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  • Encouraged To Endure Sermon Vi: Withstand Satan's Roar And Fear No More Series

    Contributed by Charles Cunningham on Feb 7, 2020

    "It's a jungle out there" is how we may feel about the ups and downs from which Christians are not exempt, but by the power of God we can withstand the wiles of the devil, but we need to practice certain disciplines taught by the Apostle Peter.

    Withstand Satan’s Roar and Fear No More “It’s a jungle out there”! That was my second daddy’s way of warning me how it would be in the “real world” once I graduated from high school. Well, soon after I got out there and was on my more

  • Satan's War Against God's Followers Series

    Contributed by David Scudder on Mar 8, 2009

    The American church has been mostly exempt from persecution for more than 200 years. Could it be that we too have become lazy along the way? The fifth seal talks about those who have died for the Lord rather than live for the world. If you were given th

    Revelation 6:9-11; 12:10-17 Purpose: To describe how and why martyrs die. Aim: I want the listener to accept persecution as a privilege. INTRODUCTION: The early church suffered much persecution. But from the death of Severus in 211 until the reign of Decius in 240, about 30 years, the church more

  • Crossing The Jordan At Floodstage Series

    Contributed by Jason Pettibone on Jun 1, 2005
    based on 29 ratings

    Here’s our word of hope- we aren’t exempt from the problems, but we have resources to carry us through! The Word tells us God can do anything, you know--far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! He does it not by pus

    "Taking Your Promised Land" - Joshua series, message # 2 Crossing the Jordan at Flood-stage- Impossibility or Opportunity Text: Joshua 3 - 4 Life can be tough! Reported attempted suicides are over the 100,000 mark annually. Drug use in America is epidemic, much of it an attempt to manage the more

  • How Can A Man Be Born When He Is Old Series

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Nov 13, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Our text records an interview between Jesus and a man named Nicodemus. Nicodemus is mentioned three times in the New Testament, and each reference mentions he came to Jesus under the cover of night (John 3:1; 7:50; 19:39). Therefore, we could call him o

    “How can a man be born when he is old?” John 3: 1-16 I. THE MAN CONFRONTED WITH BEING BORN AGAIN (1) A. His race was not sufficient to exempt him from the must. B. His religion was not sufficient to exempt him from the must. C. His riches were not sufficient to exempt him from the more

  • We’re Non-Prophet

    Contributed by Thomas Swope on Jul 11, 2018

    A study in the book of Deuteronomy 13: 1 – 18

    Deuteronomy 13: 1 – 18 We’re Non-Prophet 13 “If there arises among you a prophet or a dreamer of dreams, and he gives you a sign or a wonder, 2 and the sign or the wonder comes to pass, of which he spoke to you, saying, ‘Let us go after other gods’—which you have not known—‘and let us serve more

  • Peter's Biggest Fish Story

    Contributed by Ted Sutherland on Apr 3, 2001
    based on 131 ratings

    How to pay the IRS when U R broke.

    Paying the IRS, When U R Broke Matthew 17:24-27 I. Tax Exemption vs. 26, 27 A. Jesus was Exempt B. Jesus made an Exception II. Filing Jointly vs. 27 “. . . give unto them for me and thee.” III. What to do in case of Audit, vs. 27 Records, This is the record From Reader’s Digest: It’s time more

  • Temptation

    Contributed by Jimmy Chapman on Sep 22, 2006
    based on 8 ratings

    truths on temptation

    Temptation Luke 4:1-13 Oscar Wilde said, “I can resist anything but temptation.” He also said, “The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.” As Christians we must learn how to overcome temptation. Josh Billing was right when he said, “One-half the trouble of this life can be traced more

  • The Temptation Of Jesus

    Contributed by Rodney Fry on Feb 4, 2004
    based on 21 ratings

    Even before Internet pornography, rampant materialism, and on-line gambling, there was temptation. Even Jesus faced it, and in studying His example, we can learn a lot about being victors.

    THE TEMPTATION OF JESUS Scripture: Mark 1:12–13 Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts; and the angels ministered to Him. Introduction: Even before Internet pornography, rampant more

  • Even The Moralist Cannot Escape

    Contributed by Paul Apple on Oct 18, 2000
    based on 9 ratings


    EVEN THE BEST MORALIST CANNOT ESCAPE GOD'S RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT 1. (:1-4) Apart from Repentance, We stand Condemned by God and By Ourselves with no Escape and no Exemption Illust: 2 Saamuel 12 when Nathan confronts David a. We stand condemned by our own standards (:1) b. We stand condemned by God more

  • Standing Firm

    Contributed by Rick Boyne on Jul 25, 2012

    We must determine in our hearts that we will remain faithful to God.

    Standing Firm February 8, 2009 Morning Service Immanuel Baptist Church, Wagoner, OK Rick Boyne Message Point: We must determine in our hearts that we will remain faithful to God. Focus Passage: Daniel 1:1-21 Supplemental Passage: And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the more

  • Better Than New

    Contributed by Ron Tuit on Jan 6, 2013
    based on 1 rating

    Many people are "into" restoration of antiques and artifacts, but restoration of human relationships and human beings is much more difficult. Christ not only "restores" but makes sinFULL human beings better than new.

    Better than New Romans 5:6-12 I. NO one is exempt from sin. (Rom 5:12) A. Everyone is a sinner because everyone sins. (Rom 3:23) B. Adam’s “bad apple” seed more

  • A Perfect Gift

    Contributed by David Dewitt on Dec 10, 2001
    based on 75 ratings

    God has given us a perfect gift in the sending of His Son Jesus Christ.

    A Perfect Gift Galatians 4:4-5 December 2001 Introduction . Christmas means that: He descended that we might ascend (John 6:38, 14:3). He became poor that we might become rich (2 Cor. 8:9, Jas. 2:5). He was born that we might be born again (John 1:14, 3:2,7). He became a servant more

  • Truly Living A Life Of Freedom

    Contributed by John Deaton on Sep 18, 2004
    based on 40 ratings

    This is a sermon was written for 4th of July. Explained how we today can live a life of true freedom through Christ.

    (Play America Again by Carman -very impact full song for an independence day service) Freedom FREE’DOM, n. A state of exemption from the power or control of another; liberty; exemption from slavery, servitude or confinement. Freedom is personal, civil, political, and religious. To truly live a more

  • Living Above Our Storms: Part 1 - How Are You Facing Life's Difficulties? Series

    Contributed by Sidney Sumida on Sep 15, 2009
    based on 59 ratings

    Examining the keys to growing strong through the trials of life.

    LIVING ABOVE OUR STORMS Part #1: How Are You Facing Life’s Difficulties? Introduction We are currently, here in the islands, in what is known as, "Hurricane season". Hurricane or Typhoon season is determined by a study of historical data collected over a period of time on weather patterns in a more

  • "i Will Proclaim The Truth" Series

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Dec 24, 2020

    The Bible says that both people and society will grow more wicked as the time approaches for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. The preacher is to face this with the soul-convicting, life transforming power of the Word and Spirit, no matter the cost.

    Anyone who makes the ridiculous statement that the Bible is merely a human book, and nothing more than a collection of inspiring stories has let others do their thinking for them, mimicking someone else's skepticism, or have claimed to have read it to end up condemning what it says about the more

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