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  • Lost And Found Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Oct 9, 2006

    This chapter shows us the attitude of God towards the person who is lost, and compares it with our attitude. Essentially the three parables Jesus tells in this chapter are against the Pharisees who were the shepherds of Israel, but would not care for o

    This chapter shows us the attitude of God towards the person who is lost, and compares it with our attitude. Essentially the three parables Jesus tells in this chapter are against the Pharisees who were the shepherds of Israel, but would not care for or seek after the lost sheep, the kind of more

  • The 7 Stages Of The Prodigal Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Oct 12, 2006
    based on 17 ratings

    Do you have ever wonder whatt causes someone to walk away from God or how it could even happen to you? Learn the stages and how to get with God and even stop the Prodigal in his tracks.

    The 7 Stages of the Prodigal We can be a prodigal and not even know it. The young man in this parable "came to himself" when he was slopping with the pigs. But if we are aware of the stages we might come to ourselves much earlier and avoid some of the consequences of being estranged from God, or more

  • How Do You Approach Jesus? Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 10, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Meet 5 people or groups who approached Jesus in many different ways. Jesus reaction tells a lot about how we should and should not approach Jesus when we are in need, in grief, in sin, or in control.

    How do you approach Jesus? Here are some possibilities: Burn with anger Shrug your shoulders in indifference Look the other way Run the other way Stand off at a distance Look down your nose Bow prostrate Run into His arms Run up to Him and demand One thing’s for sure - we all approach Him more

  • Redefining The Family Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 24, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    What is God’s Family and how do you join it? Jesus redefines family, contrasts it with our earthly family and tells us how to join and what it’s like in his family.

    The idea of family is always morphing in our society. Just in the past fifty years we’ve gone from June Cleaver to Uma Thurman. In the 1950’s the woman wore pearls and waited in high heels for her man to come home so she could greet him with a martini, a paper and dinner on the table. Today in more

  • Don't Be Afraid - Only Believe Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Aug 6, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Does Jesus have authority over the difficulties in your life? What if God doesn’t seem to answer your prayers on time, do you still trust Him? In this study we see Jesus take authority over the powers of darkness and death itself.

    The last half of Luke 8 gives us two incredible stories of Jesus combating the forces allied against humanity - the hosts of darkness under the control of Satan, and darkness itself: death. Just before this episode, Luke records for us Jesus’ control over the elements as He calmed the wind storm more

  • The Christian Eula Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Aug 15, 2006
    based on 16 ratings

    Ever wonder what you are signing up for with Jesus Christ? Luke 9 gives us some practical examples of the principals in the Christian discipleship.

    Do you know what a "EULA" is? It’s not a form of Hawaiian dance. It’s not what you say about a person at a funeral. It stands for "End User License Agreement." If you have ever installed a piece of computer software, you have encountered a EULA. It’s that huge mass of legal garbly-gook full of more

  • The Problem With Power Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Aug 21, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    When we draw close to Jesus sometimes the aura of His power makes us feel powerful on our own. Luke 9 teaches us lessons on the real source of power and the real cost of discipleship.

    What’s the famous line from American Express? Not Karl Malden saying "Don’t leave home without it" but this: "membership has its privileges." It was supposed to suggest that special things await you and only you if you get this card. The slogan is successful because it appeals to something in us more

  • Self Service Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Aug 28, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    As Christians we desire to do things for the Lord. But sometimes we are really just doing them for ourselves. Learn how to spot self service and your attitudes while serving.

    Most Christians understand that belonging to the Lord means we serve Him and will do things that He tells us to do. We like to think that we do it because we are so thankful for what He has done, or because Jesus commanded us to preach the gospel and make disciples or because we see the example of more

  • How To Get Things From God Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Sep 3, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    We have many ways in which we think we can get God to answer prayers. Luke 11 gives us insight as to our approach to God and the real way He answers prayer.

    For many more Bible studies in audio and video form, please visit our website at: How do you approach God to get things and what things do you expect? Roulette Wheel - spin the wheel and take your chances Genie - you get three wishes, any wishes you want School master - more

  • The Morning After Christmas Eve Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Dec 26, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Do you ever experience spiritual highs followed by big time lows? Did Mary and Joseph experience that the morning after Jesus birth? How do we cope with defeat and weakness? Learn the lessons from 3 figures in the Bible.

    One of my most exciting experiences of the year as a child was Christmas morning - I looked forward with anticipation to tearing through my presents to see what new GI Joe doll I’d get or Hot Wheels set awaited me. I’d been on pins and needles all Christmas night - hardly able to sleep. But there more

  • The Church Of Tolerance

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jan 9, 2006
    based on 30 ratings

    In our society today, tolerance is considered a virtue. But our definition of it has changed - and accepting and even applauding any and every practice will weaken and pollute our lives. Learn how to safeguard your church and your life from compromise.

    When I read verses 18-29 I picture a church in turmoil - a good church with good people that has been infiltrated with those who would exploit weakness and draw off believers into immorality. The good people stand by and watch - and mourn. The church in Thyatira was small - and sometimes in a small more

  • Waking The Dead Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jan 9, 2006
    based on 21 ratings

    We are studying the church at Sardis. How do you wake up a dead church or a dead believer? Learn how Christians and churches can fall into a coma and how important it is to stay awake in your relationship with Jesus.

    I had a dream the other night. I was dreaming that I was asleep. Yes, I know that sounds very strange - but then my dreams often are very strange - perhaps an outgrowth of my personality. Anyway - I dreamed that I was asleep and that I at some point wished to wake up. That’s where the trouble more

  • The Things Of God Or The Things Of Men? Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 20, 2005
    based on 28 ratings

    What the most difficult problem that faces the church today? Its that we try to do God’s will by using human means. Learn how not the short-circuit God’s way of growing you.

    For more Bible studies and an audio version of this study go to: One of the biggest problems in the church today is trying to accomplish God’s will using human methods. We are fooled into more

  • Having Doubts Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 20, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    It was part of Jesus’ plan to slowly reveal His true purpose and nature - and this chapter reveals to us that even though we have doubts, Jesus is there to help us believe!

    For more Bible studies and an audio copy of this message go to: Sometimes people say "if I could just see Jesus face to face, then I’d believe." Perhaps that’s true - and Jesus did reveal more

  • Power Play Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 22, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Jesus Christ came to earth to reveal the nature of the REAL boss the Lord God Almighty. He is pretty intimidating, so you’d think He would have a personality to match but He doesn’t. The boss of bosses does not follow the world?s leadership model

    For more Bible Studies: visit There’s a saying in business that I’ve heard a lot. "Lead, follow, or get out of the way!" It portrays the sentiment that you should step up and over everyone - meekly fall in line with the "leaders" - blindly following their every more

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