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  • Good Times Ahead Series

    Contributed by Kevin Ruffcorn on Dec 6, 2016
    based on 4 ratings

    The prophet calls the people to return to a merciful God and promises and outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

    Introduction Advent is the season of preparation. Most of us are decorating Christmas trees and putting up angels, nativity scenes, snowmen and Santas , baking Christmas cookies and planning or attending Christmas parties. It is a busy time of year--so busy that we might forget we need to do more more

  • Gifts Of The Spirit 8: Gifts, Ministries, Offices And "Greater Gifts” Series

    Contributed by Ewen Huffman on Oct 1, 2004
    based on 20 ratings

    A look at the difference between manifestations, ministries and offices’ of a certain gift, and whether we should desire and focus on certain gifts (as we are often encouraged to do)

    Gifts of the Spirit 8: Gifts, ministries, offices and “greater gifts” 1 Cor 12:27-31 WBC 3/10/4pm GIFTS, MINISTRIES AND OFFICES (v27, 28) Paul has spoken about - not wanting them to be ignorant of ‘spiritual things’, the ‘spiritual dynamic’ and ‘what makes a person spiritual’ (v1) - He’s spoken more

  • Whatever It Takes

    Contributed by Nathan Eyland on Jan 21, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The challenge for an old church becoming a new church

    Over the Christmas / New Year period while Leni was away in Greece with most of her immediate family, I spent some time staying with her brother in the City. We had some friends over and they were staying in our place, so I took the opportunity to get to know Leni’s brother better. One of the more

  • What This World Needs

    Contributed by Brad Schmidt on Aug 23, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    This sermon is part of a dicussion of the various parts of our church mission statement. I found the basic outline online and it fit well with what I felt God was saying to us about this area of our mission statement so I adapted it into a full manuscrip

    What this world needs is not another one hit wonder with an axe to grind, another two bit politician peddlin` lies, another three ring circus society. What this world needs is not another sign wavin` super saint that’s better than you, another ear pleasin` candy man afraid of the truth, more

  • How Far Can You Carry Your Wife?

    Contributed by Scott Carmer on Jun 18, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    On this Father’s Day, how far can husbands carry their wives’ interests first and foremost in their hearts?

    How Far Can You Carry Your Wife? Ephesians 5:25-33 June 17, 2007 As I begin the message this morning, I need to come clean with you. I need to be up front and honest. I read in a preaching journal this week about Brian Gray, a pastor in Denver Colorado, who suggested that the Father’s Day more

  • Truth About Honesty Part I: Why Is Integrity So Difficult?

    Contributed by Dr. Madana Kumar, Phd on Nov 24, 2017
    based on 1 rating

    There is a Fraud Triangle at work in all of our lives. The only way we can get out of it is by intentionally turning it into a Grace Triangle. Is that easy? Let us find out.

    When I Fall Main passage: Micah 7:1-9 How many of you have School going Children? If you get a call from the Principal to come and see him/her what will be your reaction? So here are the parents who get such a call from the Principal. With fear and trembling they reach the Principal’s office and more

  • Divine Wellspring Of Unity

    Contributed by Mary Erickson on Jun 8, 2020

    The nature of the divine Trinity reveals fundamental truths about the image and likeness that's been bestowed on humanity and the divine intent for our human community.

    June 7, 2020 Holy Trinity Sunday Rev. Mary Erickson Hope Lutheran Church Genesis 1:1-2:4a; Matthew 28:16-20 Divine Wellspring of Unity Friends, may grace and peace be yours in abundance in the knowledge of God and Christ Jesus our Lord. Today is Holy Trinity Sunday. Every year we dedicate this more

  • Grace And Good Works Series

    Contributed by Mike Wilkins on May 26, 2009

    We are Saved in order to do good works.

    Grace and good works. – Ephesians 2:8-10 “Rich” Video by Rob Bell – Nooma series Ephesians 2:8-10 (Today’s New International Version) For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are more

  • Dealing With The Spouse Series

    Contributed by Wesley Bishop on Mar 13, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    This sermon gives some basic biblical principles of marriage.

    Marriage is the most intimate relationship we will ever have. As much as we need other relationships, the marriage relationship is the most intimate, and perhaps the most complicated. It affects our other relationships as well. Kids, work, friends, and family. This controversial passage has more

  • Wenceslas And Stephen And Paul Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 22, 2014

    To understand the strange hymn "Good King Wenceslas" we must return to the Scriptures and understand the role of deacons in the early Church, and all of us today.

    St Stephen’s Day Mass 2014 Thirteen Days of Christmas “Good King Wenceslas looked out on the Feast of Stephen, when the snow lay round about, deep and crisp and even.” I checked on the Internet, and found the titles of thirty-three hymns for St. Stephen’s Day, the day more

  • First Women Leader Series

    Contributed by Rev. Dr. Andrew B Natarajan on Aug 19, 2023

    Deborah became the First women leader after the settlement of the Israel. She was a powerful women with her strong will power, spirit filled life. She judged people of Israel with authority of God. God raises many leaders in our days.

    Text: Judges 4-5, Theme: First Women Leader in Israel Introduction: Remember that the Book of Judges has several recurring themes. The first is the cycle of sin, suffering, petition, deliverance, and the death of the deliverer—and then the cycle begins once again with sin. The next is the more

  • Servant Leadership Series

    Contributed by Paul Andrew on Aug 27, 2018

    They learned to match their “I.Q. with their “I do;” if anybody wants to be first (a leader) the person has to be willing to serve all.

    25B The apostles get a little seminar on servant leadership from Jesus in our Gospel today. They learned match their “I.Q. with their “I do;” if anybody wants to be first (a leader) the person has to be willing to serve all. In reality everyone is acknowledged as a leader because everyone has more

  • Open Your Eyes

    Contributed by Michael Koplitz on Jun 1, 2021
    based on 2 ratings

    You must learn the language and literary method that the people in Jesus used if you truly want to understand the Scripture. Hillel's method of asking questions is the optimal way.

    Near Eastern people in Yeshua's (and later on) wrote in allegories, metaphors, and parables. Is this healing story real? In the minds of Near Eastern people, it does not matter. The lesson of the story is the key. The lesson is that everyone must open their eyes to reading the Torah and live more

  • Impossible

    Contributed by Mari Larson on Mar 27, 2016

    Throughout history, many people have had doubts about many things. It is no wonder there were doubts about the resurrection.

    Throughout history, some very smart people have said some not-so-smart things, and thanks to the internet, they will never be forgotten. For example, Thomas Watson, the Chairman of IBM said in 1943, “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” When something new comes more

  • Broken For Humanity Series

    Contributed by Dr. John Singarayar on Mar 6, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    It is a reflection for Maundy Thursday on contemporary leadership.

    Broken for Humanity Scripture: John 13:1-17 Introduction: It is a reflection for Maundy Thursday on contemporary leadership. Reflection Maundy Thursday marks a significant event in Christian tradition—the Last Supper, where Jesus washed his disciples' feet, demonstrating humility, more

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