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  • Billy Don't Need God Anymore!

    Contributed by Randy Stephenson on Jun 9, 2013

    Here we are in the United States of America. In contrast to other people living in the poorer countries of the world; we are pretty comfortable. For this gift, have you daily given "Thanks to God"? If you are not comfortable, have you given that up to The

    Here we are in the United States of America. In contrast to other people living in the poorer countries of the world; we are pretty comfortable. For this gift, have you daily given "Thanks to God"? If you are not comfortable, have you given that up to The Lord? In God there is life everlasting. more

  • Comfort For Troubled Hearts

    Contributed by Dennis Deese on Aug 7, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    There has never been any more powerful statements of comfort given in history than the words in this passage.

    “COMFORT FOR TROUBLED HEARTS” Dr. Dennis Deese - JOHN 14:1-31 There has never been any more powerful statements of comfort given in history than the words we have just read in this passage. One of the reasons being is that they are eternal truths. They will more

  • Do You Believe In Miracles?

    Contributed by Ray Ellis on Jul 17, 2006
    based on 14 ratings

    This message looks at various aspects of healing. Biblical answers are given to the question: "Does God Heal Today?"

    Do You Believe in Miracles? 2 Kings 5:1-19 The World Book Dictionary defines a miracle as “A wonderful happening that is contrary to or independent of the known laws of nature.” When it comes to believing in miracles we tend to be skeptical. We hear about someone being healed and we want to see more

  • The Gifts Of God

    Contributed by Justin Lauramore on Nov 14, 2012

    Today we get confused about God’s faithfulness and His love towards us, but if we research scriptures, we will see that God has given us everything. We have no worries to face, because God has and will supply all of our needs.

    Good evening everyone. I hope that tonight has found you well. In America, we have a constant war between what is right and what is wrong. We as Christians need to draw the line in the sand. We are not perfect but God has called us to be Holy as He is Holy. We are under constant attack and more

  • For God's Love Returned Many Adversaries

    Contributed by William R. Nabaza on Oct 30, 2015

    To show that GOD's love given to the world earned adversaries instead but the LORD JESUS CHRIST prayed for His enemies.

    I. EXORDIUM: Is the LORD JESUS CHRIST your Intercessor? Yes. Romans 8:34 Who is your Intercessor in Heaven? JESUS CHRIST. Romans 8:34 Romans 8:34 (Amplified Bible) Who is there to condemn [us]? Will Christ Jesus (the Messiah), Who died, or rather Who was raised from the dead, Who is at the more

  • God Does Not Cheat: Christmas 2020 Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Dec 25, 2020

    Even in these troubled days, as in every century of the Church’s existence, we are renewed in the Holy Spirit given by Jesus.

    Christmas 2020: God Does Not Cheat Every Christmas, especially in troubled times, we are naturally tempted to see images of the little Christ Child in the manger, surrounded by His mother and father and shepherds and lambs and calves and we try to imagine ourselves in our own infancy, hopefully more

  • Glorifying God By Ministry Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on Jan 22, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    One of the ways in which we glorify God is by serving others with the spiritual gifts that God has given to each believer. This sermon explores several truths about spiritual gifts and their relation to ministry.

    Scripture The day you became a Christian God deposited a treasure in you. For some of you this treasure has some layers on it and it is a bit rusty. But with the help of God’s Word and his Spirit we will pull back the layers and blow off the dust and discover this hidden treasure. This discovery more

  • God's Gift Of Service Series

    Contributed by Thomas H on Oct 4, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    How do you view serving God? As a chore? As an inconvenience? Paul, who was in jail because he served God, viewed serving God as a gift, a privilege that God had given him!

    Ephesians 3:7-13 How was your week? Did you have a good week? Or a bad one be honest. Whos had a bad week? Whos had bad things happen this week? This month? Year? Ever? Life can be tough it is not always not easy. We can struggle with all sorts of things. We can have money more

  • When God Answers Series

    Contributed by Ricky Tuttle Thd on Oct 31, 2023

    Last time together we looked at Elijah and the great victory that was given to him. Would it be great to live in the victory of the moment forever? What frequently follows a victory is an attack from our enemy.

