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  • Decoding The Da Vinci Code – Walking With The Master! Series

    Contributed by Joey Nelson on May 22, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    Christ is Christianity. Philip Yancey writes: "Why am I a Christian? I sometimes ask myself, and to be perfectly honest the reasons reduce to two: 1) the lack of good alternatives, and 2) Jesus. Brilliant, untamed, tender, creative, slippery, irreduci

    INTRODUCTION Opening Statement: Christ is Christianity. Philip Yancey writes: "Why am I a Christian? I sometimes ask myself, and to be perfectly honest the reasons reduce to two: 1) the lack of good alternatives, and 2) Jesus. Brilliant, untamed, tender, creative, slippery, irreducible, more

  • Cracking The Da Vinci Code, Part 3 Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on May 24, 2006
    based on 4 ratings

    The truth about the deity of Jesus.

    “Constantine commissioned and financed a new Bible, which omitted those gospels that spoke of Christ’s human traits and embellished those gospels that made Him godlike. The earlier gospels were outlawed, gathered up, and burned.” (The Da Vinci Code, p. 234). “Until that moment in history, Jesus more

  • The Da Vinci Code Part One: The New Testament Vs Other Writings Series

    Contributed by Don Jaques on May 24, 2006
    based on 24 ratings

    When a fictional story purports to tell the truth – and that truth directly contradicts the teaching of the Christian church over the past 2000 years – confusion is going to be the result. The power of books and especially movies to shape our thinking as

    Renowned curator Jacques Saunière staggered through the vaulted archway of the museum’s Grand Gallery. He lunged for the nearest painting he could see, a Caravaggio. Grabbing the gilded frame, the seventy-six-year-old man heaved the masterpiece toward himself until it tore from the wall and more

  • The Davinci Code Trap

    Contributed by Ron Macarthur on May 24, 2006
    based on 15 ratings

    A look at the enemies purpose for the DaVinci code book and film.

    The DaVinci Code Trap The year was 1988 and the film The Last Temptation of Christ had been released. The Christian world was in a fury over this Christ bashing movie. Immediately books were written, films produced and preachers fired up their sermons to preach against this thing the church more

  • The Da Vinci Code: Is It Real? Series

    Contributed by Timothy Smith on May 24, 2006
    based on 33 ratings

    Part 1 of a 4 part of series on topics that tend to divide people from each other and from God.

    THE GREAT DIVIDE - PART 1 “The Da Vinci Code: Is it real?” Colossians 2:8-10, 1 John 1:1-2 INTRODUCTION: The book has sold over 40 million copies, it has been on the best seller list for almost 3 years and is presently the New York Times Best Seller as the #1 paperback fiction. The movie, more

  • The Da Vinci Code Is Cracked, Seek The Truth.

    Contributed by Aubrey Vaughan on May 27, 2006
    based on 9 ratings

    "Opening up the claims of the DaVinci code. In the search for truth."

    Seek the truth, the Da Vinci code is cracked!’ Since April 2003, the Da Vinci code has been on the New York best sellers list infact two years later it has become a best seller in over a 150 countries selling over 40 million copies and written in 42 different languages. It has made Dan Brown more

  • The Da Vinci Code: There's Something About Mary Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on May 29, 2006
    based on 7 ratings

    Part 2 of Cracking the Da Vinci Code looks at who Mary Magdalene was and who she wasn’t.

    There’s Something About Mary She has been vilified and deified. Her name is Mary Magdalene and through the years she has been surrounded with myth and legend. With the exception of Mary the mother of Jesus there is no other woman from the bible who has been the subject of so much discussion and more

  • The Da Vinci Code: What Does The Church Really Think About Women? (Part 3) Series

    Contributed by Russell Brownworth on May 30, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Now the question – was Mary really Jesus’ wife and mother of Sarah, the child Jesus supposedly fathered to establish a royal bloodline to rule the earth?

