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Sermons on Hechos 27:23:

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  • Three Bible Facts About Life's Storms Series

    Contributed by Keith Crouch on Apr 30, 2005
    based on 31 ratings

    This is the second in a series that looks at dealing with the storms of life from a biblical perspective

    Three Bible Facts About Life Storms Acts 27:13-44 I. Life’s Storms Are Times of Despair A. Storms Surprise Due to Deception (v. 13) Storms Surprise Us Due To: • Faulty theology – John 6:33, Job 14:1 • Faulty advice – Acts 27:11 • Faulty security – Proverbs 3:5-6 B. Storms Often cause a sense of more

  • A Gentle Wind

    Contributed by David Richardson on May 19, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    It has never been promised that the Christian life would be an easy one. If you’ve been misinformed about the degree of hardship that you would incur, or the level of perseverance that would be required, well, you can always quit. Can’t you?

    Title: A Gentle Wind Scripture: Acts 27 As you recall from the previous chapters, Paul appealed to Caesar and that right was given to him. Luke tells us in Acts 27 that the journey to Rome was beginning. A close scrutiny of this journey that is undertaken strongly resembles life’s journey, and our more

  • Let's Put Away Our Loss And Take Courage In Christ Series

    Contributed by Bruce Landry on May 23, 2005

    Loss is something we all face. How do we put away loss and take courage in Christ? Let’s look at what God’s word directs in light of this.

    Let’s Put Away Our LossAnd take Courage in Christ The Prussian king Frederick the Great was widely known as an agnostic. By contrast, General Von Zealand, one of his most trusted officers, was a devout Christian. Thus it was that during a festive gathering the king began making crude jokes about more

  • "When All Hope Is Gone!”

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on Jun 11, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    This message dipicts the essence of hope and how easily it can be lost. Also, it tells of how to regain your hope to face the storms of life.

    Scripture: Acts 27:20 - 25 Title: “When All Hope Is Gone!” Introduction: There are some very important lessons to be learned in this portion of Scripture. We find the great Apostle Paul in a very difficult situation. A storm is raging and the captain and crew aren’t really sure where they are more

  • A Spirit Of Thanksgiving Amidst The Storms Of Life

    Contributed by Ray Searan on Dec 24, 2002
    based on 114 ratings

    Here is a great Thanksgiving Message.

    A Spirit of Thanksgiving amidst the Storms of Life Subject: Thanksgiving Text: Acts 27:1-44 Date: November 24, 2002 (AM) Introduction: We often face many storms in life. But even though we face many storms we can still have a spirit of thanksgiving in our hearts in the midst of the storm. Let us more

  • Strength In The Storm Series

    Contributed by Greg Nance on Feb 26, 2005
    based on 24 ratings

    Stretching you past your limits to cope, God can use a crisis to bring us close and draw a crowd along with us to him.

    Paul’s trip to Rome beginning in Acts 27 is the story of a stormy trip and shipwreck. Few things are as awesome to experience as a big storm. This past year, Florida saw four hurricanes plow through and wreak a path of destruction. We can begin to think we are large and in charge when God allows more

  • Lighten Your Load

    Contributed by Jim Twamley on Mar 26, 2003
    based on 61 ratings

    Every sailor knows that you can’t ride out a storm with an overburdened ship. You’ll take on excess water and sink. The same goes for us, when we carry useless burdens around and a storm comes up – we’ll be in danger of sinking.

    Many of you came in here today carrying a burden, a load of care. The good news is that you can lighten your load, you can even get rid of your load altogether. Relax, you’re in the Lord’s house now, and I’ve got a feel’en everything’s gonna be alright! Amen! Our sermon comes from the Book of more

  • Paul's Principles For Handling Crises

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on May 21, 2004
    based on 37 ratings

    Paul came out of his crises even stronger in faith, courage, hope, and credibility. Every crisis that you pass through will either make you bitter or better - the choice is up to you!

