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  • The Handsomeness Of Christ, Our Husband

    Contributed by Bob Boerman on Jul 26, 2017
    based on 2 ratings

    We often talk of Christ as Prophet, Priest, King, Lord, Savior and Friend, but rarely do we take a deep look at Him as our husband. This sermon looks at the Handsomeness of Christ and it's implications. I preached it before preaching on divorce in 1 Cor 7

    The Church in a Messy World The Handsomeness of Christ, our Husband Isaiah 54:5 July 23rd, 2017 This sermon is part of our series in 1 Corinthians. I preached it as a precursor to Paul’s discourse on divorce. Shopping for a Husband I bet you didn’t know it but a "Husband Shopping Center" just more

  • Your Good Looks Didn't Get You A Wife: It Was God Series

    Contributed by Tessie R. Simmons on Aug 30, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    A Prudent wife is from the Lord.

    It's great to be a man of God with good looks. Your good looks are a gift from God, but don't give your good looks credit for causing your wife to fall hopelessly in love with you. Mister Good Looking, your wife married you because God moved on her heart to do so. How do I know? That's any easy more

  • The Priority Of Faithfulness

    Contributed by Billy Kryger on Mar 20, 2005
    based on 107 ratings

    God doesn’t require us to be intelligent, articulate, handsome or eloquent. He requires us to be faithful.

    INTRODUCTION: Ø Paul had reminded the Corinthians that they served a faithful God (1:9). Ø He also declared that God can be depended on to be with them in any trial (10:13). Ø He further encouraged them to be zealous with the assurance that their labor will not go unrewarded (15:58). Ø Every more

  • Isn't She Lovely....isn't He Strong And Handsome

    Contributed by Rainer Reddy on May 14, 2015

    A sermon on marriage

    Text: Ephesians 5 : 22 – 33 Theme: Isn’t she lovely? Isn’t he strong and handsome Introduction - [Read and explain the text] - [Speak of concern for marriages] - This morning, we are going to do something that is different, but something that is long overdue - I want all more

  • Don’t Fret Ruggedly Handsome Powerful Beats Ugly Nasty Every Time!

    Contributed by Andrew Moffatt on Jul 28, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    What do we do fret? We are told not to so lets do something differant, but what?

    Don’t fret Ruggedly Handsome Powerful beats Ugly Nasty every time! Psalm 37:1-11 We all know the story; the bad guys, lead by Ugly Nasty have robbed the bank, the savings of the people of Rattlesnake Gulch have been taken to the abandoned mine. But before Ugly and his henchmen left they abducted more

  • "One Is The Loneliest Number" Series

    Contributed by David Henderson on Jul 30, 2013

    One of the primary figures in the OT was a man named David. The Bible tells us that he had it all. He was handsome. he was strong. he was a hero. But he was also very lonely.

    LIFELINES “One is the Loneliest Number” Psalm 142:1-4 One of the primary figures in the OT is David. All of us know who David was. According to the Bible this is a man who basically had it all. The Bible tells us that David was • Handsome. Even Goliath said so and he despised more

  • Kingdom And Chaos - God Chooses David

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Feb 21, 2019

    The first time, Samuel anointed a king, he found Saul, who was the most handsome, strongest man in the nation. This time, God sends Samuel to Bethlehem, to the house of Jesse, who has eight sons.

    Kingdom and Chaos 1st Samuel 16 – God Chooses David February 24, 2019 The first time, Samuel anointed a king, he found Saul, who was the most handsome, strongest man in the nation. This time, God sends Samuel to Bethlehem, to the house of Jesse, who has eight sons. 1 Samuel 16:10-13 NIV Jesse more

  • Kingdom And Chaos - God Chooses David

    Contributed by Brady Boyd on Feb 21, 2019

    The first time, Samuel anointed a king, he found Saul, who was the most handsome, strongest man in the nation. This time, God sends Samuel to Bethlehem, to the house of Jesse, who has eight sons.

    Kingdom and Chaos 1st Samuel 16 – God Chooses David February 24, 2019 The first time, Samuel anointed a king, he found Saul, who was the most handsome, strongest man in the nation. This time, God sends Samuel to Bethlehem, to the house of Jesse, who has eight sons. 1 Samuel 16:10-13 NIV Jesse more

  • Joseph And Potiphar's Wife Series

    Contributed by John Lowe on Jun 16, 2022

    Joseph is described as being well-built and handsome. These are the exact Hebrew words attributed to Rachel in 29:17. Joseph excels not only in proficiency but also in attractiveness. Perhaps because of this, his master's wife invites him to lie with her.

    Potiphar's Wife and Joseph (She Lusted For Joseph) "Potiphar sees "that the Lord is with Joseph and that the Lord gives him success in everything he does." Genesis 39: Joseph and Potiphar's Wife The story follows Joseph's life in Egypt. Potiphar buys him as an enslaved more

  • Everyday Superhero

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Jun 28, 2008
    based on 5 ratings

    Esther, Pt. 7

    EVERYDAY SUPERHERO (ESTHER 7) An incredible story was untold by Hollywood when the Titanic sank. In 1912 Scottish evangelist John Harper was on the ship with his 6-year-old daughter to answer the call to be the new pastor of the famous Moody Church in Chicago when disaster struck. He got Nana into more

  • Everyday Superhero Series

    Contributed by Victor Yap on Oct 21, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    Esther, Pt. 7

    EVERYDAY SUPERHERO (ESTHER 7) In 1912 Scottish evangelist John Harper was on the ship with his 6-year-old daughter to answer the call to be the new pastor of the famous Moody Church when disaster struck. He got Nana into a boat but yelled at others: “Women, children and unsaved into the more

  • Joseph The Ruler

    Contributed by Arliss Beavers on Jan 31, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    From spoiled one, to anointed one who repairs the family breach

    1-20-08 (part 2) short lesson on Joseph the ruler Joseph the dreamer Joseph the spoiled one (by Jacob) Joseph’s coat of many colors Joseph’s other 11 brothers - the envying the jealousy the hatred Joseph and the pit Joseph and the Egyptian more

  • Christian Conduct Series

    Contributed by James Mccullen on May 6, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    Many passages of scripture teach us about Christian conduct. This passage challenges us to have Christian conduct toward Brothers, Business, and to do it without Boasting.

    Christian Conduct James 4:11-17 C:\MyData\JAM-OLD But Good\JAMES4-3.WPD {11} Do not speak against one another, brethren. He who speaks against a brother, or judges his brother, speaks against the law, and judges the law; but if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law, but a judge of it. more

  • Absalom

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Jan 12, 2020

    Muscle power, charm, money power, beauty, fame and popularity would be vain without wisdom from the Holy Spirit.

    Absalom 2 Sameul 14:25”…Now in all Israel was no one as handsome as Absalom, so highly praised…” When something is too good to be true then be careful! When the offer is too spectacular, opulent and enormous then be cautious, for instance, I got an email stating that I was selected as the ‘best more

  • Absalom

    Contributed by Bala Samson on Apr 23, 2020

    When something is too good to be true then be careful! From the life of Absalom, we learn a lot of lessons.

    Absalom 2 Samuel 14:25”…Now in all Israel was no one as handsome as Absalom, so highly praised…” When something is too good to be true then be careful! When the offer is too spectacular, opulent and enormous then be cautious, for instance, I got an email stating that I was selected as the ‘best more

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