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Sermons on Génesis 28:16:

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  • God Reaches Out To The Outcast Series

    Contributed by Stephen Todd on Nov 28, 2003
    based on 46 ratings

    As Jacob flees from home, GOd takes the initiative to reach out to Jacob and to bless him.

    Genesis 28:10-22 September 14, 2003 Do you remember the first time that you were away from home? Maybe it was staying with grandma or grandpa. Maybe it was your first sleep-away camp. Maybe it wasn’t till you went away to university or got your first job. Do you remember what was going through more

  • Meeting God In Dreams Series

    Contributed by Robert Higgins on Nov 13, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    Dreams can be a place of encounter with God. He desires to speak to us and sometimes that is the only place our will is not interfering with His voice.

    Encountering God – Part 12 – Jacob Meets God in a Dream Context: Gen 28:1-5 So Isaac called for Jacob and blessed him and commanded him: "Do not marry a Canaanite woman. 2 Go at once to Paddan Aram, to the house of your mother’s father Bethuel. Take a wife for yourself there, from among the more

  • Three Keys To An Open Heaven Series

    Contributed by Herman Abrahams on Oct 12, 2009
    based on 84 ratings

    When we commit ourselves to seeking the Lord on a regular basis through persevering prayer, diligent obedience and sacrificial giving we will start experiencing an open heaven from God.

    Compiled by: Herman Abrahams (Pastor), Cornerstone Faith Ministries, P.O. Box 740, Westridge 7802, Rep. of South Africa. E-Mail: Note to the reader: If you have been blessed with this sermon compilation, I would be honoured to receive an e-mail from you more

  • The Talented Tenth

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Nov 16, 2009

    The old Wshington-DuBois debate is mirrored in Jacob: his trouble was from his own foolishness as well as from others’ deceit. The way out was to receive God’s promise of greatness and to act now to offer concrete help to those coming after.

    Almost exactly a century ago, American listened to a debate between two great thinkers, two men who had unquestionable credentials, first-rate minds, and powerful pens. Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois. In September 1895, in a speech in Atlanta, Booker Taliaferro Washington advocated more

  • Bethel Foursquare Church

    Contributed by Chris Jordan on Oct 22, 2008
    based on 3 ratings

    After Jacob encountered God at Bethel, his whole life was transformed. God’s desire is that all believers would have a personal, ongoing experience with Jesus that would be a testimony to others of His love and mercy.

    BETHEL FOURSQUARE CHURCH INTRO TO SPEAKER: I have been involved in full time ministry for almost 16 years, married with four children. Currently pasturing BCC, and excited to be a covering to this new church! JUST FOR FUN – LETTERS TO PASTORS: *Dear Pastor, I know God loves everybody but He more

  • Jacob's Dream

    Contributed by Anthony Zibolski on Aug 29, 2008
    based on 7 ratings

    Jacob’s dream helps us to realize that at the most difficult time’s of our life, God desires to speak to us with positive results.

    SC 8/30/2008 Jacob’s dream Genesis chapter 28:1-22 Disclaimer- This sermon is from private study and resources more

  • Passing On The "Christian Baton"! Series

    Contributed by Paul Clemente on Mar 17, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    Like Isaac being called by God to be a witness for Him and passing on the "calling" to Jacob, Christians are also called and are to pass the baton of Good News of Christ.

    This picture was during the 2008 Olympic Games in China. What can you say about this picture?? A relay running race is a team event in which you have to pass a baton from one teammate to another in order to finish the race. The US Team dropped the baton and was disqualified from the race. It has more

  • Genesis 38 Series

    Contributed by Tom Owen on Aug 6, 2009
    based on 4 ratings


    When you were a kid did you ever run away from home? Maybe one of your kids? I read a story about a 5-year old who decided to run away. His neighbor lady saw him go, as she worked in her garden. There he trudged down the sidewalk, past her house, hauling a little suitcase in his red wagon. He more

  • Along Comes God

    Contributed by Gregory Mc Donald on Sep 6, 2011

    Being a dreamer can be good...but it can also be bad depending on what kind of dreams you have and what the basis is for those dreams. Where do dreams come from? Are they products of our own fertile imagination? Are they an escape from reality?

    ALONG COMES GOD GENESIS 28:10 19 Have ever been told you’re a dreamer? Being a dreamer can be good...but it can also be bad depending on what kind of dreams you have and what the basis is for those dreams. Where do dreams come from? Are they products of our own fertile imagination? Are more

  • Studies In Genesis: Chapter 28 Series

    Contributed by Edward Hardee on Oct 16, 2011

    This is a study of the book of Genesis. Genesis and Revelation are two of the most disputed books in the Bible. The premise of this study is the foundation of creation.

    Note: When doing a study on a book in the Bible you use a lot of resources. The major influence for me on this study of Genesis is The Genesis Record by Henry Morris. Title: Jacob at Bethel Jesus made a reference to Jacobs ladder that we read of in chapter 28. Where was this recorded in the more

  • God Is At Work: All The Time

    Contributed by Jerry Stepp on Feb 9, 2011

    God is at work 1. Behind the Scenes 2. When the Path is Rough 3. When He is the Furthest from my Mind 3. It Assures me of His Prestents Until his Promise is Fulfilled

    GOD IS AT WORK GEN.28:1-28 INTRODUCTION: ~More than not we fail to see the Lord working on our half. I really wonder if we fully understand that the Lord is concerned with our every move, thought, word, and deed. ~I wonder if we know that He is working behind the scenes to see us through our day more

  • Close Encounter With God Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Nov 11, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Real worship happens only when God in His grace reveals Himself to us. Then we respond with gratitude by recognizing His presence, reverencing Him, remembering what He has done, and reserving ourselves completely for him.

    Three-year-old, Mark, accidentally spilled his fruit punch on the floor one day. He decided to clean up the mess himself and dashed to the back porch to get the mop. Suddenly, realizing it was dark outside, he became apprehensive about reaching out the door for the mop. His mother reminded him more

  • Reason For Hope On The Road Ahead Series

    Contributed by Joel Smith on Jan 1, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    The road ahead is about to get rocky, but, we have reason for hope.

    It’s hard to believe another year has come and gone. It’s 2009 and what makes this new year unique is there’s more reason for pessimism than optimism at what it will bring. Maybe you’ve heard some of the dire predictions about what the near future holds. A couple of weeks ago, economist and more

  • Help -- Life Is Scaring Me! Series

    Contributed by Ed Vasicek on Jan 5, 2009
    based on 2 ratings

    The New Year is a reminder that living life can be a fearful experience, because we are all vulnerable to the choices others make and circumstances beyond our control. Our compassionate God wants to reassure us through His Word, yet many of us want this r

    Help -- Life is Scaring Me! (Genesis 28:10-20) 1. The headlines and issues going into 2009 are legion: the economy, the war, your family and personal issues, the moral condition of our nation…pessimists never had it so good! 2. It can be hard to cope with life; yet many of you have the greatest more

  • The Church, A Place Of Beauty, Goodness, Truth Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Jul 5, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    We need to understand both meanings of church, and how the beauty found in a church can attract unbelievers to Christ.

    Monday of 14th Week in Course Sacrosanctum Concilium Jacob, following in the steps of his grandfather Abraham, was careful as he moved through the land of Canaan to identify special places of the divine presence. One of these is Bethel, which means “house of God.” There Jacob had a more

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