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  • Spiritual Harvesting 101 Series

    Contributed by Ray Geide on Jan 17, 2022

    In this chapter Jesus tells his disciples how to harvest. It is like a beginner's course in harvesting, Spiritual Harvesting 101. We will pull five points out of this passage.

    Spiritual Harvesting 101 John 4:35-42 John chapter 4 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. I have many favorites. But I like this one because of the harvest in it. A whole city trusts in Jesus. That's an impressive harvest. If only we could have a harvest like that. In this chapter more

  • Hinderances To Spiritual Growth Series

    Contributed by Jerry Colter on Apr 22, 2022
    based on 1 rating

    The things that hinder most Christians from maturing are things they know but do not do. This is 99% of Christian maturity. Too many Christians are looking for some big key that God is going to give them to straighten out everything in their life.

    Growing Up Spiritually Hinderances To Spiritual Maturity Introduction Text Luke 6 : 39-49 39 And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch? 40 The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master. ? more

  • Six Spiritual Absolutes

    Contributed by Howard Strickland on Mar 10, 2022

    All 120 were filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Peter testified and exhorted after this initial infilling, and 3,000 more souls were added to the church. The church experienced the infilling of the Holy Spirit and its power!

    Six Spiritual Absolutes Found In— Acts 2:40-47NKJV I love the story about the Lutheran pastor who always started each service off with the phrase, “The Lord be with you.” The people then responded, “And also with you.” However, one Sunday the sound system wasn't working very well. The Pastor more

  • The Lack Of Spiritual Power Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 8, 2001
    based on 38 ratings

    exposition on Matt ch 17

    THE LACK OF SPIRITUAL POWER Matthew 17 v. 1 - 21 in national life , in church life (lethargy), in family life (problems), and in personal life (defeat) 1. The circumstances of this lack v. 1 - 13 Jesus on the mount of transfiguration v. 1 The separation of the three, Peter, James, & John - saw more

  • Spiritual Vision Impairment

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Jul 28, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    In the scriptural context this verse refers to the consequences of a spiritual lack of vision regarding God’s redemptive revelation.

    SPIRITUAL VISION IMPAIRMENT "Where there is no vision [no redemptive revelation of God], the people perish; but he who keeps the law [of God, which includes that of man]—blessed(happy, fortunate, and enviable) is he." Proverbs more

  • The Law Of Sowing And Reaping Pt. 2

    Contributed by Mark Baker on May 2, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    In Pt. 2 I want to look at and focus in on reaping. There is much said in God’s Word on this subject.

    In Pt.1 we primarily discussed the law of sowing. We talked about the seed and how God ordained seed to have life in itself from the very beginning starting in the book of Genesis. We also discussed how the whole purpose of the seed was to produce after its own kind. Genesis 1:11 Then God said, more

  • Spiritual Refresher Course

    Contributed by Joseph Louis on Jun 26, 2002
    based on 67 ratings

    A Message to Refocus on Spiritual Things

    Title: Spiritual Refresher’s Course Scripture: Acts 3:19 (AMP), "So repent - change your mind and purpose; turn around and return [to God], that your sins may be erased (blotted out, wiped clean), that times of refreshing - of recovering from the effects of heat, of reviving with fresh air - may more

  • Healing Spiritual Wounds

    Contributed by Maurice Mccarthy on Jul 8, 2010
    based on 34 ratings

    The spirit can be wounded just like our physical body can be wounded. If you have a broken leg it will impact your comfort level, your mobility, your activity level, many aspects of your life. A spiritual wound will also affect you on a multidimensional l

    Healing Spiritual Wounds 1Th 5:23 ¶ Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. What is the difference between soul and spirit? Hard to define the scriptures go both more

  • Spiritual Ultra-Runners

    Contributed by Darrell Stetler Ii on Feb 17, 2004
    based on 44 ratings

    Have you ever wondered - "What’s the secret of sticking with it spiritually?" An examination of Paul’s secrets of spiritual endurance, discovering how we can have the endurance of an "ultrarunner."

    SCRIPTURE READING: "For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; While we look not at things which are seen, but at more

  • Our Spiritual Metamorphosis Series

    Contributed by Paul Dietz on Aug 16, 2008
    based on 11 ratings

    To preach a series of sermons on Spiritual Transformation

    Our Spiritual Metamorphosis Romans 12:2 In a world filled with sweet scents and blue sky, Lives the gentle, uplifting butterfly, Whose metamorphosis has this truth to teach: Our aspirations are within our reach. For this fluttering flyer of soaring worth Was at one time a creature that crawled the more

  • A Call To Spiritual Unity

    Contributed by Chris Beam on Oct 2, 2015

    if we’re ever going to be able to stand together against the world, we have to first stand together as a church. In order to do that, we'll have to follow the example of Christ. So the message that God has given me this morning is A Call to Spiritual Unity.

    A CALL TO SPIRITUAL UNITY Philippians 2:1-5 Have you ever had one of those moments when you realized you were on the wrong track, and you knew that it wasn’t going to be easy getting things straight? Years ago, a vacuum salesman decided he would leave the big city to concentrate on gaining more

  • The Necessity Of Spiritual Growth Series

    Contributed by Carl Allen on Feb 16, 2009
    based on 4 ratings

    It is a tragedy both on the physical level and the spiritual level for one to fail to grow or neglect to grow.

    The Growing Christian Series The Necessity of Spiritual Growth 2 Peter 3:18 Introduction It is a tragedy both on the physical level and the spiritual level for one to fail to grow or neglect to grow. When we were children, most of us had the fear that we would never grow up to adulthood. We could more

  • God's Command And Man's Four Options

    Contributed by Kenneth Trent on Jul 19, 2003
    based on 84 ratings

    God’s command was clear and unmistakable. Although obedience allowed for only one response from Israel, other options were open to them. These same options are available to us today…and with the same consequences.

    GOD’S COMMAND: MAN’S FOUR OPTIONS "And the Lord said to Moses: ’Why do you cry to Me? Tell the children of Israel to go forward." Exodus 14:15. God’s command was clear and unmistakable. Although obedience allowed for only one response from Israel, other options were open to them. These same more

  • Four Myths About Child Raising

    Contributed by Stephen Todd on Apr 1, 2004
    based on 55 ratings

    As the message for a baby dedication service, this sermon pointed out some of the contemporary myths that exist about the roles of parent and child.

    Baby Dedication December 1, 2002 With all of the millennia of child raising you would think we would have gotten a handle on it by now. Yet with every generation there are myths that arise around child raising that cause trouble for the next generation. Myth #1 Children are a blank slate NIV more

  • The Four Love Needs Of Men & Women Series

    Contributed by Mike Fogerson on Mar 4, 2002
    based on 91 ratings

    This is the second of three in a family growth series.

    Growing Godly Families The Four Love Needs of Men & Women, Part 2 Three Part Series (2 of 3) February 17, 2002 FBC, Chester, Illinois Mike Fogerson, Speaker Introduction: A Is has been said that "Marriage is made in heaven." So is thunder and lighting! a Marriage is tough! *If more

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