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  • Repentance

    Contributed by Lou Nicholes on May 27, 2005
    based on 8 ratings

    Hosea calls for repentance (vv. 1-3) and God promises restoration (vv. 4-8). God had to punish Israel for its gross and repeated violation of His law, but He would do so with a heavy heart. The preceding chapters have painted a very drab picture (v. l). N

    THOUGHTS ABOUT THE PASSAGE: Thomas Jefferson founded the University of Virginia. The misbehavior of students led to a riot in which professors who tried to restore order were attacked. The following day a meeting was held between the university’s board, of which Jefferson was a member, and defiant more

  • A Little Bit Of Hangin' Series

    Contributed by Mitchell Skelton on Apr 25, 2006
    based on 5 ratings

    Victory through Adversity

    Proclaiming His Majesty A Little Bit of Hangin’ Series 2006 Revelation 3:14-22 Abraham Lincoln once listened to the pleas of the mother of a soldier who’d been sentenced to hang for treason. She begged the president to grand pardon. Lincoln agreed. Yet, he is reported to have left the lady more

  • Christmas Colors

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Dec 4, 2000
    based on 58 ratings

    A Christmas Eve Sermon about the colors of Christmas in the manger.

    Christmas Eve Lk. 2:1-20 “Christmas Colors” A window opened in the yellow straw, as a black nose, two pinkish ears and a gray paw poked out to see the strange sound in that stable. The gray little mouse saw the brown hues of the ox, the donkey and the camel in the silver glow of that star. In more

  • Christmas Colors

    Contributed by Tim Zingale on Dec 22, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    A Christmas Eve Sermon

    Christmas Eve Luke 2:1-20 “Christmas Colors” A window opened in the yellow straw, as a black nose, two pinkish ears and a gray paw poked out to see the strange sound in that stable. The gray little mouse saw the brown hues of the ox, the donkey and the camel in the silver glow of that star. more

  • A Revival In The Valley PRO Sermon

    Contributed by Sermon Research Assistant on Sep 28, 2023
    based on 3 ratings

    No matter how hopeless or dead a situation may seem, God has the power to breathe life back into it.

    Good morning, family. Today, we will be diving deep into the wonderful book of Ezekiel, focusing on chapter 37, verses 1-14. This story, commonly known as 'The Valley of Dry Bones,' is a vivid portrayal of God's promise of restoration and a revival of hope. It's a reminder that no matter how bleak more

  • Whose Beauty Standards?

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on Mar 29, 2016

    Who gets to determine if you are beautiful, yoo, the culture or God?

    Christian ladies, put down your Cosmo or whatever else you use as a mentor to tell you what beauty is and how you should look. So many ladies try to match those standards and if they do not they are depressed and may do some pretty drastic things to try and achieve the unnecessary. They nay become more

  • Five Ways To Please God

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Jun 29, 2010
    based on 29 ratings

    Please God in all things.

    FIVE WAYS TO PLEASE GOD 1st John 3:22 And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. 1. Be Dedicated to Him Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your more

  • Take Time To Live

    Contributed by Laren Whaley on Apr 20, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    Many today spend their lives seeking personal gain. They fail to achieve the things that are the most rewarding. They need to:

    Take Time to Live James 4:14 (NKJV) 14…For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Many today spend their lives seeking personal gain. They fail to achieve the things that are the most rewarding. They need to: 1. Take Time To Listen Isa 55:3 more

  • Forgiving Others Series

    Contributed by Alan Mccann on May 6, 2008
    based on 1 rating

    What is forgiveness and what it is not?

    FORGIVING OTHERS – COLOSSIANS 3.13 Read Colossians 3.13 – this is my text today. In Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, there is a lady called Miss Havisham. If you have read the book, or more likely seen it dramatised television, you will know that she spends her days in darkened rooms more

  • Why Me, Why Now?

    Contributed by Keith Davis on May 5, 2003
    based on 48 ratings

    Trying to get a grip on the hardships of life.

    Title: Why Me Why Now? Text: Philippians 4:10-13 Do you know someone whose life is falling apart? ‒ The business man who’s business is great until the market goes south. ‒ The college kid who has a career in baseball ended with a torn ligament. Introduction: Have you ever more

  • Look Who's Talking

    Contributed by Dr. Ronald Shultz on May 18, 2005
    based on 20 ratings

    Evolution is gibberish.

    “These ‘creation-science’ textbooks, if allowed in our schools, can only serve to increase that mental anguish by teaching that the Genesis gibberish is a legitimate scientific theory.” – G. Richard Bozarth, The Meaning of Evolution, American Atheist, p. 19, September 20, 1979. For more go to more

  • John 2.1-11 - Outline For Sermon: "What To Do When The Wine Runs Out?" Series

    Contributed by Bobby Bodenhamer on Feb 29, 2016

    This document consists of an outline for delivering this message "When the wine runs out"

    What to do when the wine runs out John 2:1-11 (NIV) 1 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to him, "They have no more wine." 4 more

  • Down To Racing Weight

    Contributed by Joseph Smith on Apr 2, 2010
    based on 4 ratings

    Delivered March 1986. To run this race of life and faith, you need worthy role models, you need to rid yourself of destructive habits, and you need the pacesetter, Christ.

    Beneath this bulky middle-aged body and especially beneath the generous folds of this preaching robe, there beats the heart of a runner, a racer. Surprise, surprise, you never knew that, did you? But it's true. Inside this fleshy disgrace to the human race there lies buried somewhere the soul of more

  • Hope, Riches & Power

    Contributed by Ed Warfield on Mar 1, 2008
    based on 4 ratings

    God has come to give us HOPE to walk in vibrant vision. RICHES to make us aware of our glorious inheritance and POWER to live the kind of live that brings life out of the stronghold of death.

    Hope, Riches and Power – Ephesians 1:18-20 Intro.: The Ephesians were hopeless, impoverished and weak. No Christian escapes these struggles entirely. We often grow cold and apathetic. Paul knew they had lost sight of God’s promise. They knew it in their minds, but they had lost sight of it in their more

  • "... A Tongue Rested ..."

    Contributed by Ken Harris on Jan 14, 2004
    based on 28 ratings

    The purpose of this sermon is to motivate the hearers to affirm to others that THE GIFT of SPEAKING in TONGUES rested on everyone IN THE HOUSE.

    U.S. Army Chaplain (MAJ) Ken Harris Fort Stewart, Georgia BIG IDEA: SPEAKING IN TONGUES IS A GIFT THAT SHOWED- UP ON THE DAY OF PENTECOST WITH THE POURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. REFERENCES: Ezekiel 37:1-14 (Ezekiel in the valley of dry bones); 1 Corinthian 14:1-5 (Paul tells us more