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  • Three Steps To Godly Living

    Contributed by Jeff Budzinski on Jul 31, 2010
    based on 5 ratings

    • I want to talk to you tonight about a few steps to achieve Godly success. • Success God’s way is different from the world’s way of gaining success. • God has created you to be a winner not a loser. • Your success is based upon His ability not yours.

    Introduction • I want to talk to you tonight about a few steps to achieve Godly success. • Success God’s way is different from the world’s way of gaining success. • God has created you to be a winner not a loser. • Your success is based upon His ability not more

  • Godly Mothers In A Wicked World

    Contributed by Rodney Kelley on Sep 15, 2010

    Mary, the mother of Jesus, provides the example for Godly moms to follow.

    Intro: In my sermon today, I want to give a challenge to Moms and the rest that are here on this Mother’s Day. A mother is not merely one who gives birth to a child, but a lady that is willing to take responsibility for a life. Mary was a Godly young lady, so Godly that God chose her to bare more

  • Three Aspects Of Godly Living Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 26, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    Worship, ethics and law may not come loose from each other, or man is devalued.

    Feast of St. Vincent de Paul The Spirit of the Liturgy 27 September 2010 How many of us, faced with the loss of all our property, and even all our children, would immediately fall to the ground and worship? Fall to the ground, certainly; but worship? Job does not sound like anyone I know. But more

  • Growing In Godliness With Spiritual Disciplines

    Contributed by Lay Man on May 26, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    Rather, train yourself to be godly. - 1 Timothy 4:7 Life is full of times of training and discipline to our bodies. If we are studying for tests for school, we work hard and stay up late spending many hours exercising our mind to memorization. If we ha ..

    Rather, train yourself to be godly. - 1 Timothy 4:7 Life is full of times of training and discipline to our bodies. If we are studying for tests for school, we work hard and stay up late spending many hours exercising our mind to memorization. If we have a certain task to finish at a job we can more

  • The Two Keys To A Life Of Godliness Series

    Contributed by Dan Proctor on Mar 9, 2015

    Did you know that there are two essential keys to a life of godliness? You don’t have to rely on the local church or your preacher for either one of these. If you are a believer, they are both available to you any time.

    The Two Keys to a Life of Godliness 1 Timothy 4:5-9 Introduction: 1. I have met several people through the years that have claimed 1 Timothy 4:8 as their life verse (at least the first part of the verse: “For bodily exercise profiteth little…”). • Of course, this phrase more

  • Proverbs 31 - A Godly Woman Series

    Contributed by Tom Shepard on Aug 17, 2015
    based on 5 ratings

    This is a verse by verse look at Proverbs chapter thirty one.

    Pearls From Proverbs – Chapter Twenty Nine Proverbs 31:1 (NASB) The words of King Lemuel, the oracle which his mother taught him: The name of King Lemuel is only found two times in the Bible and both times it is this chapter of Proverbs. Who King Lemuel was we do not know. Many believe more

  • Four Characteristics Of A Godly Mother

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Sep 5, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Four Characteristics of a Godly Mother

    A. INTRODUCTION 1. Most women have 2 or 3 outstanding traits. 2. A godly woman should have both heavenly and earthly traits. 3. The aim is well-roundedness. “That you may be well-rounded and complete, lacking nothing” (James 1:4, ELT). 4. What does a well-rounded mother more

  • Make America Godly Again

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Jan 4, 2017
    based on 24 ratings

    God's Word 'trumps' all ... A timely look at the only way of escape from the looming destruction for which we are unwittingly poised. Includes PowerPoint and link to 17 message series by same name.

    Make America Godly Again Ps. 33:12-22 Get all resources for this sermon at: Recently when I entered a voting booth I felt intimidated, like someone was watching me. Outside the polling station were many signs more

  • Grant Us Godly Politicians Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jan 21, 2017

    "I beg the Lord to grant us more politicians who are genuinely disturbed by the state of society, the people, the lives of the poor! "

    Thursday of Third Week in Course 2017 Joy of the Gospel Ss Timothy and Titus Today’s feast is a challenge to those whose denomination teaches that the Church is not hierarchical. Most of these denominations consider themselves Bible fundamentalists, but today’s readings clearly show that, from the more

  • Caleb - Perfect Godly Man? Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Jul 5, 2016

    We are to see a merciful God as Caleb did.

    Last week from Joshua Chapter 14, we noted a hero who had the right godly attitude. We are to follow his example of being confident with the promises of God, being thankful, being committed to God wholeheartedly, and praying for God’s will. These are things we all need to emulate from more

  • A Godly Life In Ungodly Times Series

    Contributed by Scott Kircher on Jul 1, 2012
    based on 74 ratings

    As our culture and society moves in a direction that does not follow godly principles as communicated to us through the Word of God, how are believers in Jesus Christ to go about living a godly life? As opposition grows to a godly way of living, we have

    A Godly Life in Ungodly times A godly life should expect opposition A godly life should expect hard choices Living a godly Life in ungodly times requires that we know Who we believe in Living a godly life brings blessing and peace Slide Intro Good morning. It is hard to believe that the year is more

  • Genuine Godly Leadership Is Priceless

    Contributed by Mark D. Stetler on Feb 1, 2009
    based on 1 rating

    It seems that there is a real vaccum for leadership in our world today. We say conservatism wins -- then we choose a moderate to lead us. Look at this story in Exodus. Read the whole chapter 32 and tell me who is leading and who is following. Moses or Aar

    Genuine Godly Leadership is Priceless Exodus 32:1-35 READ chapter – Delay – business meeting. We are planning for this coming Tuesday night. There was also a delay in the process of God speaking to the Israelites, through the messenger Moses – God was explaining the law to Moses on Mt. Sinai – more

  • God Leads Godly People Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Aug 18, 2014

    How godly are we?

    Before reading, let us note the 4 major characters in the story of Ruth 2 Naomi – a Jewish widow who lived in Moab but returned to Judah (Israel) Ruth – a Moabite widow who decided to stay with Naomi and become a Hebrew Boaz – a prominent Hebrew in Judah related to Naomi’s more

  • Living Godly In An Ungodly World Series

    Contributed by Donald Mcculley on Jun 10, 2019
    based on 1 rating

    Is it possible to live a “G-rated” life (godly) in a “R-rated” society (raunchy)?

    Living Godly In An Ungodly World Ephesians 4:17-32 Introduction: Is it possible to live a “G-rated” life (godly) in a “R-rated” society (raunchy)? Listen to Paul’s words. Again in v.17, he calls us to walk (live). See 4:1. The Gentiles came from a pagan background. They brought with them into more

  • The Supreme Value Of Godly Character. Series

    Contributed by Shaila Touchton on May 2, 2024
    based on 1 rating

    In a world that often prioritizes success, achievement, and talent, it's easy to forget what truly matters to God.

    In a world that often prioritizes success, achievement, and talent, it's easy to forget what truly matters to God. While gifts, talents, and worldly accomplishments have their place, Godly character is far more important to God. We'll explore what the Bible says about the supremacy of godly more

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