Number One.

    Paul, you will remember, writes these words from a Roman jail. And he is not there for committing a crime; he is there for his commitment to Christ. But, even though he is in Rome, he is concerned about his friends in Philippi, some eight hundred miles away. They are concerned about him, too. In more

  • The Cure For 'i" Trouble Series

    Contributed by R. Darrel Davis on Nov 6, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    Church is not about having our way. We need to approach church with a servant attitude and the mind of Christ. Based on the chapters of the book, I Am A Church Member by Tom Rainer

    Introduction: This morning, we as a church are going to take an "I" test. Not an e-y-e test, but a capital letter "I" test. You see "I" troubles have plagued many a church for years keeping them for experiencing the fullest blessings of God and from making the deepest impact in a lost world. So more

  • Becoming A True Follower Of Christ

    Contributed by Moy Hernandez on Oct 26, 2009

    Being a true follower of Christ has nothing to do with position or status or even commitment to one thing or another, but it all has to do with our attitude and how we adopt them to those of Christ.

    For far too long we have misunderstood or maybe just misread this passage of scripture known as The Great Commission. Our interpretation and understanding has told us that we need to get people saved and them bring them into our church membership. In only doing this we in turn commit a great more

  • This Little Light; Is It Really Mine?

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 27, 2010

    Living as Children of Light. (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    Reading: Ephesians chapter 5 verses 1-21. Ill: • Rory Bremner & Aliastair McGowan are famouse impersonators. • As you look at then you see the person they are imitating. • It may be a famous politician or sports star or a well known celebrity. • Both Rory Bremner & more

  • Jesus Then, Jesus Now Series

    Contributed by Emile Wolfaardt on Aug 6, 2009

    (PowerPoint slides are freely available by emailing Discovering not simply how to imitate the historical Christ, but how to manifest the life of Jesus now.

    Good morning and welcome - this morning what God has given me has the potential to ruin us completely. How many of you are ready to be ruined? Open your Bibles with me, if you will, to the book of John. Most of you would by now, if you are at reasonable astute, have discovered that we are studying more

  • Faith And Action

    Contributed by Derek Geldart on Oct 14, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    Faith without deeds is dead and useless. Faith with deeds points to God the Father in heaven!

    FAITH AND ACTION James 2:14-19 Online Sermon: Source: The general idea of this sermon came from "God has and App for That" by Coach Dale Brown. Excellent book! Day in and day out the world accuses us Christians as being hypocrites. We say we love more

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