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  • Hear Him Or Test Him (Hearing God)

    Contributed by Spencer Homan on Dec 7, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    This is a sermon about listening for God.

    Mark 12:28-34 And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that he answered them well, asked him, “Which commandment is the first of all?’ Jesus answered, “The first is, ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one; and you shall love the Lord your God more

  • Do We Hear Him Knocking

    Contributed by Roger Rhoads on Aug 16, 2007
    based on 5 ratings

    Listening for God’s Voice

    I don’t think the people of Laodicea were as deceived as they were living convenient lives. Things were going financially well and in the church, things were going the way they wanted them. They were contented, “Please don’t disturb us?” Jesus was outside knocking, but they had the music of more

  • "Can You Hear Him Now" ....good

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Jul 15, 2003
    based on 44 ratings

    Can you hear the voice of God. He is calling you.

    “Can You Hear Him Now……….Good” Revelation 3:6 “He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches” I know you have seen the commercial with the man that is in some secluded location, talking on a cell phone. He ask the question “Can you hear me now?’ Evidently the person more

  • God Is Speaking, Can You Hear Him?

    Contributed by Tesh Njokanma on Aug 8, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    Discover 5 amazing benefits of hearing God's voice

    Introduction The true test that we belong to God and are sons (children) of God is that we HEAR GOD. Romans 8:14 tells us that “those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God”. To be led by someone, it means you HEAR when the person speaks that’s why following the person’s leading or more

  • Hear My Son!

    Contributed by Bill Butsko on Feb 12, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    God identified Jesus as His beloved Son during the Transfiguration and requested all to hear Him.

    Text: And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Sons. Hear Him!” (Luke 9:35) How do you feel when you are recognized? For example, as a child, do you recall you parent or parents saying to someone “This is my daughter or this is my son?” How did you more

  • If You Ignore Him, He Will Go Away!

    Contributed by Matthew Blau on Oct 31, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Too many things can take us from our faith. God is Knocking but how long will we still be able to hear him.

    There is an old sermon illustration that goes with this morning’s scripture. A pastor decides to visit one of his parishioners on his way into the church one morning. He had wanted to visit for some time but schedule problems and life seemed to keep it from happening. But this morning as he more

  • If God Is With Me, Why Can't I Hear Him? Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Aug 12, 2012

    I have come to this conclusion. Finding God is only difficult because of us. Not because of Him. God doesn’t want us to be in the dark. God doesn’t want us to wonder what He wants us to do. Think about it this way: if there was something you wanted y

    Finding God at Christmas “If God is with me, why can’t I hear him? 1st Kings 19 I had been away leading a conference on church growth in another church. We had experienced a good week but I was ready to get back home to my family. The conference closed on Friday night around 9:00 so more

  • Quiet Games - Pt. 2 - Hearing Aids 1 Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Sep 10, 2016
    based on 1 rating

    God seems to love the "Quiet Game" and seems to be the world's most skilled player. How can you hear Him when He seems to be so quiet?

    Quiet Games Pt. 2 - Hearing Aids Pt. 1 I. Introduction Are you ready? OK, on the count of three. 1, 2, 3. Go! . . . See it does my heart good to know that some of you aren't any better at playing the quiet game than I am! I love childhood games like Freeze Tag, smear the guy with the ball, Crack more

  • Quiet Games - Pt. 3 - Hearing Aids 2 Series

    Contributed by Steve Ely on Oct 17, 2016

    God seems to love the "Quiet Game" and seems to be the world's most skilled player. How can you hear Him when He seems to be so quiet?

    Quiet Games Pt. 3 - Hearing Aids Pt. 2 I. Introduction They would be enshrined in the childhood games hall of fame . . . 7-Up, Kick the Can, Musical Chairs but then there is the Quiet Game a perennial nominee for induction that would never get my vote. I hate the Quiet Game. No sound. No action. more

  • This Is My Son, Obey Him

    Contributed by William Baeta on Mar 16, 2003
    based on 14 ratings

    “A cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were fearful as they entered the cloud. And a voice came out of the cloud, saying, ‘this is my beloved Son. Hear Him’” Luke 9:34-35.

    Theme: This is My Son, obey Him Text: Gen. 15:5-12; Rom. 3:21-31; Lk. 9:28-36 Every successful student needs to listen carefully to what is being taught and also needs to read about what has been written on the subject. This makes what we hear and read an important aspect of our lives. These days, more

  • A Prophet Like Moses

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Dec 28, 2014
    based on 5 ratings

    Jesus is the Prophet like unto Moses, and all His words are truth.

    JESUS: A PROPHET LIKE MOSES. Deuteronomy 18:15-20. 1. A Prophet raised up by God (Deuteronomy 18:15). John the Baptist was asked, ‘Are you that Prophet?’ (John 1:21). His answer was an emphatic, ‘No!’ So people began to wonder if it was Jesus (John 6:14). 2. From your own people (Deuteronomy more

  • Hearing The Shepherd Means Following Him

    Contributed by Eric Vertein on Apr 19, 2005
    based on 7 ratings

    On Good Shepherd Sunday we consider how the first martyr Stephen not only heard the voice of the Good Shepherd, but followed him: in charity, in witness, and in forgiveness.

    Acts 6:1-9; 7:2a,51-60 4th Sunday of Easter – ILCW Year A April 17, 2005 Peace to all of you who are in Christ (I Peter 5:14b). Amen. Judge Lynwood Smith asked Eric Rudolph, “Did you plant the bomb that exploded at the New Woman All Women clinic here in Birmingham on January 29, 1998?" In a more

  • To Hear, Fear, And Find Him Near

    Contributed by Hansel Young on Oct 11, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    personal steps towards revival

    To Hear, Fear, And Have Him Near Psalm 85:6-13 Why do we need revival? A lady asked Billy Sunday: "Why do you keep having revivals when it doesn’t last?" And Billy Sunday in turn asked her, "Why do you keep taking baths?" Regular revival is necessary to keep a church cleaned up. A man was more

  • Know His Voice

    Contributed by Richard Papafio on Nov 27, 2017

    The flock knows the voice of their shepherd, they hear him and follow him.

    May the peace of the Lord be with you. Topic: KNOW HIS VOICE John 10:4-5King James Version (KJV) 4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them, and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice. 5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will flee from him: for they know not more

  • He Who Has Ears To Hear, Let Him Hear!

    Contributed by Paul James on May 20, 2016

    This Sermon is directed in its completness to Salvation

    Friday 20 May 2016 This Message will appear as quite simplistic to many observing on this site. I would be remiss as first, a servant of the LORD Jesus Christ and second as a human being not to share this message if it would deny even one person to be shown the Gospel of our LORD. So then let us more

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