    Many women were also there, looking on from a distance; they had followed Jesus from Galilee and had provided for him. Matthew 27:55 (NRSVA) The DaVinci Code movie will be released this week. The fact that it coincides with Mother’s Day does not surprise me. Part of the conspiracy theory of more

  • Can We Trust The Gospels? (The Da Vinci Code - Part 1) Series

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on May 30, 2006
    based on 37 ratings

    Part one of a four-part series discussing claims of the book. The focus is not on slamming the author, but rather on answering the claims in a reasoned and reasonable manner.

    Can We Trust the Gospels? (The Da Vinci Code – Part 1) Various Scriptures May 14, 2006 Introduction Well, today we begin what I anticipate will be a four week series on the best-selling novel, The Da Vinci Code. I’ve been looking forward to this for awhile. And the main reason is that I more

  • Who Was Jesus? (The Da Vinci Code - Part 2) Series

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on May 30, 2006
    based on 45 ratings

    Second in series about TDVC, this message focusing on the divinity of Jesus, which is challenged in the book.

    Who Was Jesus? (The Da Vinci Code – Part 2) Various Scriptures May 28, 2006 (With grateful acknowledgment of the book, Cracking Da Vinci’s Code, by James L. Garlow and Peter Jones, from which much of the material in the first two sections comes) Introduction After taking a break last week, I’m more

  • The Da Vinci Code: This Man Jesus Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Jun 3, 2006
    based on 1 rating

    Part 5 of a Series on The Da Vinci Code, Faith Fact or Fiction. In this message we explore the claims of Brown’s book agains the divinity of Christ, His "marital status" and just who He left the responsibility of the Church to.

    This Man Jesus The Da Vinci Code Part 5 Text: Luke 1:1-4 There are three claims made by Dan Brown’s character, the British historian Leigh Tebing that concern the man Jesus of Nazareth and that have caused a global response from the Church. They are: • Jesus was not, and made no claims to be more

  • The Da Vinci Code: The Truth About Peter Paul And Mary Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Jun 3, 2006
    based on 3 ratings

    Part 3 of the series The Da Vinci Code Faith, Fact or Fiction. Did Peter conspire against Mary as the true leader of the Church? Was Paul the woman hater some think he was? Was Mary really chosen as Jesus’ successor? We’ll explore it in The Truth abo

    The Truth About Peter, Paul and Mary The Da Vinci Code Part 3 Text: Luke 1:1-4 As soon as I gave the message title, a large percentage of you immediately started murmuring “the answer my friend is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind” or “Puff the magic dragon lived by the more

  • The Da Vinci Code: Can The Bible Be Trusted Series

    Contributed by Terry Jones on Jun 3, 2006
    based on 6 ratings

    Part 4 of the Series The Da Vinci Code Faith, Fact or Fiction. In this message Dr. Jones explores the reliability of Scripture as a defense to many of the claims made in Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code.

    Can Scripture Be Trusted Series - The Da Vinci Code Faith, Fact or Fiction Text: Luke 1:1-4 Leigh Tebing, Dan Brown’s fictional British Historian, had this to say about Holy Scripture: “’The Bible did not arrive by fax from heaven.’ The Bible is a product of man, my dear. Not of God. The more

  • The Da Vinci Code: Doing The Opus Dei Series

    Contributed by Denn Guptill on Jun 5, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    What does it mean for beleivers to do the Opus Dei

    Doing the Opus Dei It is like something out of your worst nightmare, that is if you have nightmares about being chased through Paris by an albino killer monk. If your worst nightmare is standing next to your high school locker in your underwear then it’s nothing like your worst nightmare. We went more

  • Who Was Mary Magdalene? (The Da Vinci Code – Part 3)

    Contributed by Brian La Croix on Jun 5, 2006
    based on 10 ratings

    Message number 3, dealing with the claims about Mary and her alleged marriage to Jesus.

    Who Was Mary Magdalene? (The Da Vinci Code – Part 3) Various Scriptures June 4, 2006 Introduction Have you ever had a situation where you found out you had a reputation for something that was totally against your character and history? A rumor gets started, and the next thing you know you’re more

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