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Sermons on Exodo 32:19:

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  • The Golden Calf Series

    Contributed by Brad Beaman on May 16, 2022

    How did Israel get so misguided? How could it happen? God just rescued them from slavery. The very first thing the people do is make an image and worship the image. The worship of the golden calf is tragic. Could anything be more tragic?

    Why worship an object when the living God offers a relationship? There is no good reason. It was so misguided for the Israelites to form the golden calf image and worship it. So tragic for this to happen. What we hope to gain from this passage is that we will seek the true God Almighty with all our more

  • What Calf Are You Dancing Around?

    Contributed by John Gaston on May 31, 2023
    based on 1 rating

    The blood of the covenant was scarcely dry on them when the Israelites threw off their allegiance to Jehovah and asked Aaron for a new god! Aaron gave them a god who smiled on their sin. What a celebration!

    WHAT CALF ARE YOU DANCING AROUND? Exodus 32:1-4,19 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR 1. A drill sergeant had just chewed out one of his cadets. As he was walking away, he turned to the cadet and said, "I guess when I die you'll come and dance on my grave." The cadet replied, "Not me, more

  • Recovering From Sin Series

    Contributed by C. Philip Green on Sep 6, 2024

    When you sin, own your own sin, confess your sin, commit to serving God again, and continue in the salvation He has provided in Christ.

    Several years ago, Alice Pike tried to use a fake $1 million dollar bill to shop at Walmart. She went to the register with $1,675 worth of stuff and expected change. Pike told police she got it from her estranged husband, who is a coin collector. They arrested her anyway on first degree forgery more

  • Whose Side Are You On?

    Contributed by John Gaston on Oct 5, 2024

    Just like that camp, the world is filled with compromise and sin. God calls some to be the voice of separation and purification. Some of you may be called to be a Moses in your generation. His name means "drawn out" -- not just out of water, but out of the world!

    WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON? Ex. 32:1-28 INTRODUCTION A. HUMOR: Hearing What You Want to 1. A young man went up to an old man and said in his ear, “Hey, could you lend me $5.00?” 2. The old man said, “I’m deaf in that ear. Come around to the other one. Now what did you say?” 3. The young man more

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