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Sermons on forginess:

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  • A Stone's Throw Away

    Contributed by Wayne Lawson on Oct 25, 2018
    based on 4 ratings

    Though the story reads like modern Soap Opera with immoral activities in which the affluent or privileged escape while the less fortunate are punished

    TITLE: A STONE’S THROW AWAY SCRIPTURE: ST. JOHN 8:1-11 Have you ever done anything embarrassing before? Have you ever had an Embarrassing moment in your life? If we are honest, we have all had some embarrassing moments before. The woman found in our text this morning had such an experience. more

  • Decision Time

    Contributed by Ralf Bergmann on Sep 8, 2004
    based on 24 ratings

    One of the greatest problems that follow conversion, as well as the process of coming to a relationship with Jesus, and even throughout our walk with the Lord is the problem of self-forgiveness. WE have all had those thoughts: Jesus can’t possibly forgi

    Sermon Title: Decision Time Text: Romans 8:1-9 Date: July 6, 2003 - EVENING Context of Scripture: As we prepare for what the Lord has for us in this section of the 8th chapter of Paul’s letter to the Roman church, the first nine verses, let me share the words of Charles Wesley in the Hymn “And more

  • You Must Be Born Again Series

    Contributed by Mike Cleveland on Feb 4, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Jesus Christ, the Great Shepherd of the sheep was struck down on the cross, and on that day a Roman soldier pierced his side, and in so doing opened a fountain of cleansing. We now can go to the cross, we can go and see Him dying in our place and be forgi

    You Must Be Born Again - John 3:1-10 Let’s open our Bibles to John 3 I want to begin this morning by telling you about a man who lived some time ago. He was a very religious person, very concerned about the Law of God. He was a Hebrew, a very educated man, a man well respected by others, a more

  • Good News For The Guilty

    Contributed by H.b. Charles Jr. on Apr 19, 2012
    based on 4 ratings

    "Good News for the Guilty" is an exposition of Psalm 32. The bad news of the psalm is that you can run, but you cannot hide from God. But you can run to God and you can hide in God! The good news for lost sinners and saved sinners is that sin can be forgi

    GOOD NEWS FOR THE GUILTY Psalm 32 SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE, the novelist who created the master detective, Sherlock Holmes, enjoyed a practical joke at other people’s expense. He sent identical telegrams to twelve of his friends. The telegrams were anonymous and simply said: “All has more