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  • Workers And Worriers Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 1, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    Which are you - one who is dedicated to the work of building up the body of Christ and spreading the gospel, or worrying about getting your way? You might be surprised as we loook at these two types in Romans 16

    For the audio of this message, go to: and look for the study on Romans 16. In Chapter 16 we see how chapters 12-15 are worked out practically – real people doing real work – and warnings that not everyone is out for the good of the church. Paul had never been to Rome – more

  • Bearing With The Weak Series

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 1, 2003
    based on 20 ratings

    How do we handle people who disagree with us? Paul gives us some good advice on how to listen actively, respond prayerfully, and watch circumspectfully when dealing with the less mature in Christ.

    To listen to an audio version of this message go to: and search for Romans 15. There is an interesting time period when raising kids – last week we talked about that point at which they realize they are not children anymore. Later there comes a time when they think they more

  • A Very Modern Ancient City

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 12, 2003
    based on 24 ratings

    The problems that plagued Corinth - immaturity, carnality, worldly influences, division, style wars and the like - are still present today. Find out the comparisons and how to find peace in God despite the world around us.

    To hear an audio version of this message, please go to: Imagine for me if you will, a city – bustling, modern – a major city with over six hundred thousand residents. In many ways – the city is the wealthiest, coolest, most multicultural city in the country. Trade from more

  • Cloth Tearer Or Net Mender?

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 14, 2003
    based on 34 ratings

    We all know that division causes problems - but where does it really come from? Paul gives us insights and warnings that any one of us could be the cause of division in our church. Find out the qualities of a good and bad leader.

    For an audio copy of this message, go to: 10 I appeal to you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree with one another so that there may be no divisions among you and that you may be perfectly united in mind and thought. First off, I like how more

  • Liberty Or Legalism?

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 31, 2003
    based on 19 ratings

    How free should you be as a Christian - especially when dealing with younger, less mature believers. Paul addresses a difficult subject as freedom and legalism are compared. The answers may surprise you.

    For an audio copy of this message, go to: I love steak. I really do. Whenever we go out it’s what I feel like most of the time. For a time I became a little reluctant to eat my favorite meat after doing a series of stories as a reporter on ecoli. You remember that, don’t more

  • Spiritual Fitness

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 31, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    In chapter 9, we explore having the Lord as your avocation – finding the best fit for you, fitting in with others, and becoming fit to excel in His service.

    Do you have an avocation? I don’t mean a hobby you play at – or a job you work at – but something that really interests you – something you’ll spend hours and hours working on, even when you don’t have to? For some people its fishing – they not only have specific flies to catch specific fish in more

  • Fast Pass

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 31, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    Many of us want to bypass trial and temptation - but God says there is no "Fast Pass" around difficulty. In fact, we need to learn from the mistakes of others in order to learn patience and the way to withstand temptation.

    Recently I went to Disneyland. I’ve been there a number of times, but this time something was different. Instead of one line for each ride – many had two lines. While waiting for the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad – I watched in dismay as people walked right up to the front and got on what seemed more

  • Cultural Reality & Spiritual Carnality

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 31, 2003
    based on 47 ratings

    Men and women, head coverings, improper use of communion - Paul tackles these and other controversial subjects in this chapter - we look at the one key verse that makes it all make sense.

    For an audio copy of this message, go to: There are three things that we need to keep in mind as we read this chapter. 1. It’s all about being like Jesus 2. Paul is talking about conduct in public worship 3. There were cultural realities in Corinth that do not necessarily more

  • Being A Body Part

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 31, 2003
    based on 35 ratings

    Learn about the Context, Motivation, and Operation of the gifts of the Spirit as we study this chapter. Learn the four keys to living life as a part of the body of Christ.

    For an audio copy of this message go to: Spiritual gifts probably causes more controversy among Christians today than almost any other topic. On both sides of the issue we have stereotypes – the wild-eyed charismatic who throws his hands out to heal people and they fall more

  • The Real Meaning Of Love

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 31, 2003
    based on 584 ratings

    No matter how gifted you are – no matter how successful in ministry – no matter how close to God – there is one overarching principal that should guide everything we do. Otherwise anything you do for the Lord is a waste of time. That’s love.

    For an audio copy of this message go to: Chapters 12, 13, & 14 are really one unit. Chapter 12 talks about the context of the Holy Spirit’s work through the believer. Chapter 13 the motivation in using Holy Spirit gifts, and chapter 14 the proper operation of those more

  • The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Jul 31, 2003
    based on 41 ratings

    The gifts of the Spirit have split churches and keep Christians apart – and they bewilder non-Christians – so that the church becomes a circus than a place to get saved. But there are good reasons for the gifts if used properly.

    For an audio copy of this message go to: With all the controversy over spiritual gifts – why have them at all? The gifts of the Spirit have split churches and keep Christians apart – and they bewilder non-Christians – so that the church becomes a circus than a place to get more

  • The Foolish Wisdom Of God

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 21, 2003
    based on 86 ratings

    At first blush, God’s wisdom seems so elementary, so foolish even. We as humans love to debate and create big complicated philosophies. Instead, the Apostle Paul shows us how to simplify our understanding to know the REAL wisdom of God.

    For an audio copy of this message, go to: If I asked you to name some great speakers – who comes to mind? Oddly, when I thought about it, the first person who came to my mind was Oliver North. Remember Ollie North? He was the guy who helped mastermind the sale Iran/contra more

  • Become An Expert Builder

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on Apr 28, 2003
    based on 38 ratings

    We are all construction workers. What kind of a builder are you in God’s building project? Are you the sloppy, get it done fast kind - or an expert builder. Find out how to become a master tradesman in God’s kingdom.

    For an audio copy of this message, go to and search for 2003-017. When I was a high school student I admit I didn’t understand wood shop. I just didn’t get why it was so important to build a bird house in just the prescribed manner. I didn’t care much about building at all. more

  • Pick Up The Oars!

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on May 5, 2003
    based on 60 ratings

    This week we’re going to talk about the difference between how we want to be perceived as Christians, and how we should be perceived. Learn how we’re nothing special, but we’ve got an important job to do.

    How do you like to be seen? What’s the image you like to portray to the outside world? Maybe for you its self confidence, or knowledgeable, or “too cool for school”. At a golf course, four men approached the sixteenth tee. The straight fairway ran along a road and bike path fenced off on the more

  • Dealing With Sin

    Contributed by Tom Fuller on May 12, 2003
    based on 84 ratings

    How do you deal with sin - in your life, or in the life of someone else? Paul gives us some adivse in how to keep sin away without ruining our relationships.

    For an audio version of this message, please go to: Don’t you just love the tabloids? I love the headlines like: “Space Alien Father of Elvis” or something like that. When they don’t have a juicy story, they usually just make it up. But more often than not, our society’s more

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