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  • First The Test Then The Miracle

    Contributed by Rick Gillespie- Mobley on Sep 17, 2002
    based on 11 ratings

    Revision Of An Earlier Sermon which deals with faith coming through trials and testing by looking at the prophet Elisha.

    First The Test, Then The Miracle 7/04/2002 2 Kings 6:24-33 Matthew 14:22-34 There are a lot of people who want to see God do a miracle, but very few are volunteering to be in the circumstances which requires a miracle to take place. Many of us would like to walk on water, but don’t ask more

  • A Bold Request Series

    Contributed by Dean O'bryan on Jul 2, 2007
    based on 19 ratings

    Third in a four-part series from Ruth. Ruth in faith requests that Boaz take her as his wife. She models for us the sort of risks God will ask us to take if we press out in faith, knowing His character.

    Trinity Baptist Church June 24, 2007 Ruth: God redeems A bold request Ruth 3:1-18 Marriage proposals come in all shapes and varieties. From the stories I’ve heard, many proposals don’t happen soon enough for one or the other person in the relationship! I have to admit -- before more

  • What Is Faith? Series

    Contributed by Freddy Fritz on May 4, 2006
    based on 228 ratings

    This sermon examines the biblical description of faith. What is faith? One way to get a better picture of biblical faith is to gain a clear understanding of what biblical faith is not.

    Scripture Author Tim Hansel tells the story about the day he and his son Zac were out in the country, climbing around in some cliffs. He heard a voice from above him yell, “Hey Dad! Catch me!” He turned around to see Zac joyfully jumping off a rock straight at him. Zac had first jumped and then more

  • Sowing And Reaping

    Contributed by Johnny Carver on May 22, 2001
    based on 99 ratings

    This sermon shows the design of faith in the Christian life and the value of faith.

    Scripture: Gen. 8:22 Title: “Sowing and Reaping” Introduction: A sobbing little girl stood near a small church from which she had been turned away because it was too crowded. “I can’t go to Sunday School,” she sobbed to the pastor as he walked by. Seeing her shabby, unkempt appearance, the more

  • Living In Victory Series

    Contributed by Jeffrey Dillinger on Mar 9, 2005
    based on 10 ratings

    What does it mean to live in Victory every day of your life? How can I live in victory?

    Living In Victory (Joshua 6:15-20) Intro: A. It was a victory that some people today deny could happen. They cannot understand how the Biblical account of the destruction of such a strong city could even be true. B. Seven times on the seventh day the children of Israel marched around the more

  • A Profitable Faith. Series

    Contributed by James Mccullen on May 6, 2005
    based on 4 ratings

    Some people do not see any benefits from being a Christian. Our faith is profitable, and we need to be able to share that in convincing manner. In this passage James gives some illustrations concerning a provable faith.

    A Profitable Faith. James 2:14-26 C:\MyData\JAM-OLD But Good\JAMES2-2.WPD {14} What use is it, my brethren, if a man says he has faith, but he has no works? Can that faith save him? {15} If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, {16} and one of you says to them, more

  • Thinking Big In Small Places

    Contributed by Donny Granberry on Feb 16, 2008
    based on 45 ratings

    A great message on vision. If God be our partner, then let our dreams be big.

    Thinking Big in Small Places By: Pastor Donny Granberry Humor One day my mother was out and my dad was in charge of me and my brother who is four years older than I am. I was maybe 3 and one half years old and had just recovered from an accident in which my arm had been broken among other more

  • God's Funny Series

    Contributed by Jake Kircher on Dec 28, 2005
    based on 26 ratings

    How do you respond to God when he asks you to step out in faith?

    The Top Ten Bulletin Announcements 10. A bean supper will be held on Tuesday evening in the church hall. Music will follow. 9. The choir invites any member if the congregation who enjoys sinning to join the choir. 8. Thursday night – Potluck Supper. Prayer and medication to follow. 7. Due to the more

  • Faith A Step Into The Water

    Contributed by Glenn Branham on May 11, 2005
    based on 27 ratings

    Faith must be acted on in order to be effective.

    "Faith: Step Into the Water" Josh. 3:13-16 13 And as soon as the priests who carry the ark of the LORD--the Lord of all the earth--set foot in the Jordan, its waters flowing downstream will be cut off and stand up in a heap." 14 So when the people broke camp to cross the Jordan, the priests more

  • Moses: The Character Of Leadership Series

    Contributed by Bryan Parris on May 26, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    From the "Heroes" Series: A Message on Leadership from Hebrews 11:23-29

    Moses: the Character of Leadership Hebrews 11:23-29. This morning in our study of Hebrews chapter 11 we look at the life of Moses. Moses was a leader and his epitaph is recorded in the last three verses of Deuteronomy: Deuteronomy 34:10-12 - Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like more

  • Covenant Sunday - Future Our Friend

    Contributed by Joseph Neil Adams on Dec 31, 2007
    based on 4 ratings

    A message for Covenant Sunday thinking about how the new year can be held back by fear, using Joshua, Caleb & John Wesley to show a better way where the future is seen as our friend..

    Jeremiah 31.31-34 Numbers 13 It is natural at times like the turn of a new year to think about how time passes – well of course it flies! It is 28 years since Maggie came to power. 41 since England won world cup and 7 whole years have passed since the millennium celebrations. I remember the more

  • Abraham: What's His God Like?

    Contributed by Dana Chau on Mar 3, 2003
    based on 28 ratings

    Discover what Abraham’s God was like throught God’s perception of Abraham.

    Abraham: What’s His God Like? Genesis 15 As a pastor I’ve gotten used to talking about God. It’s not that have a special line to God or that I’ve known God the longest of all of us. It’s a privilege and a calling to be a pastor, and part of the pastor’s role is to tell others about God, based more

  • When We're Embarrassed Of Jesus

    Contributed by Jim Butcher on Mar 27, 2013
    based on 4 ratings

    A look at Peter denying three times and at five examples of times when we are embarrassed of Jesus.

    EVERYONE LOVES JESUS IN CHURCH: Whether I’m embarrassed of Jesus often changes with a spike in the cost. - Mark 14: 27-31, 50, 67-68. - It’s easy to love Jesus when there’s no cost involved. It’s easy to love Him when there’s no pressure. - As the costs increase, more

  • When It All Comes Crashing Down Faith Hopes Series

    Contributed by Scott Chambers on Nov 23, 2007
    based on 1 rating

    This message an example of faith from the life of Elijah.

    When you examine your life at what times have you grown the most? Almost always people will answer this question by admitting that the greatest growth occurred in times of deep and unexpected suffering. Yet when suffering forces its way abruptly into our lives, our tendency is to believe that God more

  • Pt 5 - Biblical Faith Series

    Contributed by Rev. Bruce A. Shields on Nov 28, 2005

    Part 5 of our Faith sries discusses Biblical faith.

    FAITH PART 5 – Biblical Faith First Baptist Church of Tawas City Michigan Rev. Bruce A. Shields – 11-27-2005 WELCOME • Visitors (Visitor Cards & Prayer Request Cards in pews) • The Teen Youth will be having a special offering at the end of the service today to help raise more

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