    How Paul the Apostle Handled Crises Acts 27:21-Acts 28:1-20 Illustration: Test pilots have a litmus test for evaluating problems. When something goes wrong, they ask, "Is this thing still flying?" If the answer is yes, then there’s no immediate danger, no need to overreact. When Apollo 12 more

  • Anchors In The Storm

    Contributed by Keith Walker on May 24, 2004
    based on 37 ratings

    Four anchors that can help wither the storms of life.

    Introduction: A few years ago I was called to the hospital. A young lady in our church was 9 months pregnant and was about to have her baby but something was wrong. When I got there I found out that just the night before she sensed something was wrong. She went to the hospital. She had had good more

  • Four Strong Anchors

    Contributed by Jamie Wright on Jun 28, 2004
    based on 394 ratings

    Everyone will face storms in their life. What will hold you during the storm. You better have your anchor in God. This sermon gives four strong anchors of God to tie your boat to in the midst of the storm.

    4 Strong Anchors for Life’s Stormy Seas Pastor Jamie Wright * Maranatha Fellowship Church * 06-06-04 POWERPOINT AVALIABLE UPON REQUEST A man drives to work at 6:30 a.m. as he has for 8 years. He punches in his time-card and is soon confronted by his supervisor. John is berated and humiliated as he more

  • Four Anchors And A Wish

    Contributed by Steven Shubert on Aug 1, 2004
    based on 59 ratings

    We all go through storms of life, where the only thing we can do, like these shipmen, is cast out anchors and wish for daylight. But GOD has provided us with unshakeable anchors that will hold us through any storm.

    Four Anchors and a Wish Acts 27: 20-29 I. Introduction A. There are storms that arise in our lives that cause us to wonder whether we’ll see the rising of the sun ever again. But for the child of GOD, there are certain anchors that we can ground ourselves to, anchors that will keep us through more

  • I Believe God

    Contributed by Tony Abram on Sep 10, 2006
    based on 11 ratings

    The life of Paul was powerful because he live not by his faith, but by the FAITH OF GOD! He was aware that God was always with him.

    I BELIEVE GOD! I. PAUL ABOARD SHIP Acts 27:20 And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us, all hope that we should be saved was then taken away. . Acts 27:21 But after long abstinence Paul stood forth in the midst of them, and said, Sirs, ye more

  • I Believe God

    Contributed by Richard Hosea on Oct 12, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Our belief not only affects us but everyone around us.

    I Believe God Acts 27: 19-26 Have you ever heard someone say, “It does not matter what I believe it will not make any difference to anyone else?” Or have you ever heard some one say “it doesn’t make any difference what I believe as long as I believe something?” Both of those statements are dead more

  • Four Anchors Of Faith You Can Hold Onto

    Contributed by Dean Morgan on Sep 1, 2004
    based on 31 ratings

    Storms come into every live, even the Christian. During those times we have 4 anchors that will hold.

    TEXT: Acts 27:23-25 TITLE: FOUR ANCHORS OF FAITH YOU CAN HOLD ONTO I want to briefly share this true story with you: On January 17, 1984 a son was born to Richard & Lindsay Roberts. Thirty-six hours later the precious life of little Richard Oral Roberts slipped away forever to rest in the arms more

  • Anchors For Life

    Contributed by Christian Cheong on Oct 6, 2004
    based on 67 ratings

    Paul was taken on a voyage to Rome as a prisoner. He stood strong in the face of a terrible storm, because he has these anchors: (1) the anchor of God’s presence; (2) of God’s promise; (3) of God’s plan; (4) of God’s power.

    Paul and some other prisoners were taken on a voyage towards Rome. We’ll read about his experience in Acts 27:14-26; 33-44. Paul was a prisoner, but in this voyage through the storm, he stood out as a HERO. • Chains bound him, yet he was freed from fear or hopelessness. • The people were more

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