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  • Families In Flames

    Contributed by Jim Twamley on Mar 25, 2003
    based on 87 ratings

    Just like God used Joseph to rescue his family, he may be using you to rescue your family.

    Slide #1 FAMILIES IN FLAMES Slide #2 There is no such thing as the “perfect family.” The reason for this is that there is no such thing as “perfect people.” Jesus was the only “perfect person” that ever lived – which leaves you out. Because there are no “perfect people” it is impossible to have more

  • We Are Family

    Contributed by Darrin Hunt on Oct 8, 2001
    based on 154 ratings

    We are the family of God. But what exactly does or should that look like?

    “We Are Family” Acts 2:42-47 How many of you remember the song “We are Family”? The question is what does a real model family look like? Today’s society, dysfunctional families are the norm, not the exception.  There are families with absent parents, single parents, step-parents.  more

  • Welcome To The Family Series

    Contributed by Guy Caley on Jun 2, 2002
    based on 124 ratings

    In this passage we learn what we have in common that makes us brothers and sisters in Christ.

    Introduction When I went back to the United States in March I was privileged to see all 4 of my brothers and sisters As brothers and sisters we have a common history and heritage, that shared experience creates an uncommon bond between us, we are family. We share something special. Only at my more

  • The Family Of God

    Contributed by Andy Patterson on Mar 23, 2005
    based on 26 ratings

    I am so glad to be a part of this family, the family of God!

    The Family of God Matthew 12:46 - 50 Many times we have made the statement that we are closer to the our church family than we are to our earthly family. Here in our text the Lord says that His family are those that are living for Him. I want to share with you four features of the Family of more

  • Family Values

    Contributed by Dennis Bliss on Jan 31, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    exhortation on family values as well as refelction on the Holy family of Nazareth.

    The Chapel of Dismas The Repentant Sinner A place where we know that the church of Jesus is an evolving, transforming and liberating clinic for sinners and not a museum for the self righteous AA 5/38-40 more

  • All In The Family Series

    Contributed by Douglas Dudley on Feb 10, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    Sometimes we go through life and we never show the proper appreciation for each other, especially those of the household of FAITH.

    “All In The Family” Text: Romans, chapter 16 Introduction. Do you remember when you were a senior in high school? Graduation was coming, and in the spring of the year we got our last school yearbook. One of the traditions in school was signing each other’s yearbook. Some of the things we more

  • Family Roles Series

    Contributed by Will Norman on May 5, 2005
    based on 15 ratings

    Directed to students, on relationships within the family and the family structure that governs those relationships.

    How many of you can think of a time when you were embarrassed by your family?… mom, dad, brother, sister … we can even go out into aunts, uncles, and cousins if you want to. I remember when I was in the 3rd grade, my mom, sisters, and myself were out doing something … probably shopping or more

  • We Are Family Series

    Contributed by Pat Cook on May 16, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    2nd in series on Jesus priorities. This describes what the church should be with alliteration.

    Ephesians 2:14–19 – We Are Family You’ve heard me quote many times a book that has changed my life, which is What’s So Amazing About Grace? In it the author, Philip Yancey quotes Mark Twain. Apparently Twain used to say he put a dog and a cat in a cage together as an experiment, to see if they more

  • Family Ties Series

    Contributed by Pat Cook on Jul 22, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    9th in long series on Joshua, 2nd of 2 on mass circumcision in ch.5. This deals with being a part of a family, using the well-used illustration of a flock of geese.

    Joshua 5:1-9 – Family Ties (Nowheres near an original thought, but good nonetheless...) Today I’d like to do something different. Today’s a bit different from most, so I’m putting a twist on my scripture today, out of the ordinary for me anyway. Let’s read Joshua 5:1-9. So the Israelites more

  • A Family Resemblance

    Contributed by Pastor/Author: Terry Sisney on Aug 15, 2005
    based on 57 ratings

    We say we belong to the family of God, My question is can the world see the resemblance.

    Ge 1:26 Ge 5:1 A Family Resemblance: It’s interesting sometimes to go to a family reunion or family get together and to look around at the different people and try to determine whose children they are by their characteristics, or features.(Sometimes it’s very evident, more

  • The Family Of God Series

    Contributed by Tim Bond on Nov 18, 2002
    based on 139 ratings

    The church is called "The Family of God" because it is all about relationships, those with our Heavenly Father, and our brothers and sisters.

    Families are funny things, and I don’t mean funny in the sense of humorous. Families are a strange and wonderful and dangerous thing. The people that we love the deepest are probably part of our family. In a family unit there is the potential for the most fulfilling and closest relationships that more

  • Welcome To The Family

    Contributed by Jerry Shirley on Jan 6, 2004
    based on 101 ratings

    Adoption and regeneration - and the advantages we receive as sons of God [GUIDANCE, ACCEPTANCE, ASSURANCE, INHERITANCE...all are ours!] Link inc. to formatted text, audio/video, PowerPoint.

    Welcome to the Family Romans 8:14, 15 There is a Commandment about honoring our mothers and fathers, so why isn’t there one about brothers and sisters? We had children and found out that there is: “Thou shalt not kill.” We love our family, and more

  • Welcome To The Family

    Contributed by John Beehler on Jan 10, 2004
    based on 71 ratings

    Through our baptism, we become brothers and sisters in Christ and heirs to the kingdom.

    Welcome to the Family Being baptized means being welcomed into God’s family. Now, when you’re “welcomed”, that usually means that you are arriving someplace. You are just getting there, just beginning the visit. You aren’t “welcomed” as you are leaving after a visit, right? more

  • Families And Forgiveness

    Contributed by Rodney Buchanan on Nov 14, 2004
    based on 47 ratings

    In order to model Jesus and bring healing to family relationships, you must practice: 1. Humility 2. Forgiveness 3. Being an agent of reconciliation

    The holidays are fast approaching, and it is a time for families to come together. For many, this will be a wonderful time of shared love and fellowship where people can get caught up on the latest of what is happening in each other’s lives. It will be a good time of support and caring. But for more

  • A Family History Series

    Contributed by Christopher Lanham on Nov 30, 2004
    based on 14 ratings

    . Our stories as a community of faith -- as those who stand in the history of blessing, as part of the covenant -- are what teaches us about our God and ourselves. They inspire us to obey him out of gratitude.

    Cascades Fellowship Deuteronomy 6:20-25 A Family History: This Is Who We Are Rachel and I have a tradition we follow every time we go back to the hills of West Virginia. We like to take a little time out of each visit to go and pray with my grandmother. When my grandfather was alive, he and more

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