    “When God Answers” 1 Kings 19.1-18 Last time together we looked at Elijah and the great victory that was given to him. Would it be great to live in the victory of the moment forever? What frequently follows a victory is an attack from our enemy. It should not surprise us nor should we be more

  • God Of Second Chances

    Contributed by Simon Bartlett on Nov 5, 2022

    Jesus' restoring Peter after he denied him shows that he's in the business of giving second chances. He's also given us an example to follow.

    BACK STORY In our children’s story we heard about Peter denying Jesus. Peter failed. But Peter shouldn’t have been the one to fail. He was Peter the rock. He was supposed to be the strong one, the solid one. But Peter had brought it on himself. Jesus told his disciples what would happen to more

  • Walk In God's Calling Series

    Contributed by K. Edward Skidmore on May 27, 2015
    based on 1 rating

    This message focuses on 1 Corinthians 7:17 encouraging each of us to walk in the calling God has given to us. We should recognize our calling and then continue to walk in that same calling.

    Walk in God’s Calling (Our Spiritual Walk #5) I Corinthians 7:17 INTRODUCTION: Today we’re going to talk about walking in our calling – from Paul’s instructions in 1 Corinthians 7:17 "As God has distributed to every man, as the Lord has called every one, so let him walk. more

  • Hearing God’s Good News-3 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jan 11, 2018

    3 of 3. Shepherds were given an official announcement of Jesus’ birth. Jesus’ birth has been publicly announced. BUT... Who will hear God’s Good News? Those who Hear/Discover God’s Good News...

    HEARING GOD’s GOOD NEWS-III—Luke 2:8-20 —OR— DISCOVERING The GOOD NEWS! Attention: There is actual Substance to Jesus’ birth even when surrounded by the worldly traditional trappings. *All those things that comprise the season surrounding Jesus’ birth are fun & exciting!—& nothing is wrong with more

  • Hearing God’s Good News-1

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Dec 30, 2017

    1 of 3. Shepherds were given an official announcement of Jesus’ birth. Jesus’ birth has been publicly announced. BUT... Who will hear God’s Good News? Those who Hear/Discover God’s Good News...

    HEARING GOD’s GOOD NEWS-I—Luke 2:8-20 —OR— DISCOVERING The GOOD NEWS! Attention: FBCC wants you to have a ‘Touchy-Feely Christmas’!--So that God will ‘touch’ you! That you will ‘feel’ God’s presence!... ...And to Know that there is actual Substance to Christmas even when surrounded by the Worldly more

  • Hearing God’s Good News-2 Series

    Contributed by Byron Sherman on Jan 3, 2018

    2 of 3. Shepherds were given an official announcement of Jesus’ birth. Jesus’ birth has been publicly announced. BUT... Who will hear God’s Good News? Those who Hear/Discover God’s Good News...

    HEARING GOD’s GOOD NEWS-II—Luke 2:8-20 —OR— DISCOVERING The GOOD NEWS! Attention: A portion of my testimony—My breaking point(in front of the TV) Recognition of personal sinfulness despite having previously heard & read God’s truth for years. There is actual Substance to Christmas even when more

  • God’s Second Covenant With Mankind Series

    Contributed by T.j. Conwell on Apr 3, 2023

    Today, we’ve been given a promise of eternal life through Jesus, God’s redeemer, but know this: even in the days of Noah humanity was redeemed for God’s glory & for His pleasure. We are offered the opportunity to be a part of it IF we will choose to follow God's calling.

    Alpha and Omega, Part 14 God’s Second Covenant with Mankind Genesis 9:1-17 Introduction - 2023 has been led with “one purpose”: To know there is a God! -- Continuing our series, “Alpha and Omega”; examining the beginning to the end - Last week (Gen 7 & 8) we saw three more

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