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  • Why Does God Speak In A Still Small Voice?

    Contributed by Chris Swanson on Oct 2, 2024

    How often do we, as Christians, take time to listen to the voice of God? Does He have to talk to us with a raised voice or a quiet one?

    Before we attempt to provide an answer to our question, let us take a moment, look at the Scripture, and gather a history of the situation. In preceding chapter, Elijah has rebuked the evil king Ahab and has had a contest with the evil prophets, wins the contest, and has the evil prophets slain. more

  • The Other Miracle Birth. Series

    Contributed by Pastor Dr. Tim Awotide on Dec 11, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    "There is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist"

    Text: 1:5 - 13. AMP “In the days of Herod [the Great], king of Judea, there was a certain priest whose name was Zacharias, of the division of Abijah. His wife was a descendant of Aaron [the first high priest of Israel], and her name was Elizabeth. They both were righteous (approved) in the sight more

  • It Is His Word

    Contributed by Dennis Selfridge on Jun 8, 2002
    based on 44 ratings

    The Word of God in the final authority for the Christian’s life.

    It is His Word The Lord is looking for a few good men and women. Those who are willing to be in the Word and growing in Christlikeness. Before we can become all that we should be in Christ we need to decide that the Word of God will be the controlling factor in the decisions we make. We have to more

  • In His Silence

    Contributed by Sheila Crowe on Sep 26, 2002
    based on 37 ratings

    God’s silence is not a sign of rejection but a call to greater faith

    Sermon: In His Silence Matt 15:21-28 August 18. 2002 READ SCRIPTURE I. Introduction A. I am glad you are here this morning for I have a few things I want to say to you: 1. You have to listen (a) A bicycle can’t stand on its own because it is two-tired. (b) A chicken crossing the road more

  • This Is His Commandment Series

    Contributed by Marc Heatherington on Jul 14, 2021

    "And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus Christ and love one another, as He gave us commandment." 1 John 3:23-24

    This is His Commandment By Marc Heatherington Our passage today is from 1 John 3:22-23: And whatever we ask we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. And this is His commandment: that we should believe on the name of His Son Jesus more

  • How Can I Know God's Will For My Life? Series

    Contributed by Brad Bailey on Jun 11, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    How do we discern God’s will for our life?

    Intro Continuing our series entitled… “You Asked For It” in which we have drawn topics from those submitted from all who gather throughout our four weekend gatherings. Today we are going to seek what God says to us about one of the most noted subjects among us… how to know His will. Here are some more

  • His Bride

    Contributed by Jerry Flury on Sep 29, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    There is coming a day of celebration that will take place in heaven that will far exceed anything that has happened since the beginning of creation. All heaven will ring with shouts of joyous praise and exaltation to the Lamb of God as He takes His bride.

    His Bride Revelation 19:1-10 Introduction: There is coming a day of celebration that will take place in heaven that will far exceed anything that has happened since the beginning of creation. All heaven will ring with shouts of joyous praise and exaltation to the Lamb of God as Christ takes His more

  • His Concern Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Feb 25, 2018

    Paul is responding to a question raised in the minds of the Corinthians about Paul’s lack of commitment to the Church in Corinth or his supposed lack of sincerity.

    March 15, 2014 Tom Lowe The Second Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians Lesson II.A.1.a: His Concern. (1:12–14) 2nd Corinthians 1:12-14 (NKJV) 12 For our boasting is this: the testimony of our conscience that we conducted more

  • In His Hands

    Contributed by Paul Humphrey on Oct 24, 2006
    based on 29 ratings

    A tight sermon on whose hands our salvation is in. . .

    Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost 2006 Dr. Paul G. Humphrey Back in the fifteenth century, in a tiny village near Nuremberg, lived a family with eighteen children. Eighteen! In order merely to keep food on the table for this big family, the father and head of the household, a goldsmith by more

  • In His Steps

    Contributed by Scott Bayles on Aug 21, 2009
    based on 29 ratings

    Expository sermon based on 1 Peter 2:21-25. Offers three portraits of Jesus: our standard, our substitute, and our shepherd. PowerPoint avialble if you e-mail me.

    In His Steps Scott R. Bayles, preacher First Christian Church, Rosiclare, Illinois In 1896, a man by the name of Charles M. Sheldon penned the words of what has become a classic, inspirational and best-selling novel—In His Steps. In this book, Sheldon retells one of the serial sermon stories he more

  • Faithful To His Promises Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Sep 22, 2005
    based on 251 ratings

    In this sermon we are reminded of the fact that God is faithful to his promises and we learn how to receive them.

    Introduction: A. Here’s an interesting story for you: A man named Russell Edward Herman left trillions of dollars to thousands of people he’d never met. 1. What was the catch? Russell Edward Herman didn’t have trillions of dollars. He was just a simple, poor carpenter. 2. While the wild, wild more

  • God Is Gracious To His People

    Contributed by Rodney Kelley on Aug 27, 2010

    As the Christmas season is upon us and at every other time of the year, we must remember how gracious God has been to us.

    Intro. In the next few weeks, we will be caught up in schedules, traveling and the hustling and bustling of the holidays. There is a message that permeates the season, and the entire message of God to man - HE IS GRACIOUS. I. God is Gracious in our Dwelling - vs. 1-3 Wherever we find ourselves, more

  • ‘a River, A Dove & A Voice’

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Sep 24, 2024

    'A River, A Dove & A Voice.' - Matthew chapter 3 verses 13-17 - sermon by Gordon Curley (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request – email:

    SERMON OUTLINE: • (1). Jesus and John (vs 13-15): • (2). Jesus and the Baptism (vs 16-17) • (3). Jesus and the Father (vs 17). SERMON BODY: Ill: • Saturday night TV has always been a big hitter in the TV ratings war! • To find that hit show and dominate the airways is key. • Over the years we more

  • Part Iv – Simeon – The Voice Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Eric Peloquin on Dec 15, 2007
    based on 7 ratings

    This is part four in a series looking at the characters in the Christmas narrative. In this case, Simeon is a man who has been promised by the Lord that he will live to see the Messiah and he eagerly waits for that day, knowing by faith it will come.

    The Voices of Christmas Part IV Simeon – the Voice of Faith Over the last few weeks we have looked at some of the people who would unwittingly participate in the great drama that would surround the birth of our Lord. A drama that was written before the foundation of the world LUKE more

  • Mans Advice Vs Gods Voice

    Contributed by Gordon Curley on Nov 22, 2010
    based on 3 ratings

    MANS ADVICE VS GODS VOICE (PowerPoint slides to accompany this talk are available on request - email:

    MANS ADVICE VERSUS GODS VOICE Reading: Acts chapter 21 verses 1-17: A quick reminder: • The apostle Paul was convinced that he should go to Jerusalem, • Two reasons why: (1st). He wanted to personally deliver the money donated by the churches. • If you cast your minds back a couple of more

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