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  • The Faith Test

    Contributed by Tim Vamosi on Jan 7, 2011
    based on 1 rating

    Living faith is revealed in the decisions we make – not in the words we say.

    OPEN: How many people here would say that you enjoy taking tests? If you go back to your good 'ole school days -- how many people actually looked forward to the day when the test was taking place? OK, let's see a raise of hands of people who would say you are way on the other side of the more

  • Faith Tested

    Contributed by Michael Karpf on Jun 30, 2010
    based on 1 rating

    God tests our faith when He closes doors, but this leads to an even better open door.

    FAITH TESTED Hebrews 11:6 Thank you for the opportunity to share with you again. I’ve been asked several times, “Are you ready?” My answer is, I’m never ready. When it’s time you do it relying on God’s help. So let’s do that now. I like hearing Ptr more

  • Faith Tested By Persecution Series

    Contributed by Steve Hanchett on Dec 4, 2000
    based on 94 ratings

    Message shows how God uses trials to allow our faith to be tested.

    Steve Hanchett, pastor Berry Road Baptist Church “But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while. For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, more

  • Faith Tested And Triumphant Series

    Contributed by Ian Humphrey on Nov 8, 2001
    based on 55 ratings

    exposition on Matt ch 15

    FAITH TESTED AND TRIUMPHANT Here we have the :- Matthew 15 v. 21 - 28 - Syro-phoenican woman, v. 29 - 39 -and the feeding of the multitudes. see the woman’s problem here:- Note 1. Her dilemna v. 22 "my daughter is grievously vexed with a devil" (a) Here was a problem (fairly common) her daughter more

  • A Faith Test - Abraham

    Contributed by Doug Stringer on May 15, 2005
    based on 6 ratings

    A faith that cannot be tested, cannot be trusted. This is a sermon on Abraham & Isaac.

    A Faith Test – Abraham & Isaac Gen. 22:1-14 Introduction 1. A faith that cannot be tested, cannot be trusted.  Write that down … don’t trust your faith until you have first allowed God to test it. 2. ILL.: watching a documentary the other night of a guy building an airplane. Once he more

  • The Faith Test: Trials Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Oct 19, 2011
    based on 5 ratings

    Why should we "count it all joy" when we experience trials?

    [You can receive free sermons each week by email if you contact You can also follow Jonathan's blog at] AN INTRODUCTION TO THE BOOK OF JAMES James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes in the Dispersion: Greetings (v. more

  • Lesson 11: Faith Tested

    Contributed by Elmer Towns on Apr 11, 2003
    based on 37 ratings

    Abraham’s Journey of Faith

    A. INTRODUCTION: GENESIS 22:1 1. What were the four great trials of separation in Abraham’s life? a. Family. "Get thee out of the country, and from thy kindred" (12:1). b. Lot/Nephew. "Separate thyself from me" (13:9). c. Ishmael. "Cast out this bondwoman and her son" (21:10). d. Isaac. "Take thy more

  • The Faith Test: True Religion Series

    Contributed by Jonathan Mcleod on Nov 16, 2011
    based on 4 ratings

    What is the difference between worthless and true religion?

    [You can receive free weekly sermon by email by contacting or you can follow my blog at] WORTHLESS AND TRUE RELIGION If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless. Religion more

  • Test Of Faith

    Contributed by Chad Bolfa on Oct 29, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Today from this passage of scripture, I want us to learn four of tests of our faith so that we can be better equipped when those test come.

    Test of Faith Am Service October 4th 2009 Daniel 1:1-21 Introduction Today we will begin a brand new series titled “Faith Under Fire” taken from the book of Daniel. The world, in which we live, is not conducive to a growing faith in Christ. In fact I would say it is the opposite, it more

  • Testing & Persevering Premium Sermon

    Contributed by PRO Premium on Oct 9, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    This sermon will explore the concept of faith and works in the book of James, focusing on how trials and adversity can strengthen our faith and perseverance in Christ.

    The testing of our faith through trials, adversity, suffering, etc… produces in us a steadfast spirit and perseverance. And perseverance is an invaluable characteristic of those who follow Christ. Prayer: “Lord Jesus please give us the strength to endure, to persist, and to thrive throughout the more

  • A Tested Faith Series

    Contributed by Thomas Fortini on Aug 25, 2020

    Tests are a big part of life. The most important one is the testing of our faith!

    Hebrews 11 (NIV) 17 By faith Abraham, when God tested him, offered Isaac as a sacrifice. He who had embraced the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son, 18 even though God had said to him, “It is through Isaac that your offspring will be reckoned.” 19 Abraham reasoned that God could more

  • Tested Faith Series

    Contributed by Melvin Maughmer, Jr. on Oct 13, 2020
    based on 1 rating

    A faithful God-fearing farther suddenly dies from an unexplained and unforeseen incident. A young mother barely in her twenties is diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer.

    OPENING: - Last week I dealt with the topic of Doubt as a child of God. In that message I stated how doubt does not negate faith, but states that my faith in this particular area hasn’t matured to the point enough where I am able to fully stand without wavering in this particular area. It is more

  • Tested In The Wilderness Youth Sermon

    Contributed by Youth Sermons on Sep 5, 2023
    based on 4 ratings

    Jesus faced temptation in the wilderness after fasting for forty days. Each time Satan tempted Him, Jesus responded with scripture, choosing to rely on God alone. When we face testing in our own lives, we can stand firm in our faith and trust in God's provision.

    Imagine you're in the middle of a desert, no food, no water, and you've been there for 40 days. You're starving, thirsty, and all alone. Suddenly, a guy shows up offering you all the food and water you could ever want, but there's a catch. You have to do something that goes against everything you more

  • A Test Of Faith

    Contributed by James Jackson, Ii on Dec 13, 2000
    based on 50 ratings

    God has to test our faith in order to know where we stand with Him.

    Printed Text Genesis 22:1-14 Introduction A. Comparing Price Tags A well-to-do merchant stood on the dock watching as final preparations were made for a ship to sail. As he stood there, he was joined by a stranger whose clothing revealed his poverty. Finally the stranger spoke up. “You seem more

  • The Test Of Faith Series

    Contributed by Lynn Malone on Jun 13, 2005
    based on 5 ratings

    We will all one day face the most difficult challenge of our lives as we face the test of faith.

    Heroes of Faith: Abraham The Test of Faith Genesis 12:1-14 Introduction We want to close this series of sermons on the life of Abraham with the most famous story arising from his life—that of the sacrifice of his son, Isaac. I need to remind you that Abraham had been promised a son through more