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  • The Maniac, The Miracle And The Mission

    Contributed by Stephen E. Trail on Sep 29, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    The power of Jesus to change lives

    “The MANIAC, The MIRACLE AND The MISSION” Mark 5:1-20 Scripture Reading (18-20) What is a friend? A British publication once offered a prize for the best definition of a friend. Among the thousands of answers received were the following: "One who multiplies joys, divides grief, and more

  • Miracle On The River Kwai

    Contributed by Ken Durham on Jul 22, 2005
    based on 34 ratings

    Ernest Gordon’s “Miracle on the River Kwai” tells the extraordinary story of survival in the Prisoner of War camps.

    1. INTRODUCTION I am indebted to Philip Yancey’s book “Rumours of another World for first bringing this awesome story to my attention and for his insights and revelations to us today. I guess most of us here today would have heard of or even seen the film “Bridge over the River Kwai”. The film more

  • A Miracle Through You

    Contributed by Craig Benner on Aug 20, 2017
    based on 3 ratings

    One young man had a lunch and was willing to give it all to Jesus. That is how 5,000 were fed with more than enough.

    A Miracle in You or Through You? Purpose of Miracles John 20:30,31 30 And many other signs truly did Jesus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book: 31 But these are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might more

  • The Real Miracle Of Pentecost

    Contributed by John Newton on May 24, 2021

    A focus on what happened after the events in the Upper Room

    I wonder how many people had their TV sets switched on yesterday morning at 5 o’clock. That’s when the CBC coverage of the royal wedding began and for the next five hours I can only imagine that millions of viewers were glued to their screens, trying to catch a glimpse of this or that celebrity more

  • Proof Of The Miracles Of Jesus

    Contributed by John Gaston on Jan 17, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    The world has questioned the reality of Jesus' deity, His supernatural origin, His miracles, and His resurrection and His ascension. Now here is the proof the Bible means what it says.

    PROOF OF THE MIRACLES OF JESUS 1 Cor. 15:3-8 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: A MISER’S KINDNESS 1. Sam is a kind-hearted husband but he’s the tightest skinflint you ever saw. One day he took his wife Sue to the Woodlands Mall. 2. They walked down half the mall for over 45 minutes admiring all the more

  • Miracles For The Middle Aged

    Contributed by J Richison on Oct 19, 2019

    A miracle to solidify middle agedo participants in the church.

    Miracles for the middle aged Acts 4:22 One of the greatest revivals in the New Testament takes place when a middle aged man gets on fire for God. The Bible tells us here that the man who received the miracle was over 40 years old. It is most commonly accepted that middle age is from 35 more

  • A Christmas Without Miracles Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Dec 7, 2014

    Some try to portray Christmas as just an event, but what happens when we take the miracles out of Christmas?

    Have you ever heard the phrase “The Magic of Christmas”? Probably, if you google that phrase you get almost 29,000,000 hits. Everything ranging from albums of Christmas music to campaigns to provide toys to underprivileged children, to children’s books, to more inspirational more

  • Sermon On The Miracle Of Conception

    Contributed by William Meakin on Sep 20, 2022

    Conception is defined as the action of conceiving a child or of one being conceived.

    Lailah Gifty Akita, a Ghana-born author once remarked: “Just as a child is conceived in a womb of a woman, miraculously, so is grace freely given by God, in sacred moment of salvation.” Psalm 139:13-16 confirms: “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I more

  • The Miracle Of The Water At Jericho

    Contributed by Jeffery Scott on Nov 6, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    This sermon is on a over looked miracle from the life of Elisha.

    Text: 2 Kings 2 19Then the men of the city said to Elisha, ¡§Please notice, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord sees; but the water is bad, and the ground barren.¡¨ 20And he said, ¡§Bring me a new bowl, and put salt in it.¡¨ So they brought it to him. 21Then he went out to the more

  • The Miracle Of Restored Joy

    Contributed by Brian Harvison on Apr 5, 2008
    based on 10 ratings

    Maybe you are here this morning and you’ve lost some of your joy,We read here in John how Jesus restored joy to those who attended a marriage celebration in Cana.

    The Miracle of Restored Joy John 2:1-11 A young couple very much in love were getting married in church. However, Sue the wife was very nervous about the big occasion and so the Pastor chose one verse that he felt would be a great encouragement to them. 1 John 4:18 which says “There is no fear in more

  • Miracles Of Jesus: By The Bay Series

    Contributed by Troy Borst on Jul 25, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The miracle of forgiveness in the restoration of Peter in John 21

    MIRACLES OF JESUS: BY THE BAY JOHN 1:1-19 INTRODUCTION Option 1… CSI Effect ( illustration) A crime scene investigator from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department was dusting for fingerprints in a home that had been burglarized. The investigator was challenged by the more

  • Miracles Do Happen....

    Contributed by Thomas Wilson on Jul 30, 2008
    based on 8 ratings

    An alternative view on the feeding of the multitude.

    Some of you may remember that many years ago I, asked the children of this church to go around the congregation and gather whatever sweets that were in your bags or pockets. The kids went around and some of you gave quite generously the sweets you had, they were placed in the offering plates. Of more

  • Introduction To The Miracles Of Jesus Series

    Contributed by John Hamby on Apr 15, 2004
    based on 136 ratings

    Introduction to series on the Miracles of Jesus which also covers the Miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana.

    The Miracles of Jesus Introduction to Series and Jesus’ First Miracle As we begin our study of “The Miracles of Jesus” there are a few things that we need to examine by way of introduction. What Constitutes A Miracle? “A popular but wrong, definition is to say that a more

  • The Miracle That Never Happened Series

    Contributed by David Dykes on Aug 31, 2011

    The night He was arrested, Jesus could have called for twelve legions of angels to rescue Him from the mob's hands—but He didn’t.

    INTRODUCTION In light of all the economic news about the debt ceiling and Wall Street’s wild ride, you might have missed the news of the death of a very important American recently. If you ever sung or danced to the song “Hokey Pokey,” you might be interested to know that Larry more

  • One More Miracle Series

    Contributed by Leighton (Lee) Vary on Feb 7, 2017

    The Lord Jesus is confronted with a demon possessed individual, tormented and mute. Christ casts out the demon and the individual is freed and speaks.

    I. Introduction A. A Church note in The New Forest Magazine, England: "In the future the preacher for next Sunday will be found hanging on the notice board." B. Davy Troxel from New Albany, Ind wrote in the Christian Reader this little story: One day in junior church, I taught about Gideon. The more

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