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  • The Rightness Of Divine Self-Promotion Series

    Contributed by David Owens on Nov 1, 2021

    While it is wrong and inappropriate for us to make it all about us and to devote our lives to self-promotion, it is altogether right and good to make it all about God and for God to be engaged in divine self-promotion.

    A. One day a little boy was overheard talking to himself as he strutted on to the baseball diamond wearing his baseball cap and toting a ball and bat, “I’m the greatest hitter in the world,” he announced. 1. Then, he tossed the ball into the air, swung at it, and missed. 2. “Strike One!” he more

  • Divine Joy Or Just Happiness

    Contributed by Lorraine Greeff on Dec 4, 2021

    Understanding that not all people are happy in their lives but in the sense of knowing that even in that time there is a joy that comes from within

    Divine Joy or just happiness: Happiness is the feeling you get when things are going well; it’s based on your circumstances. Joy, on the other hand, is a deep sense of pleasure, delight, gladness, and well-being that is independent of circumstance. Joy flows from a deeply rooted conviction that not more

  • Jesus Defends His Divinity

    Contributed by Donald Whitchard on Jan 27, 2022

    Shortly after Jesus healed the crippled man at the pool of Bethsaida (John 5:1-15), He was confronted by the religious officials who wanted Him dead for saying that God was His Father, making Himself equal withe God. Jesus responded with facts to back up His claim.

    If there was an apt description of the attitude of the Pharisees towards the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ (John 5:18), it is this, "There are none so blind as those who will not see". All throughout this account of the Lord's life and work and in the other Gospels as more

  • Jesus Is Our Divine Deliverer! Series

    Contributed by Rick Crandall on Aug 18, 2021

    Here God gives us some important lessons... 1. About demonic spirits (vs. 1-10). 2. About our divine Savior (vs. 8-13). 3. About deceived sinners (vs. 14-17). 4. About the delivered saint (vs. 18-20).

    Jesus Is Our Divine Deliverer! The Gospel of Matthew Matthew 8:28-34, Mark 5:1-20, Luke 8:26-39 Sermon by Rick Crandall (Prepared August 18, 2021) BACKGROUND: *Today we are going to look at one of the most drastic and devastating examples of demon possession found in the Bible. Thankfully, it is more

  • Divine Dialogue -- Perspective On Prayer Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 9, 2018

    First in a series on Prayer dealing with a proper perspective of prayer.

    “Divine Dialogue” Part One Prayer is one of the most talked about topics in the Bible. It is also one of the most misunderstood and mysterious topics of the Bible. Prayer is probably the least practiced discipline among God-followers. At its simplest level, prayer is talking with God rather than more

  • Divine Dialogue -- Purpose Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Second in prayer series dealing with the purpose of Prayer

    “Divine Dialogue” Part Two I. PERSEPCTIVE ON PRAYER -- What is it? A. PRAYER MISUNDERSTOOD & MISUSED B. PRAYER PROPERLY UNDERSTOOD As we have emphasized, prayer is simply humble conversation with God both as Sovereign King and Loving Father. Prayer is honest expression of our heart to God’s more

  • Divine Dialoge -- Postures Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 9, 2018

    Sixth in a series on prayer dealing with the various postures of prayer

    “Divine Dialogue” Pt 6 Postures and Passion of Prayer We have covered significant territory regarding the subject of prayer in five weeks of messages. I have tried to answer some common questions regarding prayer from both descriptive passages (examples of others) of the Bible as well as more

  • Divine Dialogue -- The Disciple's Prayer Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 9, 2018

    Seventh in a prayer Series dealing with some of the pattern of prayer we have in the Disciple's Prayer.

    “Divine Dialogue” Pt 7 Patterns of Prayer – The Disciples Prayer I. PERSPECTIVE ON PRAYER -- What is prayer? II. PURPOSE OF PRAYER – Why Pray? III. PREREQUISITES FOR PRAYER – Who can pray? IV. PROMISES REGARDING PRAYER – What does God promise to do? V. PURPOSES FOR UNANSERED PRAYER – Why doesn’t more

  • Divine Dialogue -- Patterns Of Prayer Series

    Contributed by David Welch on Apr 9, 2018
    based on 1 rating

    Last message in a series on prayer suggesting various patterns to aid in our prayer time.

    “Divine Dialogue” Pt 9 More Patterns of Prayer I. PERSPECTIVE ON PRAYER -- What is prayer? II. PURPOSE OF PRAYER – Why Pray? III. PREREQUISITES FOR PRAYER – Who can pray? IV. PROMISES REGARDING PRAYER – What does God promise to do? V. PURPOSES FOR UNANSERED PRAYER – Why doesn’t God more

  • Anointed Ruler, Divine King

    Contributed by Christopher Holdsworth on Jun 15, 2017
    based on 4 ratings

    The Old Testament expectation was inclining towards the coming of the warrior king. Instead, He appeared as the man on the donkey.

    ANOINTED RULER, DIVINE KING. Zechariah 9:9-12. In a series of visions, Zechariah reached beyond the needs of his own time to the coming of Jesus. In Zechariah 9:1, the eyes of men, and all Israel, were looking towards the return of the LORD to His city and Temple. The departure was foretold by more

  • God And His Divine Promises

    Contributed by Dr.w.samuel Legon on Feb 5, 2017

    What God can and will do.

    GOD AND HIS DIVINE PROMISES GOD CAN NEVER BREAK HIS PROMISES TO MAN KIND . Unfailing. 1st Kings 8: 55 And he stood, and blessed all the congregation of Israel with a loud voice, saying, 56 Blessed be the LORD, more

  • Returning To The Original Divine Intention Series

    Contributed by W Pat Cunningham on Sep 17, 2016

    To be at the wedding banquet, properly attired, is our destiny and joy.

    19th Sunday After Pentecost 2016 Extraordinary Form Years ago, when I first read this parable, it sounded rather fabulous, an invention of the Lord’s fertile imagination. But a dispassionate reading of history, and even the local news, tells us that St. Matthew’s story is merely a more

  • Seeing Interruptions As Divine Appointments

    Contributed by John Selert on Feb 22, 2019

    Look at the passage through the lens of a Wounded Healer/ Agent of Reconciliation.

    Kairos Community Church Message Notes: Seeing Interruptions As Divine Appointments February 17, 2019 John H. Selert “No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.” – C.S. Lewis 18 While he was saying this, a synagogue leader came and knelt before him and said, “My daughter has just died. But more

  • Wisdom Of God : A Divine Balance Series

    Contributed by Samuel M on Jul 6, 2023

    King Solomon might be the busiest man on earth. But, with God’s wisdom, King Solomon handled his many responsibilities in such a way that there was no busyness in his life and he had plenty of free time to accomplish additional tasks.

    With God’s wisdom, King Solomon ruled over Israel and many other nations all the way up to the border the Egypt. King Solomon ruled over numerous rulers, many kingdoms, lakhs of people and had 700 wives, 300 concubines. On a daily basis, King Solomon might have at least 100 people to handle, 50 more

  • God's Divine Order For Worship

    Contributed by Dr. Jonathan Vorce on Oct 30, 2017

    The early Church walked in Pentecostal power. Church services were powerful and what we call today “Spirit-filled or Full Gospel”. They featured spiritual worship, anointed preaching, teaching, and the supernatural gifts of Holy Spirit.

    1 Corinthians 14:26 How is it then, brethren? when ye come together, every one of you hath a psalm, hath a doctrine, hath a tongue, hath a revelation, hath an interpretation. Let all things be done unto edifying. INTRODUCTION • The early Church walked in Pentecostal power. Church services were more

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