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  • Rich Or Poor?

    Contributed by Dr. C. David White on Mar 30, 2002
    based on 11 ratings

    Jesus offers a challenge in His conversation with a Rich Young Ruler.

    Poor Little Rich Man Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?" 17 "Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments." 18 "Which ones?" the man enquired. Jesus more

  • Finding A Heart For Service

    Contributed by William Hannaford on Apr 1, 2002
    based on 5 ratings

    A call to believers to surrender their rights to personal peace and affluence in order to serve God’s purpose for their lives.

     FINDING A HEART FOR SERVICE Colossians 1:9-14 April 30, 2000 Introduction: This morning we are going to consider three stories. A soldier’s story A Scripture’s story, and A missionary’s story As we consider the question: how do we find a heart for service to more

  • 'tis The Season

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Dec 1, 2001
    based on 58 ratings

    ’Tis the season to live and give, to reach and teach.

    ‘ TIS THE SEASON Eccl. 3:1-8 INTRO.- ILL.- Someone described the seven ages of man in these ways: spills, drills, thrills, bills, ills, pills, wills. Spills - infancy. Drills - childhood. We get drilled about doing this and that. Thrills - Teen years perhaps. I’m not sure they are all that more

  • Jilted Love

    Contributed by Ken Gehrels on Dec 5, 2001
    based on 41 ratings

    God’s love is passionate and devoted - but when jilted sparks a holy fury.

    Jilted Love Bible Reading: Amos 2: 6-16 PREPARED BY KEN GEHRELS PASTOR CALVIN CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH NEPEAN, ONTARIO -- Jilted Love p.1 They began to notice that she just wasn’t the same. Sue had been pouring their coffee for the last 10 years every Thursday morning at the neighborhood bar & more

  • Don't Let The Devil Steal Your Destiny

    Contributed by Rev. M Edmunds on Dec 9, 2001
    based on 65 ratings

    There are three ways as a child, in which Satan attempts to destroy your future.

    "The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I (Jesus) am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly" - Jn. 10:10 There are three ways as a child, in which Satan attempts to destroy your future. One is through disobedience. However, in more

  • Taking The Good With The Bad - Rom 8:28

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Dec 15, 2001
    based on 34 ratings

    Taking the Good with the Bad - Rom. 8:28

    Taking the Good with the Bad - Romans 12:1-3 Introduction - Why do you suppose that many people live stressed out by anger, fear and worry? What are some of the reasons that more people seemed to suffer from burn out and fatigue than ever before. It is important to remember that "There is no more

  • How To Handle Failure And Loss

    Contributed by Paul Fritz on Dec 16, 2001
    based on 37 ratings

    How to Handle Failure and Loss - Rom 8:26-31

    How to Handle Failure and Loss - Rom. 8:26-31 Have you ever known someone who seemed to enjoy success in nearly every aspect of their life? Many of these folks struggle to handle failure and loss because they have grown too accustom to triumphs. People who are unable to deal with an imperfect set more

  • Heating Up The Holiday Season

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Dec 17, 2001
    based on 40 ratings

    There are things we can do to heat up or spruce up our Christmas holiday season.

    HEATING UP THE HOLIDAY SEASON INTRO.- Lights, camera, action. These words could well characterize this time of the year. It’s a time for bright lights, cameras (picture-taking), and action. Lots of action. Lots of coming and going. What’s your favorite thing to do this time of the year? DO YOU more

  • At Your Command

    Contributed by Rich Hadley on Dec 17, 2001
    based on 37 ratings

    Jesus has promised us that if we will commit ourselves wholly to the Kingdom of God that all our basic needs will be provided.

    At Your Command Introduction: Matthew 6:25-33 Proposition:Jesus commands us not to worry each day for our basic needs but to,instead, be about our daily spiritual duties. (Outline) I.RECOGNIZE HIS INTEGRITY (by) A.Obey(ing) His Commands 1.The Soldier 2.The Christian B.Perform(ing) All more

  • Having Another Spirit

    Contributed by Greg Cooper on Dec 28, 2001
    based on 88 ratings


    Title: Having Another Spirit Text: Numbers 13: 27-31/14:23&24 Intro: All of us have heard the story. But here we find 10 men with a bad report, saying that we have wasted our time. We could have stayed in Egypt, but now we can’t go back and the giants that await us is keeping us from going forward. more

  • End Of Year Stuff

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Dec 29, 2001
    based on 46 ratings

    End of year stuff: clean up, shape up, and spruce up.

    END OF YEAR STUFF Romans 13:11-12 INTRO.- End of year stuff. ILL.- A young wife said to her husband, "Don’t forget to bring home another mousetrap." Her husband said, "What’s the matter with the one I bought yesterday?" She said, "IT’S FULL." End of year stuff. Get rid of full mousetraps. No, more

  • The Importance Of Waiting

    Contributed by Kirk Devine on Dec 29, 2001
    based on 145 ratings

    As we head into the new year, we need to make we’re heading the direction that God would have us to go.

    THE IMPORTANCE OF WAITING GENESIS (15:1-6) 16:1-4 As I continue to grow in not only in the spiritual realm, but also in the natural, I have discovered that we live in a microwave society… We live in a day and age where we are used to and accustomed to having things right here and now… (When our more

  • "Learn Your Lessons When It Comes To Christian Living”

    Contributed by Daniel Schroeder on Dec 29, 2001
    based on 223 ratings

    History helps us to not repeat the same mistakes. We have learned dozens of lessons after watching others make mistakes. Why should day-to-day Christian living be any different? Paul teaches us about Christian living by using history and God’s promises.

    “Learn Your Lessons When It Comes To Christian Living” I. Listen to warnings written in Israel’s history (1-12) II. Look to the Lord to get you out of temptation (13) Dear Friends in Christ, My car has a yellow light that turns on when the gas in my gas tank level gets down low. With another more

  • God's Recipe For A Revival

    Contributed by Shawn Drake on Jan 4, 2002
    based on 285 ratings

    This is a sermon that challenges the church to seek revival and shows us how to do that.

    Sunday Morning January 23, 2000 Bel Aire Baptist Church, Hobbs NM GOD’S RECIPE FOR A REVIVAL 2 CHRONICLES 7:14 Introduction: 1. As we stop for a moment, I would like us to reflect upon what God has done here at Bel Aire Baptist Church since the church was organized. 2. The church was more

  • The Party's Over!

    Contributed by Steve Shepherd on Jan 5, 2002
    based on 71 ratings

    When the party is over, the work begins!

    THE PARTY’S OVER! INTRO.- What party? It might have been that New Year’s eve party. Did you have one? If so, what did you do? Eat food? Play games? Watch TV? Watch some movies? Laugh? Talk? Enjoy one another’s company? I hope that whatever you did, you enjoyed yourself. God does provides us more

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